Am I too old for this length shorts?

Muffin tops should be outlawed. Yuck. If you need to ask if you are "too old" for something, youoprobably are. Have you ever been to Florida? Yikes!
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:I stopped wearing shorts of any length a few years ago. I'm 36 now, but I'm bigger -size 14 - so clearly nobody would want to see me in shorts. But aside from my size, I don't actually have very many occasions where shorts seem appropriate anymore, especially now that capris are available. Or, maybe I'm just deluding myself because I can't wear shorts.

You're not deluding yourself- shorts are for backyard BBQs, tourists snapping photos of escalators, and little else. I agree that for adult women, capris are a better option for anything that involves urban public places.

Are you kidding? You sound very conservative and prudish. I agree that it's not so fashionable to wander around the city in shorts, but there are a lot of informal occasions where shorts would be perfectly acceptable. I'm sure they look better than the ankle length skirts it sounds like you might prefer.

No- the issue in this case isn't exposing legs, but avoiding looking overly casual, unsophisticated, and oblivious to developments in fashion. A light skirt the same length would have a very different effect. I'm searching for examples other than BBQs and bumpkins, but not thinking of any further "informal occasions where shorts would be perfectly acceptable". I do think this is an urban/ suburban taste issue, with most of NWDC unfortunately following the suburban model. If you're living in a walkable city, any "informal occasion" requires "wandering around the city" to get there.

By the way, some fashion labels do seem to be including long skirts this season. It has been almost 10 years since I've worn one, and naturally, I'm now 10 years older and reluctant to risk the fading hippy look by wearing one. Let's see if the trend holds until autumn, then maybe with tall boots if other women my age take it up.
" No- the issue in this case isn't exposing legs, but avoiding looking overly casual, unsophisticated, and oblivious to developments in fashion."

Oblivious to developments in fashion? There are quite a few shorts alternatives out there in all of the stores and magazines. So, you sound like the oblivious one. Not to mention a first-class B#$%.

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The shorts are totally cute. They are casual, yes, so wear them to a casual event with a nice blouse and some flats. You can be casual and sophisticated at the same time.
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:I stopped wearing shorts of any length a few years ago. I'm 36 now, but I'm bigger -size 14 - so clearly nobody would want to see me in shorts. But aside from my size, I don't actually have very many occasions where shorts seem appropriate anymore, especially now that capris are available. Or, maybe I'm just deluding myself because I can't wear shorts.

You're not deluding yourself- shorts are for backyard BBQs, tourists snapping photos of escalators, and little else. I agree that for adult women, capris are a better option for anything that involves urban public places.

Are you kidding? You sound very conservative and prudish. I agree that it's not so fashionable to wander around the city in shorts, but there are a lot of informal occasions where shorts would be perfectly acceptable. I'm sure they look better than the ankle length skirts it sounds like you might prefer.

No- the issue in this case isn't exposing legs, but avoiding looking overly casual, unsophisticated, and oblivious to developments in fashion. A light skirt the same length would have a very different effect. I'm searching for examples other than BBQs and bumpkins, but not thinking of any further "informal occasions where shorts would be perfectly acceptable". I do think this is an urban/ suburban taste issue, with most of NWDC unfortunately following the suburban model. If you're living in a walkable city, any "informal occasion" requires "wandering around the city" to get there.

By the way, some fashion labels do seem to be including long skirts this season. It has been almost 10 years since I've worn one, and naturally, I'm now 10 years older and reluctant to risk the fading hippy look by wearing one. Let's see if the trend holds until autumn, then maybe with tall boots if other women my age take it up.

Agree with this completely.
Personally, I find a knee-length cotton or denim skirt to be more comfortable and flattering than any pair of shorts. Unless I'm gardening or hiking, I pair my t-shirts and sandals with a casual skirt.
I think if you still look good in that length shorts, then wear them.
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