Am I just weird, or does this sound bother you as much as it does me.....

I hatehatehate sniffling. My DH is lucky I haven't stabbed him in the head with a spork yet. Ugh.

ALso--coffee or tea slurping. Just fucking drink it!!! If it's too hot, wait. No need to slurp it and go 'aaaahhhhh'after. All.through.every.meeting.

I want you to DIE, meeting coffee slurper.
styrofoam egg carton against brown paper grocery bag. shudder
Not weird.

I hate hearing someone swallow hard.

I can't tolerate loud voices. I am constantly telling DS and DH to stop taking so loud. Don't even get me started on the rowdy teens riding Metro.

The sound of Styrofoam makes me shudder.

I don't like touching soft or cold things.

I have a problem with certain textures on my mouth (applesauce, oatmeal, grits, pudding, cum).

I don't like silverware scraping plates.

I don't like shoes that make noise when you walk.

I don't like the feeling of walking on snow.

Damn....I need therapy.
cannot touch paper grocery bags or cardboard boxes. ive got chills just thinking about it
I'm there with you. You are not alone. Sniffles....*shudder
It doesn't bother me but I do wish people would go to the restroom/bathroom to blow their noses. The sound of all that stuff coming out of their nose really grosses me out. Double grossed out by checking the tissue to see what came out. Triple grossed out when they don't get it all off their nose.
I've got misophonia and working in an open plan office is a constant character building experience. My neighbor likes snacks like celery and raw carrots, and my other neighbor snaps gum all day.
Anonymous wrote:Loud talking. Gum popping. Popcorn/chip eating. Those are my big ones. Sniffing, coughing, etc. don't bother me.

I was about to +1 this. Then I saw the date on the thread and realized I probably wrote it. Maybe time to quit DCUM.
U have gf sniffs all d time and I dont know how I can live with that. It drives me up the wall
Anonymous wrote:I hate it too. A guy at work was doing this in a meeting and I wanted to say, "um, are you 12? get an f'ing kleenex and blow your nose." And I do have pretty bad foliage allergies in spring/fall.

It's not just you, OP.

I am guessing your allergies are mild. My kid has severe allergies. He takes 4 medications a day for the nasal congestion (not including asthma meds). If he got up to blow his nose in a business meeting, the snot would be back by the time he made it to his seat. So, leaving every timeis not really a realistic solution.

I hate the sound to, but I don't scream at people or indulge violent fantasies towards them. I figure that the constant feeling of snot in your throat must be worse.
The sniffling sound bothers me, too. I just want the person to blow their nose and get it over with.

The noise the really sets me on edge though is cracking knuckles. I have a student with SN who does this maybe every 5 minutes as his tic. It's going to be a long school year.
Anonymous wrote:So imagine this - I'm in a conference room with several colleagues, and we're all on a conference call. I am battling insane allergies and I am miserable. The call is very important, I'm talking a lot, and also taking a lot of notes, so leaving the room is not really an option.

I'm getting bad post-nasal drip. I'm getting more and more stuffed up, can feel my breathing becoming labored, and the tickle in my throat is making me cough and making my eyes water.

Is it okay with you if I sniffle/clear throat/clear nasal passages now? Or should I just pass out due to loss of oxygen??

Oh for heaven's sake, she's not saying she doesn't understand why people ever have to sniff. She's just saying it drives her crazy. I'm sure she'd prefer not to be bothered by it.
I can't stand the sound of people eating food with their mouths open. Drives me up the wall.
Also, the sound of utensils scraping every last drop or crumb out of a bowl or plate - gah!! Like nails on a chalkboard to me.
Ugh I am dreading fall and the snifflers now.
And why do we have to have misophonia? Why is it on us. Obviously the ones making the gross sounds have grossophonia, and should cut it out.
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