TMI: I haven't "gone" in a week, please help!

still call bullshit
OP, please tell me you are in the habit of weighing yourself every morning. I'd love to hear how much weight you pooped out!!
OP, you might want to wear a pull-up tomorrow just in case your am meetings run a little long.
i still call bullshit too. do you people really think someone would talk about buying dog food? she's trying a little too hard. i say "she" but i'm actually not even convinced it's not a guy. not very many women i know would get off on a whole post about shit.
if that was a fake post, she certainly did her research. her poop details were right on.

OP, I'm on your side here. In addition to all of your fiber and water, PLEASE continue to take the colace. It's very easy to get re-constipated after something like that because your colon is a bit stretched out and won't signal your body to go at a reasonable time. The colace will help things along. I usually take it religiously from conception until about 2 months post partum.
Totally written by a guy!
she starts out with a HUGE tmi alert about something very benign and then proceeds with the last post? please. . .
Don't ruin it for me. Really, that was the best entertainment I've had in awhile.
Agree that this was written by a guy...

But still very funny.
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