If you are a SAHM or SAHD, how much money does your spouse make?

We just moved into a SFH in the Woodson pyramid. My husband makes just over $100k.
DH makes about 65K. We live in the Petworth area of DC. We live cheaply, but I feel we live well. 2 kids.
180k including bonus, but we live in loudoun and Dh works in Reston (20 minutes away.) We save for college and retiremen, take nice trips and do not have credit card debt. The kids wear new clothes but from old navy not nordstrom and we drive hondas not bmws.
I wahm now but I have periodically sahm'd and Dh makes 375K before taxes. And we live pretty frugally by DC standards, meaning we don't personally have a summer house (but parents do) and don't do Aspen every winter or Vineyard/Nantucket every summer.

*feel free to vomit a little and then swallow.*
$240k and we live in the area you described, pretty comfortably though.
DH makes 53K base with probably about another 2-7K in overtime from last year. We own a townhouse in Fairfax and will soon have three kids. We make it work and do not feel like we do not get to do the things we want.
190K Base bur with bonus closer to 300K. Our goal is to pay off our second mortgage/heloc with bonus money and get our 1 mortgage down to 350k. We live in Bethesda.
DH makes $105,000. We have one child and rent a townhouse in the North Bethesda area.
We have inherited wealth, and a nice large inherited home. We will never have to worry about finances and could retire whenever. We are in our early 30's. DH makes around 65k.
we live in the N. Falls Church part of Fairfax, McLean schools. My DH makes about $130,00 with overtime.
I think the pattern is - you can SAH on less than 100K if you rent and live super frugally. If you want to buy in that area you need two good incomes. We both work and have a combined income of 180K. We live close-in and have a nanny. But, we barely save anything and currently take no vacations. Once the kids are older and in school, we'll have time fOr both.
Anonymous wrote:I think the pattern is - you can SAH on less than 100K if you rent and live super frugally. If you want to buy in that area you need two good incomes. We both work and have a combined income of 180K. We live close-in and have a nanny. But, we barely save anything and currently take no vacations. Once the kids are older and in school, we'll have time fOr both.

This is exactly me and my DH (right down to HHI). I WAH, but still need to have care during the workday, which eats $$. We do currently max out retirement, but that's by living lean (no cable, eat in, pack lunches, etc).

But, I figure the sacrifices are worth it because as soon as the kids are in school, the two incomes will allow us to save more for their college. I'd love to SAHM, but that's the sad reality for us!
Anonymous wrote:Sadly 90K inside the beltway (or outside the beltway for that matter) for a family of three is incredibly tight.

We live in DC and make a bit more than that combined, and we pay daycare costs. We don't have an extravagant lifestyle, obviously, but it's not that hard if you live within your means.
Sometimes it makes more financial sense to be a SAHM. As a teacher, I would barely make enough money to cover the cost of daycare for my DC. We are happy living on around $100,000 with one child.
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