TMI: I haven't "gone" in a week, please help!

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Op, even though I think you're setting yourself up for a really bad situation at work (I envision you running down the hall with poo literally pouring out of your ass), I would like to point out that in some respects, the office bathroom is a better place to do this than at home...

Most office buildings have super-flush toilets that send the arctic sea down after your crap through industrial-sized pipes. OP is much less likely to clog the work toilet - and she's virtually guaranteed to clog her home one.

No doubt! After just three dys of not pooping, I clogged my toilet at home. Plunger would not do the trick and my husband had to snake it which is terribly humiliating! Good point onthe industrial toilets!

Good luck, OP!

Frequent, during-the-action flushes are required in such a situation in order to avoid clogging the toilet (home or office).
Frequent, during-the-action flushes are required in such a situation in order to avoid clogging the toilet (home or office).

But what if it comes out too fast too furious for you to reach around for the handle???
Anonymous wrote:
Frequent, during-the-action flushes are required in such a situation in order to avoid clogging the toilet (home or office).

But what if it comes out too fast too furious for you to reach around for the handle???

Fast and furious probably means mostly liquid. Solid, toliet-clogging poo can only move so fast! I've gone for the frequent mid-poo flushes on occasion myself. Constipation's a bitch. Sorry OP!
OP- Really hope your 3 pm meeting is near a bathroom. Don't monkey around if you feel the slightest rumble. I shat IN MY CHAIR in grad school because I relied on the same "math" that you did and thought I could make it back to my apt. There was no stopping it.

I almost transferred. My future husband was in that class, and we often joke that if he still wanted to go out with me after that, it was meant to be. Strangely, I have NEVER been constipated with this baby, but I feel your pain.
OP, if you're relying on the label to tell you how long it will take the laxative to be effective, I sure hope you have a change of clothes, great cleaning products at the office, and very understanding co-workers. Laxatives can be effective VERY QUICKLY, take 12 hours, or work somewhere in between when you least expect it.
LMAO. Tears streaming down my face.

I had terrible constipation problems with both pregnancies. I clog toilets on a good day. DH told me we couldn't have a third unless I replaced one of our toilets with an industrial strength wide mouth. He was only a tiny bit joking.

OP, sounds like you already took the laxative. Sadly, if the old stuff is still clogging the pipe, so to speak, when the laxative kicks in, things are going to get MESSY. I think it's called encopress, but basically the liquid stuff leaks out around the harder stuff. You probably want to take that suppository sooner rather than later. And not at the office. (I had to do an enema. While it helped almost immediately, there was some screaming involved on my part. And I'm not really a wimp when it comes to painful pooping.)

Best of luck to you.
13:50: to clarify, I'm guessing it was the rock-hard poop that caused your screaming, not the enema - which is just liquid - right?
13:50 here. Yes, LARGE rock hard poop caused the screaming. And pain. Some things are just not meant to be stretched in that way.
OP, whatever you do, DO NOT try to relieve some of the pressure by letting a little fart out. It won't be just gas... not today, my friend. Not today.
Hey, OP usually checks in frequently and she has now been absent for a bit. Anyone else thinks she's on the throan right this minute! Anyone make the unfortunate discovery that OP is actually a co-worker?
14:15 and 14:20 - ouch, you're making my sides hurt, I'm laughing so hard!

(ooh, sorry OP, I shouldn't have said "hard" - that's probably painful for you to read. oops, I said "painful". sorry again.)
Anonymous wrote:OP Here: I hope I can update you all really soon, too. I just got hit by a really strong wave of nausea.

This was her last post at 11:41! OMG she's totally riding the lightening right now.
OP!!! Come on, inquiring minds want to know!!! And please know that all this joking is not meant to be at your expense. We all hope you can laugh at all of this once you finally get the relief you so need!!
Is anyone else excited to some day tell their unborn child how, while pregnant, you found this great site to get advice from all these other expectant moms and got so addicted that you once spent a good three days tracking the constipation of one very unfortunate pregnant chick???
You know, in college, my husband had a roommate who was constipated and was so impressed by the size of his poo when he finally went, he saved it in a jar and charged admission to see it.

Just imagine, OP, if you were in college, you could make money off of this!!
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