If you are a SAHM or SAHD, how much money does your spouse make?

DH makes $72K and I make some income, maybe $15K, from a few consulting gigs now and then. We own a house near the metro in SS. We have one child, age 4. We don't need a thing and we are saving for retirement and a little each month for college savings. We drive an old Honda, don't eat out much, and don't get cable TV. Life is good.
Anonymous wrote:I just did the math the other day and figured out we COULD keep up our savings and current bills (including Roths, life insurance and 529 savings) and such if I SAH on DH's salary of $90K. But I also enjoy working PT and think I would be a horrid SAHM.
This is OT, but I'm genuinely curious: what job do you have that pays 800k but Target clothing is acceptable attire? Usually highly paid professionals are expected to "look the part," even if/when they're the boss.
Wow. DH makes $250-300k... I didnt think that was enough $$ for me to SAHM and we decided to max out everything until kid #2 arrives.

All you frugalistas: I am awe of you! <bowing>
PP here that does NOT plan on saving for kid's education fund. I had a free ride at school, but chose to get lots of scholarships to pay for the majority of my education therefore lessening the burden for my parents (which wasn't actually a burden for their relatively high income). We will provide help for our kids, but we will not pay every dime for each of our three kids. We expect them to work hard, gain scholarships and yes, get a loan. We have made sacrifices for me to stay home so we keep all three out of some crappy daycare. We will once again have enough money to save more, but we will never be a very high income family. Not everyone around here is.

Just wanted to chime in as the parent of college aged kids. You are doing the right thing. My children have never seen the inside of a daycare center. When the kids were younger, I did worry about college. Now that I have two in college, I realize how silly those concerns were. They had no trouble at all getting scholarships. They were not straight A students nor star athletes. Both got into the colleges of their choice on scholarships. We have another leaving for college next year. She has been offered a full ride at three colleges.

Your children are very fortunate. Young children don't care about college, expensive homes, cars, or vacations. You are focused on the really important stuff. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Anonymous wrote:
Just wanted to chime in as the parent of college aged kids. You are doing the right thing. My children have never seen the inside of a daycare center. When the kids were younger, I did worry about college. Now that I have two in college, I realize how silly those concerns were. They had no trouble at all getting scholarships. They were not straight A students nor star athletes. Both got into the colleges of their choice on scholarships. We have another leaving for college next year. She has been offered a full ride at three colleges.

Your children are very fortunate. Young children don't care about college, expensive homes, cars, or vacations. You are focused on the really important stuff. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

I also had scholarships to my prestigious, private university but they did not cover all of the expenses. My parents had not saved for my college education so I was stuck w/ tons of student loans. This is now the reason that I have minimal flexibility as an adult. You really are *not* doing your kids a favor. Stop being delusional.
DH makes $250k - $500K depending on success of year. DS in elem. school. I work full-time, always have. Never contemplated SAH. That is just me. I enjoy working. Like the challenge. Like the friends and contacts I've made and kept over the years. I am frugal (older Honda, not the newest purses, clothing, etc.) DH likes to spend $$ on new expensive cars, great house and the like. This works for us.
Anonymous wrote:
PP here that does NOT plan on saving for kid's education fund. I had a free ride at school, but chose to get lots of scholarships to pay for the majority of my education therefore lessening the burden for my parents (which wasn't actually a burden for their relatively high income). We will provide help for our kids, but we will not pay every dime for each of our three kids. We expect them to work hard, gain scholarships and yes, get a loan. We have made sacrifices for me to stay home so we keep all three out of some crappy daycare. We will once again have enough money to save more, but we will never be a very high income family. Not everyone around here is.

Just wanted to chime in as the parent of college aged kids. You are doing the right thing. My children have never seen the inside of a daycare center. When the kids were younger, I did worry about college. Now that I have two in college, I realize how silly those concerns were. They had no trouble at all getting scholarships. They were not straight A students nor star athletes. Both got into the colleges of their choice on scholarships. We have another leaving for college next year. She has been offered a full ride at three colleges.

Your children are very fortunate. Young children don't care about college, expensive homes, cars, or vacations. You are focused on the really important stuff. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Psst...except that the kids go to college and mama is left with no career.
Anonymous wrote:DH makes 53K base with probably about another 2-7K in overtime from last year. We own a townhouse in Fairfax and will soon have three kids. We make it work and do not feel like we do not get to do the things we want.

PP, what do you do for week vacations on that kind of budget? We usually visit family out West but we are trying to save money for house renovations this year. I am trying to come up with ideas that we haven't already tried or don't involve camping (which I like but I'm not quite ready for that with 2 and 4 year olds). Family visits not an option.
Anonymous wrote:We have inherited wealth, and a nice large inherited home. We will never have to worry about finances and could retire whenever. We are in our early 30's. DH makes around 65k.

Good for you! That totally rocks.
Anonymous wrote:http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/video/2010/12/20/VI2010122004619.html

omg. what lazy women. "What job are they gonna give me?" how about go earn a job? try working? ugh, discusting!
I am shocked to learn that you could SAH w/ spouse making less than $130k/yr! Our HHI is $180k/yr and we both work- WHAT ARE WE DOING WROIKNG? After paying daycare, mortgage, putting away savings, 501k , food, etc. there isn't much left over. Does anyone have a good budgeting tool? I tired mint.com but lately it's been going stir crazy and adds imaginary transations that has messed it all up
We have a pretty high HHI, but don't live lavishly and save like mad (even with 2 private school tuitions). I don't need or have fancy cars or clothes, but I would really miss traveling if we had to cut back. Especially now that our kids are older, we really cherish traveling to interesting places with them. Even our kids agree that the experiences we have traveling as a family last a lot longer than whatever trendy toy they think they want for Christmas.
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