TMI: I haven't "gone" in a week, please help!

[TMI Warning]

I'm about to cry, for real. When I say "gone" or "go" I mean #2 obviously. Yesterday I sat on the toilet at home for 45 minutes. I had to put two books in the bathroom eventually. If we had room for a TV in there, I'd totally do it. My legs even fell asleep! I was sweating. I almost cried. I pushed, wiggled, rocked, you name it. It sounded like I was giving birth! After all that, I basically let out a teeny tiny pebble and that was IT. I was so disappointed. The distressing this is, I have eaten HUGE meals in the last week, even fast food, and NADA! Where the f**k is it all going?! Am I actually storing it all? I used to go once or twice a day, and I could at least count on ONCE.

I'm not even kidding, either. I have not gone in six days. Last time was Tuesday morning last week. I remember it exactly. Sometimes I feel like I have to go, but as soon as I try, nothing happens. I get the cramping/bloating feeling, and still nothing. I really just need a HUGE relief... I need to be emptied. DH thinks that my being "backed up" is contributing to my nausea as well (these systems are all connected he said).

I don't really know what to take. I started taking 4g of fish oil but that hasn't helped. I drink 2 liters of water a day. I am mindful of my posture. I am afraid that if I take stool softeners or laxatives, I will just explode from being so backed up! And knowing my luck, I will explode at work or on the Metro . I am worried about ending up like Paul Finch in American Pie (they put a laxative in his coffee and then he RUNS to the bathroom and explodes). I really don't want that to happen to me -- at work! Or worse, somewhere there's no bathroom.

This is so frustrating. Has anyone else experienced it this bad?? What did you do?? Help me, please .
OP here: I forgot to mention, I am only 7w1d!
Sounds awful.

Call your doc ASAP and I bet they can prescribe something to help you.
Are you taking a pre-natal vitamin, does it have iron. If yes, stop immediately and call your OB, ask them to prescribe something that either has no iron or also has a stool softener. In the meantime try an OTC stool softener.

Good Luck

OP here: I guess I should ask this, then: Has anyone taken a stool softener or laxative and been able to just go normally? What I am afraid of is an EXTREME reaction to one of these OTC meds. I am worried that it will trigger something explosive and uncontrollable since I've been backed up for a week. So has anyone taken either of these things and then was just able to go normally, without being completely FLUSHED instantly in an extreme way? I don't want to take it and then find out that it basically expels everything from me in one giant "movement." Ugh.
OP here: I've been taking my prenatal vitamin (the same one) for two years and have never experienced anything like this before. If it was the iron in the vitamin, this would have been a problem before now. It's definitely the pregnancy. Nothing else has changed, not even my diet (other than the fact that I am drinking way more water, which should help if anything).
Had a similar problem. Was told that it's fairly common in early pregnancy, as your system is adjusting to new functions and hormone levels, etc. Keep drinking tons of water and eating tons of fiber. I also strongly urge a stool softener, rather than an out and out laxative. Helped for me.
My OB suggested Colace. Regular Colace not the other one (not sure what that is). You take it in multi-pill form so you can control how much or how quickly you take it. You can take one pill an hour every hour, for example, or a single dose (maybe up to 7 pills?) at once. She said it would be gentle and it was.

That said, you surely should talk to your doctor. I'm afraid you may have reached the enema stage.
OP here: An enema? Oh no! I will try the colace and also call my OB. I don't want to need any kind of procedure. That's scary. I read "Belly Laughs" and she mentioned something about this, and she had to go to a special doctor. I really want to avoid that.
I don't think you are supposed to take laxatives in pregnancy anyway but you can take a stool sotender. My prenatal vitamin has one included in it (low does I'd assume because it is safe to take daily). Anyway, stool softener won't make you explode, it will just soften it, which at this point you are really going to need. Your colon is packed so tightly right now that when you do go it is going to be problematic if you are not taking a stool softener. As far as actually going, are you getting enough fiber? Try eating prunes--that helps me a lot. And apples with the skin on.
What are you eating? Less refined carbs--pasta plugs me up--and more whole grains/leafy greens/fruits/cabbage/hot soups. If you're not eating like this, you may want to start integrating these foods into your diet to keep things normal throughout the pregnancy. I'm 35 weeks and it feels like I've been preggers forever!! In the rare times I do have a hard time going since pregnancy, I take some physillium husk--very gentle, great source of healthy fiber. Can find at any health food store, whole foods, etc. Stir it in some water, tastes fine!
Also, relax. I've found in the past that stress contributes big time. Also, you may not be as hydrated as you think. Keep drinking water--mix it up with selzter, etc. Keep drinking, and sitting up right. Squats are also excellent for elimination. Try it!!
Good luck!!
Get a stool softener, not a laxative. If you have questions about the difference, ask a pharmacist. Colace is a great option.

Also - I found it helpful to start eating 1-2 fiber one bars every day during pregnancy. They are filling and they make you go like clockwork. They do make you a bit gassy though . . . so fair warning on that.

Before you go the enema route, you might want to try a glycerine suppository. It basically just lubricates your insides so the poo slips right out (gross, but that is how it works).

Get a stool softener to manage this immediate problem. Then start eating high fiber cereal 2 times a day. Get SERIOUS about fiber. It will help, usually in a few hours.
When I would get absolutely desperate (like you're sounding)- I would have a cup of coffee. I figured that 1 cup isn't so bad, and it would definitely "get things moving"! Good luck!
Whatever you do, OP, you need to get this addressed so that you don't put yourself at risk for hemorrhoids or exacerbating hemorrhoids.

I know you don't want to have an emergency bathroom situation but that might be better than starting a months-long process of pain.
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