How much will Biden lose by?

Anonymous wrote:
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Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
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Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:I'm a Democratic pollster. Been analyzing polls for the DNC for 7 years now. TBH, we're all worried. Very worried. We know that our polls underreport Trump voters and independents who lean R. Biden's low approval numbers aren't budging and we have no f'ing clue why not. For a while, we thought it was a messaging problem but his numbers just aren't moving as we approach the general.

LOL. If only pollsters would read the polls that show the vast majority of Dems support a ceasefire as of two months ago, so probably higher now. They even broke out Jewish Dems and Muslim Dems and both by a far majority favor a ceasefire.

There was another poll that showed more than 60% of voters do not like the way Biden is handling the conflict.

But, sure carry on with the head scratching.

Everyone supports a ceasefire in the abstract. If you were to ask people do you support Hamas releasing the hostages, I'm pretty sure you'd find near universal agreement there too - except among many of the protesters.

The student protesters with their incoherent demands are a fringe. Yes, they have a real issue, but just like the protesters for Occupy Wall Street and BLM they are marginalizing the very issue they care about. Slogans like "Defund the police" and "From the river to the sea" make it impossible for the mainstream to support the progressive left. By election day, Gaza will be a non-issue for mainstream America. Nothing more than a little background noise.

If your head is buried, a roar sounds like background noise.

I find it interesting how progressives are effectively cheering for a Trump victory. Like being able to say "I told you so" for a day is totally worth four years of misery - not just for women, minorities, the poor, the young, the environment, health care, but for Palestinians in particular. I never thought I'd see the day when the left is cheering for the Jared Kushner solution to the Middle East, but here we are.

It’s people like you who are not listening, and taking people’s votes for granted. I despise minority rule, and have protested it every time the GOP has allowed it. Now, the Dems are doing the very same — at their own risk. If you think I’m cheering, you are sadly mistaken. This is 💯 on Biden and the Dems. If they truly cared about the US Biden would step down. It’s that simple.

Right now this is a race between two massive egos. Trump is one, but Biden is one too. He is only in it to beat Trump again.

There is zero reason the DNC needs to put up Biden. Zero.

Let me get this straight. The progressive solution to the problems in Gaza is for Biden to resign the presidency. And then everything will turn into rainbows and unicorns for the Palestinian people. It's that simple for the left.

Never mind that President Kamala Harris will lose to Trump in nearly all fifty states. The down ballot realities will ensure that Republicans keep the Senate and likely the House too, not to mention most of the competitive State houses. An aggressively right wing pro-Israel cohort of evangelicals and allies of Bezalel Smotrich, the head of the Religious Zionist party, will then dictate US policy toward Israel. And these right wing advisors, who enthusiastically support settlements in the West Bank and the expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza, are what progressives think will bring a just peace and happiness for the Palestinian people. And to this end progressives are willing to send women's rights into the dark ages, destroy the environment, and ensure millions of Americans become ensnared in poverty.

This is the progressive solution. And what all the student protestors are hoping will happen.


If you think Biden is the only solution here, I have no words for you. There are lot of Dems who might handle things differently. Why are people so black and white in thinking? There are other solutions to the war than kill all Palestinians and roll over for terrorists. Lazy, lazy thinking.

You're right about Kamala. Biden effed her over when he put her on border policy. It was the dumbest move ever.

Again, 100% the fault of Biden and co.

If you don't understand that the choice in November is Biden or Trump, then I have no words for you.

If that inane response is all you have to what I expressed then we’re done here.

DP. They what is your solution that doesn’t involve a victory for Trump? Because that’s a non-starter.

NP. Be honest about how bad Biden is or expect many of to dismiss you as an unserious fool.

We have racism, genocide, and run of the mill police state fascism with Biden. You have yet to acknowledge that.

We had all that and worse with Trump. You have to acknowledge that.

Tell me which genocide we supplied with materiel and diplomatic support or STFU.

I don't agree with the use of "genocide" to describe what's happening in Gaza. The term was coined during WW2 to describe what Hitler did to the Jews for the crime of simply existing. What Israel is doing now is a response to an attack that killed hundreds of civilians and took hundreds more hostage.

Cutting off the food and water to a civilian population is genocide, especially when Israeli Ministers regularly use genocidal language for their intent.

That you can’t see it or refuse to see it is entirely a reflection on you.


Just shocking that people cannot understand the extremism in the positions they are taking. This isn’t genocide because people are not being killed just for being? Really?

Are you paying attention? Tens of thousands of people have already been killed just for being.

“And I don’t care that American women will die in childbirth. It’s more important to send a message on foreign policy.”

DP. I feel horrible about the situation in Gaza and have donated to aid organizations like WCK accordingly. I think what is happening there is one of the worst examples of “man’s inhumanity to man”. But realistically, Trump’s policies there would be far worse. And, as a woman who had to terminate a very wanted pregnancy due to the threat it posed to my own life, I am FAR more concerned about the eroding of the rights of women in my own country. Just this week, we’ve had a lawyer for Idaho arguing in front of the SC as to how close to death a pregnant woman should be before emergency care is valid. A not-so-subtle attack on the validity and availability of birth control is underway. Call me selfish, but I’m voting in the best interest of both myself and my 2 DDs, to preserve our access to health- and life-saving care. For 2024, that means voting for Biden.
It amazes me that some of you think a new candidate for the Democrats right now is a winning idea. That should have been put in play last year, not 6 months from the election.

+2 to your general post

And no one really thinks some other mythical Democrat would be better. Those people are Republicans pretending to be Democrats on the internet. There is no other Democrat for this race. An actual Democrat started a thread about that a few months ago and no one could actually come up with someone with national name recognition, widespread interest, etc.

The fact is that the GOP is allied with enemy states and the GOP is enjoying the apparent instability in the world because they think it helps them. I think a lot of people are rightly concerned about Israel’s butchery and the situation that led to that (Netanyahu aided Hamas’s rise), but most women are going to understand what is on the line here in the US, and, as you say, Trump would be a thousand times worse. And America would cease to exist.
I'm the one who posted the article about Professor Lichtmans' predictions.

I agree with him that Biden will win. I think we have two very weak candidates and that the vast majority of the country is not voting for either candidate, but voting against the opposing candidate. We have a classic case of the lesser of two evils. But in this case, I think the last two election cycles in 2022 and 2023 have shown that post-RvW, any election that includes references to abortion on the ticket, the pro-abortion side prevails. State amendments in Kansas and Ohio, gubernatorial election in Kentucky and the state legislature elections in Virginia have all shown that even in deep red states, the abortion issues is salient. Post-election polling has shown that a significant number of people who do not traditionally vote, come out to vote and support the abortion issue. So, why Trump is currently leading in the people who are known and committed to voting, he isn't doing much to bring out the voters that normally do not vote. In 2020, he actually brought out a significant number of highly conservative non-voters and he had a record amount of support, but Biden did the same and still won. In this case, Biden is resonating far greater support from non-voters due to the abortion issue and like in 2022 and 2023, it will likely be the tipping point.

I personally am leaning towards Biden. Why? There are a number of reasons. Starting from treatment of minorities. Trump has been the biggest setback in race, creed and gender relationships since the start of the civil rights movement. Trump's supporters very much want to return to the world of the 1950's when white males held huge privilege and everyone else did not. Trump's rhetoric and his backhanded signals spurred on the Charlottesville and January 6 riots and have encouraged increased violence by predominantly white males against minorities. From mass shootings, to assaults on Asian Americans, to assaults on Jewish Americans and increased violence against Black Americans, Trump has been inspirational to bigots who see no problem is spouting hatred and using violence to back up their hatred. It's sad that in 2024, that we have more violence against minorities than we had 40+ years ago, and that is in large part because Trump encourages his followers to use violence to "enhance" their hatred and bigotry.

Domestically, Trump has also been instrumental in increasing the wealth disparity between the top 1% and the bottom 99%. His signature tax law change provided more and more cuts to corporate taxation while simultaneously providing cuts to public services for the poor and low income. While the middle class stayed stagnant, taxation on the poor and low income increased and taxes for the wealthy and corporations decreased. This has meant that more people have entered the working poor and there is now a bigger gap between C-suite and employee wealth and income. During Trump's administration, there were many more working poor, those people who worked one or two hourly jobs that could not find a way to make ends meet. Under Biden, with the Raise the Wage Act of 2023, lower end workers will have a better chance to be able to be self-sufficient and be able to retain housing and food for their families.

Internationally, Trump weakened the US traditional ties to Europe and our NATO allies, plus democratic friends and allies such as Canada and Japan. Instead, he encouraged better relationships with authoritarian regimes such as Russia, North Korea (!), and then botching up the Iran situation. Trump is highly supportive of authoritarian bullies and will encourage such violence as opposed to fighting for peace. He is also widely ridiculed to most of the leaders of the First World as being unpredictable and unreliable. He thinks of world diplomacy as the Wild Wild West and a shoot 'em out situation.

Trump also set back US Judicial Progress decades. As we know by now, his judicial appointments have overturned a boatload of "established precedent" that will affect the US for decades. The current judicial structure once again favors men and white Americans at the expense of women and minorities and this is not a good thing. With the potential for up to 3 justices that might retire of pass in the next four years, it is important to me that Trump not be the one to select their successors.

Just the tip of the iceburg, but that's a starter for me.
Anonymous wrote:
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Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
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Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:I'm a Democratic pollster. Been analyzing polls for the DNC for 7 years now. TBH, we're all worried. Very worried. We know that our polls underreport Trump voters and independents who lean R. Biden's low approval numbers aren't budging and we have no f'ing clue why not. For a while, we thought it was a messaging problem but his numbers just aren't moving as we approach the general.

LOL. If only pollsters would read the polls that show the vast majority of Dems support a ceasefire as of two months ago, so probably higher now. They even broke out Jewish Dems and Muslim Dems and both by a far majority favor a ceasefire.

There was another poll that showed more than 60% of voters do not like the way Biden is handling the conflict.

But, sure carry on with the head scratching.

Everyone supports a ceasefire in the abstract. If you were to ask people do you support Hamas releasing the hostages, I'm pretty sure you'd find near universal agreement there too - except among many of the protesters.

The student protesters with their incoherent demands are a fringe. Yes, they have a real issue, but just like the protesters for Occupy Wall Street and BLM they are marginalizing the very issue they care about. Slogans like "Defund the police" and "From the river to the sea" make it impossible for the mainstream to support the progressive left. By election day, Gaza will be a non-issue for mainstream America. Nothing more than a little background noise.

If your head is buried, a roar sounds like background noise.

I find it interesting how progressives are effectively cheering for a Trump victory. Like being able to say "I told you so" for a day is totally worth four years of misery - not just for women, minorities, the poor, the young, the environment, health care, but for Palestinians in particular. I never thought I'd see the day when the left is cheering for the Jared Kushner solution to the Middle East, but here we are.

It’s people like you who are not listening, and taking people’s votes for granted. I despise minority rule, and have protested it every time the GOP has allowed it. Now, the Dems are doing the very same — at their own risk. If you think I’m cheering, you are sadly mistaken. This is 💯 on Biden and the Dems. If they truly cared about the US Biden would step down. It’s that simple.

Right now this is a race between two massive egos. Trump is one, but Biden is one too. He is only in it to beat Trump again.

There is zero reason the DNC needs to put up Biden. Zero.

Let me get this straight. The progressive solution to the problems in Gaza is for Biden to resign the presidency. And then everything will turn into rainbows and unicorns for the Palestinian people. It's that simple for the left.

Never mind that President Kamala Harris will lose to Trump in nearly all fifty states. The down ballot realities will ensure that Republicans keep the Senate and likely the House too, not to mention most of the competitive State houses. An aggressively right wing pro-Israel cohort of evangelicals and allies of Bezalel Smotrich, the head of the Religious Zionist party, will then dictate US policy toward Israel. And these right wing advisors, who enthusiastically support settlements in the West Bank and the expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza, are what progressives think will bring a just peace and happiness for the Palestinian people. And to this end progressives are willing to send women's rights into the dark ages, destroy the environment, and ensure millions of Americans become ensnared in poverty.

This is the progressive solution. And what all the student protestors are hoping will happen.


If you think Biden is the only solution here, I have no words for you. There are lot of Dems who might handle things differently. Why are people so black and white in thinking? There are other solutions to the war than kill all Palestinians and roll over for terrorists. Lazy, lazy thinking.

You're right about Kamala. Biden effed her over when he put her on border policy. It was the dumbest move ever.

Again, 100% the fault of Biden and co.

If you don't understand that the choice in November is Biden or Trump, then I have no words for you.

If that inane response is all you have to what I expressed then we’re done here.

DP. They what is your solution that doesn’t involve a victory for Trump? Because that’s a non-starter.

NP. Be honest about how bad Biden is or expect many of to dismiss you as an unserious fool.

We have racism, genocide, and run of the mill police state fascism with Biden. You have yet to acknowledge that.

We had all that and worse with Trump. You have to acknowledge that.

Tell me which genocide we supplied with materiel and diplomatic support or STFU.

I don't agree with the use of "genocide" to describe what's happening in Gaza. The term was coined during WW2 to describe what Hitler did to the Jews for the crime of simply existing. What Israel is doing now is a response to an attack that killed hundreds of civilians and took hundreds more hostage.

Cutting off the food and water to a civilian population is genocide, especially when Israeli Ministers regularly use genocidal language for their intent.

That you can’t see it or refuse to see it is entirely a reflection on you.


Just shocking that people cannot understand the extremism in the positions they are taking. This isn’t genocide because people are not being killed just for being? Really?

Are you paying attention? Tens of thousands of people have already been killed just for being.

“And I don’t care that American women will die in childbirth. It’s more important to send a message on foreign policy.”

DP. I feel horrible about the situation in Gaza and have donated to aid organizations like WCK accordingly. I think what is happening there is one of the worst examples of “man’s inhumanity to man”. But realistically, Trump’s policies there would be far worse. And, as a woman who had to terminate a very wanted pregnancy due to the threat it posed to my own life, I am FAR more concerned about the eroding of the rights of women in my own country. Just this week, we’ve had a lawyer for Idaho arguing in front of the SC as to how close to death a pregnant woman should be before emergency care is valid. A not-so-subtle attack on the validity and availability of birth control is underway. Call me selfish, but I’m voting in the best interest of both myself and my 2 DDs, to preserve our access to health- and life-saving care. For 2024, that means voting for Biden.
It amazes me that some of you think a new candidate for the Democrats right now is a winning idea. That should have been put in play last year, not 6 months from the election.

+2 to your general post

And no one really thinks some other mythical Democrat would be better. Those people are Republicans pretending to be Democrats on the internet. There is no other Democrat for this race. An actual Democrat started a thread about that a few months ago and no one could actually come up with someone with national name recognition, widespread interest, etc.

The fact is that the GOP is allied with enemy states and the GOP is enjoying the apparent instability in the world because they think it helps them. I think a lot of people are rightly concerned about Israel’s butchery and the situation that led to that (Netanyahu aided Hamas’s rise), but most women are going to understand what is on the line here in the US, and, as you say, Trump would be a thousand times worse. And America would cease to exist.

If two very unpopular 80 year old people are truly the best candidates the RNC and DNC can convince to run on their tickets, they need to close shop after the 2024 election like any other failing private entities would have to do. Oh but they won't. They'll just ask for more money to piss away
Anonymous wrote:
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Anonymous wrote:
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Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:I'm a Democratic pollster. Been analyzing polls for the DNC for 7 years now. TBH, we're all worried. Very worried. We know that our polls underreport Trump voters and independents who lean R. Biden's low approval numbers aren't budging and we have no f'ing clue why not. For a while, we thought it was a messaging problem but his numbers just aren't moving as we approach the general.

LOL. If only pollsters would read the polls that show the vast majority of Dems support a ceasefire as of two months ago, so probably higher now. They even broke out Jewish Dems and Muslim Dems and both by a far majority favor a ceasefire.

There was another poll that showed more than 60% of voters do not like the way Biden is handling the conflict.

But, sure carry on with the head scratching.

Everyone supports a ceasefire in the abstract. If you were to ask people do you support Hamas releasing the hostages, I'm pretty sure you'd find near universal agreement there too - except among many of the protesters.

The student protesters with their incoherent demands are a fringe. Yes, they have a real issue, but just like the protesters for Occupy Wall Street and BLM they are marginalizing the very issue they care about. Slogans like "Defund the police" and "From the river to the sea" make it impossible for the mainstream to support the progressive left. By election day, Gaza will be a non-issue for mainstream America. Nothing more than a little background noise.

If your head is buried, a roar sounds like background noise.

I find it interesting how progressives are effectively cheering for a Trump victory. Like being able to say "I told you so" for a day is totally worth four years of misery - not just for women, minorities, the poor, the young, the environment, health care, but for Palestinians in particular. I never thought I'd see the day when the left is cheering for the Jared Kushner solution to the Middle East, but here we are.

It’s people like you who are not listening, and taking people’s votes for granted. I despise minority rule, and have protested it every time the GOP has allowed it. Now, the Dems are doing the very same — at their own risk. If you think I’m cheering, you are sadly mistaken. This is 💯 on Biden and the Dems. If they truly cared about the US Biden would step down. It’s that simple.

Right now this is a race between two massive egos. Trump is one, but Biden is one too. He is only in it to beat Trump again.

There is zero reason the DNC needs to put up Biden. Zero.

Let me get this straight. The progressive solution to the problems in Gaza is for Biden to resign the presidency. And then everything will turn into rainbows and unicorns for the Palestinian people. It's that simple for the left.

Never mind that President Kamala Harris will lose to Trump in nearly all fifty states. The down ballot realities will ensure that Republicans keep the Senate and likely the House too, not to mention most of the competitive State houses. An aggressively right wing pro-Israel cohort of evangelicals and allies of Bezalel Smotrich, the head of the Religious Zionist party, will then dictate US policy toward Israel. And these right wing advisors, who enthusiastically support settlements in the West Bank and the expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza, are what progressives think will bring a just peace and happiness for the Palestinian people. And to this end progressives are willing to send women's rights into the dark ages, destroy the environment, and ensure millions of Americans become ensnared in poverty.

This is the progressive solution. And what all the student protestors are hoping will happen.


If you think Biden is the only solution here, I have no words for you. There are lot of Dems who might handle things differently. Why are people so black and white in thinking? There are other solutions to the war than kill all Palestinians and roll over for terrorists. Lazy, lazy thinking.

You're right about Kamala. Biden effed her over when he put her on border policy. It was the dumbest move ever.

Again, 100% the fault of Biden and co.

If you don't understand that the choice in November is Biden or Trump, then I have no words for you.

If that inane response is all you have to what I expressed then we’re done here.

DP. They what is your solution that doesn’t involve a victory for Trump? Because that’s a non-starter.

NP. Be honest about how bad Biden is or expect many of to dismiss you as an unserious fool.

We have racism, genocide, and run of the mill police state fascism with Biden. You have yet to acknowledge that.

We had all that and worse with Trump. You have to acknowledge that.

Tell me which genocide we supplied with materiel and diplomatic support or STFU.

I don't agree with the use of "genocide" to describe what's happening in Gaza. The term was coined during WW2 to describe what Hitler did to the Jews for the crime of simply existing. What Israel is doing now is a response to an attack that killed hundreds of civilians and took hundreds more hostage.

Cutting off the food and water to a civilian population is genocide, especially when Israeli Ministers regularly use genocidal language for their intent.

That you can’t see it or refuse to see it is entirely a reflection on you.


Just shocking that people cannot understand the extremism in the positions they are taking. This isn’t genocide because people are not being killed just for being? Really?

Are you paying attention? Tens of thousands of people have already been killed just for being.

No, they've been killed because Hamas is hiding behind them.

Was Hamas hiding behind the woman and her elderly mother who were committing the sin of walking across a Catholic Church courtyard in Gaza when a sniper shot them dead?

You have nothing to hide behind. The world sees you, and this time, nobody is forgetting who you are, what you stand for, and your tether to pure evil.

I don't know where Hamas was hiding, and neither do you. Hamas knew full well where to find the Israeli military yet they attacked a music festival.

Pick a lane.

EITHER Hamas was hiding behind innocent men, women, and children OR you don’t know where they are hiding at all. Your words, not mine.

Really? So really you just consume and regurgitate the Israeli propaganda to justify killing innocent civilians. The solution to uncertainty is to indiscriminately bomb and strafe a blockaded land, killing tens of thousands of innocent people in the process?

As for the festival attack, it’s obvious that the Hamas attacks were based on convenience. I’m sure they would have preferred to commit those atrocities on more IDF personnel in those moments. Otherwise, it’s silly to suggest that they should have marched right up to an IDF tank and started throwing hands at the steel like idiots. Attacks should involve strategy, right? Who attacks head-on? Just pointing out the obvious.

Anyway, you are pretty terrible at debate. I hope you perform your day job to greater effect.

I will choose to believe that you do, and that you’re an otherwise lovely person except for your pro-Israel views.
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:I'm a Democratic pollster. Been analyzing polls for the DNC for 7 years now. TBH, we're all worried. Very worried. We know that our polls underreport Trump voters and independents who lean R. Biden's low approval numbers aren't budging and we have no f'ing clue why not. For a while, we thought it was a messaging problem but his numbers just aren't moving as we approach the general.

LOL. If only pollsters would read the polls that show the vast majority of Dems support a ceasefire as of two months ago, so probably higher now. They even broke out Jewish Dems and Muslim Dems and both by a far majority favor a ceasefire.

There was another poll that showed more than 60% of voters do not like the way Biden is handling the conflict.

But, sure carry on with the head scratching.

Everyone supports a ceasefire in the abstract. If you were to ask people do you support Hamas releasing the hostages, I'm pretty sure you'd find near universal agreement there too - except among many of the protesters.

The student protesters with their incoherent demands are a fringe. Yes, they have a real issue, but just like the protesters for Occupy Wall Street and BLM they are marginalizing the very issue they care about. Slogans like "Defund the police" and "From the river to the sea" make it impossible for the mainstream to support the progressive left. By election day, Gaza will be a non-issue for mainstream America. Nothing more than a little background noise.

If your head is buried, a roar sounds like background noise.

I find it interesting how progressives are effectively cheering for a Trump victory. Like being able to say "I told you so" for a day is totally worth four years of misery - not just for women, minorities, the poor, the young, the environment, health care, but for Palestinians in particular. I never thought I'd see the day when the left is cheering for the Jared Kushner solution to the Middle East, but here we are.

It’s people like you who are not listening, and taking people’s votes for granted. I despise minority rule, and have protested it every time the GOP has allowed it. Now, the Dems are doing the very same — at their own risk. If you think I’m cheering, you are sadly mistaken. This is 💯 on Biden and the Dems. If they truly cared about the US Biden would step down. It’s that simple.

Right now this is a race between two massive egos. Trump is one, but Biden is one too. He is only in it to beat Trump again.

There is zero reason the DNC needs to put up Biden. Zero.

Let me get this straight. The progressive solution to the problems in Gaza is for Biden to resign the presidency. And then everything will turn into rainbows and unicorns for the Palestinian people. It's that simple for the left.

Never mind that President Kamala Harris will lose to Trump in nearly all fifty states. The down ballot realities will ensure that Republicans keep the Senate and likely the House too, not to mention most of the competitive State houses. An aggressively right wing pro-Israel cohort of evangelicals and allies of Bezalel Smotrich, the head of the Religious Zionist party, will then dictate US policy toward Israel. And these right wing advisors, who enthusiastically support settlements in the West Bank and the expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza, are what progressives think will bring a just peace and happiness for the Palestinian people. And to this end progressives are willing to send women's rights into the dark ages, destroy the environment, and ensure millions of Americans become ensnared in poverty.

This is the progressive solution. And what all the student protestors are hoping will happen.


If you think Biden is the only solution here, I have no words for you. There are lot of Dems who might handle things differently. Why are people so black and white in thinking? There are other solutions to the war than kill all Palestinians and roll over for terrorists. Lazy, lazy thinking.

You're right about Kamala. Biden effed her over when he put her on border policy. It was the dumbest move ever.

Again, 100% the fault of Biden and co.

If you don't understand that the choice in November is Biden or Trump, then I have no words for you.

If that inane response is all you have to what I expressed then we’re done here.

DP. They what is your solution that doesn’t involve a victory for Trump? Because that’s a non-starter.

NP. Be honest about how bad Biden is or expect many of to dismiss you as an unserious fool.

We have racism, genocide, and run of the mill police state fascism with Biden. You have yet to acknowledge that.

We had all that and worse with Trump. You have to acknowledge that.

Tell me which genocide we supplied with materiel and diplomatic support or STFU.

I don't agree with the use of "genocide" to describe what's happening in Gaza. The term was coined during WW2 to describe what Hitler did to the Jews for the crime of simply existing. What Israel is doing now is a response to an attack that killed hundreds of civilians and took hundreds more hostage.

Cutting off the food and water to a civilian population is genocide, especially when Israeli Ministers regularly use genocidal language for their intent.

That you can’t see it or refuse to see it is entirely a reflection on you.


Just shocking that people cannot understand the extremism in the positions they are taking. This isn’t genocide because people are not being killed just for being? Really?

Are you paying attention? Tens of thousands of people have already been killed just for being.

No, they've been killed because Hamas is hiding behind them.

Was Hamas hiding behind the woman and her elderly mother who were committing the sin of walking across a Catholic Church courtyard in Gaza when a sniper shot them dead?

You have nothing to hide behind. The world sees you, and this time, nobody is forgetting who you are, what you stand for, and your tether to pure evil.

I don't know where Hamas was hiding, and neither do you. Hamas knew full well where to find the Israeli military yet they attacked a music festival.

Pick a lane.

EITHER Hamas was hiding behind innocent men, women, and children OR you don’t know where they are hiding at all. Your words, not mine.

Really? So really you just consume and regurgitate the Israeli propaganda to justify killing innocent civilians. The solution to uncertainty is to indiscriminately bomb and strafe a blockaded land, killing tens of thousands of innocent people in the process?

As for the festival attack, it’s obvious that the Hamas attacks were based on convenience. I’m sure they would have preferred to commit those atrocities on more IDF personnel in those moments. Otherwise, it’s silly to suggest that they should have marched right up to an IDF tank and started throwing hands at the steel like idiots. Attacks should involve strategy, right? Who attacks head-on? Just pointing out the obvious.

Anyway, you are pretty terrible at debate. I hope you perform your day job to greater effect.

I will choose to believe that you do, and that you’re an otherwise lovely person except for your pro-Israel views.

You're defending the festival attack, but sure, I'm terrible at debate.
Anonymous wrote:Biden will not thankfully lose. I am so relieved to have a grownup in the White House, especially with all of the political unrest in the world.

He’s creating an outsize proportion of the problems in the world: he’s no “grownup”.
Anonymous wrote:I'm the one who posted the article about Professor Lichtmans' predictions.

I agree with him that Biden will win. I think we have two very weak candidates and that the vast majority of the country is not voting for either candidate, but voting against the opposing candidate. We have a classic case of the lesser of two evils. But in this case, I think the last two election cycles in 2022 and 2023 have shown that post-RvW, any election that includes references to abortion on the ticket, the pro-abortion side prevails. State amendments in Kansas and Ohio, gubernatorial election in Kentucky and the state legislature elections in Virginia have all shown that even in deep red states, the abortion issues is salient. Post-election polling has shown that a significant number of people who do not traditionally vote, come out to vote and support the abortion issue. So, why Trump is currently leading in the people who are known and committed to voting, he isn't doing much to bring out the voters that normally do not vote. In 2020, he actually brought out a significant number of highly conservative non-voters and he had a record amount of support, but Biden did the same and still won. In this case, Biden is resonating far greater support from non-voters due to the abortion issue and like in 2022 and 2023, it will likely be the tipping point.

I personally am leaning towards Biden. Why? There are a number of reasons. Starting from treatment of minorities. Trump has been the biggest setback in race, creed and gender relationships since the start of the civil rights movement. Trump's supporters very much want to return to the world of the 1950's when white males held huge privilege and everyone else did not. Trump's rhetoric and his backhanded signals spurred on the Charlottesville and January 6 riots and have encouraged increased violence by predominantly white males against minorities. From mass shootings, to assaults on Asian Americans, to assaults on Jewish Americans and increased violence against Black Americans, Trump has been inspirational to bigots who see no problem is spouting hatred and using violence to back up their hatred. It's sad that in 2024, that we have more violence against minorities than we had 40+ years ago, and that is in large part because Trump encourages his followers to use violence to "enhance" their hatred and bigotry.

Domestically, Trump has also been instrumental in increasing the wealth disparity between the top 1% and the bottom 99%. His signature tax law change provided more and more cuts to corporate taxation while simultaneously providing cuts to public services for the poor and low income. While the middle class stayed stagnant, taxation on the poor and low income increased and taxes for the wealthy and corporations decreased. This has meant that more people have entered the working poor and there is now a bigger gap between C-suite and employee wealth and income. During Trump's administration, there were many more working poor, those people who worked one or two hourly jobs that could not find a way to make ends meet. Under Biden, with the Raise the Wage Act of 2023, lower end workers will have a better chance to be able to be self-sufficient and be able to retain housing and food for their families.

Internationally, Trump weakened the US traditional ties to Europe and our NATO allies, plus democratic friends and allies such as Canada and Japan. Instead, he encouraged better relationships with authoritarian regimes such as Russia, North Korea (!), and then botching up the Iran situation. Trump is highly supportive of authoritarian bullies and will encourage such violence as opposed to fighting for peace. He is also widely ridiculed to most of the leaders of the First World as being unpredictable and unreliable. He thinks of world diplomacy as the Wild Wild West and a shoot 'em out situation.

Trump also set back US Judicial Progress decades. As we know by now, his judicial appointments have overturned a boatload of "established precedent" that will affect the US for decades. The current judicial structure once again favors men and white Americans at the expense of women and minorities and this is not a good thing. With the potential for up to 3 justices that might retire of pass in the next four years, it is important to me that Trump not be the one to select their successors.

Just the tip of the iceburg, but that's a starter for me.

Has Professor Lichtman already called 2024? I thought he only released his predictions close to the election date.
Why oh why didn’t either party put another candidate through? It would have been a slam dunk.
Biden is done. He is such an amoral person. This Israel stuff has shown he is worst vs Trump. Watching 35,000 Palestinians women and children being killed and all Biden cares about is if the IDF triggers finger is getting tired.
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:I'm a Democratic pollster. Been analyzing polls for the DNC for 7 years now. TBH, we're all worried. Very worried. We know that our polls underreport Trump voters and independents who lean R. Biden's low approval numbers aren't budging and we have no f'ing clue why not. For a while, we thought it was a messaging problem but his numbers just aren't moving as we approach the general.

LOL. If only pollsters would read the polls that show the vast majority of Dems support a ceasefire as of two months ago, so probably higher now. They even broke out Jewish Dems and Muslim Dems and both by a far majority favor a ceasefire.

There was another poll that showed more than 60% of voters do not like the way Biden is handling the conflict.

But, sure carry on with the head scratching.

Everyone supports a ceasefire in the abstract. If you were to ask people do you support Hamas releasing the hostages, I'm pretty sure you'd find near universal agreement there too - except among many of the protesters.

The student protesters with their incoherent demands are a fringe. Yes, they have a real issue, but just like the protesters for Occupy Wall Street and BLM they are marginalizing the very issue they care about. Slogans like "Defund the police" and "From the river to the sea" make it impossible for the mainstream to support the progressive left. By election day, Gaza will be a non-issue for mainstream America. Nothing more than a little background noise.

If your head is buried, a roar sounds like background noise.

I find it interesting how progressives are effectively cheering for a Trump victory. Like being able to say "I told you so" for a day is totally worth four years of misery - not just for women, minorities, the poor, the young, the environment, health care, but for Palestinians in particular. I never thought I'd see the day when the left is cheering for the Jared Kushner solution to the Middle East, but here we are.

It’s people like you who are not listening, and taking people’s votes for granted. I despise minority rule, and have protested it every time the GOP has allowed it. Now, the Dems are doing the very same — at their own risk. If you think I’m cheering, you are sadly mistaken. This is 💯 on Biden and the Dems. If they truly cared about the US Biden would step down. It’s that simple.

Right now this is a race between two massive egos. Trump is one, but Biden is one too. He is only in it to beat Trump again.

There is zero reason the DNC needs to put up Biden. Zero.

Let me get this straight. The progressive solution to the problems in Gaza is for Biden to resign the presidency. And then everything will turn into rainbows and unicorns for the Palestinian people. It's that simple for the left.

Never mind that President Kamala Harris will lose to Trump in nearly all fifty states. The down ballot realities will ensure that Republicans keep the Senate and likely the House too, not to mention most of the competitive State houses. An aggressively right wing pro-Israel cohort of evangelicals and allies of Bezalel Smotrich, the head of the Religious Zionist party, will then dictate US policy toward Israel. And these right wing advisors, who enthusiastically support settlements in the West Bank and the expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza, are what progressives think will bring a just peace and happiness for the Palestinian people. And to this end progressives are willing to send women's rights into the dark ages, destroy the environment, and ensure millions of Americans become ensnared in poverty.

This is the progressive solution. And what all the student protestors are hoping will happen.


If you think Biden is the only solution here, I have no words for you. There are lot of Dems who might handle things differently. Why are people so black and white in thinking? There are other solutions to the war than kill all Palestinians and roll over for terrorists. Lazy, lazy thinking.

You're right about Kamala. Biden effed her over when he put her on border policy. It was the dumbest move ever.

Again, 100% the fault of Biden and co.

If you don't understand that the choice in November is Biden or Trump, then I have no words for you.

If that inane response is all you have to what I expressed then we’re done here.

DP. They what is your solution that doesn’t involve a victory for Trump? Because that’s a non-starter.

NP. Be honest about how bad Biden is or expect many of to dismiss you as an unserious fool.

We have racism, genocide, and run of the mill police state fascism with Biden. You have yet to acknowledge that.

We had all that and worse with Trump. You have to acknowledge that.

Tell me which genocide we supplied with materiel and diplomatic support or STFU.

I don't agree with the use of "genocide" to describe what's happening in Gaza. The term was coined during WW2 to describe what Hitler did to the Jews for the crime of simply existing. What Israel is doing now is a response to an attack that killed hundreds of civilians and took hundreds more hostage.

Cutting off the food and water to a civilian population is genocide, especially when Israeli Ministers regularly use genocidal language for their intent.

That you can’t see it or refuse to see it is entirely a reflection on you.


Just shocking that people cannot understand the extremism in the positions they are taking. This isn’t genocide because people are not being killed just for being? Really?

Are you paying attention? Tens of thousands of people have already been killed just for being.

No, they've been killed because Hamas is hiding behind them.

Was Hamas hiding behind the woman and her elderly mother who were committing the sin of walking across a Catholic Church courtyard in Gaza when a sniper shot them dead?

You have nothing to hide behind. The world sees you, and this time, nobody is forgetting who you are, what you stand for, and your tether to pure evil.

I don't know where Hamas was hiding, and neither do you. Hamas knew full well where to find the Israeli military yet they attacked a music festival.

Pick a lane.

EITHER Hamas was hiding behind innocent men, women, and children OR you don’t know where they are hiding at all. Your words, not mine.

Really? So really you just consume and regurgitate the Israeli propaganda to justify killing innocent civilians. The solution to uncertainty is to indiscriminately bomb and strafe a blockaded land, killing tens of thousands of innocent people in the process?

As for the festival attack, it’s obvious that the Hamas attacks were based on convenience. I’m sure they would have preferred to commit those atrocities on more IDF personnel in those moments. Otherwise, it’s silly to suggest that they should have marched right up to an IDF tank and started throwing hands at the steel like idiots. Attacks should involve strategy, right? Who attacks head-on? Just pointing out the obvious.

Anyway, you are pretty terrible at debate. I hope you perform your day job to greater effect.

I will choose to believe that you do, and that you’re an otherwise lovely person except for your pro-Israel views.

You're defending the festival attack, but sure, I'm terrible at debate.

Your argument is that Hamas should have evaded detection while invading Israel, knocked on the front door of an IDF outpost with their dukes up, and fought "like a real man!" ... and you say this while cowering like a baby girl from behind Uncle Sam's pants leg, you coward.

You're not just terrible at debate, you don't know when to take an L and shut your mouth.
Anonymous wrote:Why oh why didn’t either party put another candidate through? It would have been a slam dunk.

And end insiders’ grifts? Unthinkable!
Anonymous wrote:Why oh why didn’t either party put another candidate through? It would have been a slam dunk.

They were selected by primary voters. There were other candidates. The voters didn’t like them.
Anonymous wrote:
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Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:I'm a Democratic pollster. Been analyzing polls for the DNC for 7 years now. TBH, we're all worried. Very worried. We know that our polls underreport Trump voters and independents who lean R. Biden's low approval numbers aren't budging and we have no f'ing clue why not. For a while, we thought it was a messaging problem but his numbers just aren't moving as we approach the general.

LOL. If only pollsters would read the polls that show the vast majority of Dems support a ceasefire as of two months ago, so probably higher now. They even broke out Jewish Dems and Muslim Dems and both by a far majority favor a ceasefire.

There was another poll that showed more than 60% of voters do not like the way Biden is handling the conflict.

But, sure carry on with the head scratching.

Everyone supports a ceasefire in the abstract. If you were to ask people do you support Hamas releasing the hostages, I'm pretty sure you'd find near universal agreement there too - except among many of the protesters.

The student protesters with their incoherent demands are a fringe. Yes, they have a real issue, but just like the protesters for Occupy Wall Street and BLM they are marginalizing the very issue they care about. Slogans like "Defund the police" and "From the river to the sea" make it impossible for the mainstream to support the progressive left. By election day, Gaza will be a non-issue for mainstream America. Nothing more than a little background noise.

If your head is buried, a roar sounds like background noise.

I find it interesting how progressives are effectively cheering for a Trump victory. Like being able to say "I told you so" for a day is totally worth four years of misery - not just for women, minorities, the poor, the young, the environment, health care, but for Palestinians in particular. I never thought I'd see the day when the left is cheering for the Jared Kushner solution to the Middle East, but here we are.

It’s people like you who are not listening, and taking people’s votes for granted. I despise minority rule, and have protested it every time the GOP has allowed it. Now, the Dems are doing the very same — at their own risk. If you think I’m cheering, you are sadly mistaken. This is 💯 on Biden and the Dems. If they truly cared about the US Biden would step down. It’s that simple.

Right now this is a race between two massive egos. Trump is one, but Biden is one too. He is only in it to beat Trump again.

There is zero reason the DNC needs to put up Biden. Zero.

Let me get this straight. The progressive solution to the problems in Gaza is for Biden to resign the presidency. And then everything will turn into rainbows and unicorns for the Palestinian people. It's that simple for the left.

Never mind that President Kamala Harris will lose to Trump in nearly all fifty states. The down ballot realities will ensure that Republicans keep the Senate and likely the House too, not to mention most of the competitive State houses. An aggressively right wing pro-Israel cohort of evangelicals and allies of Bezalel Smotrich, the head of the Religious Zionist party, will then dictate US policy toward Israel. And these right wing advisors, who enthusiastically support settlements in the West Bank and the expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza, are what progressives think will bring a just peace and happiness for the Palestinian people. And to this end progressives are willing to send women's rights into the dark ages, destroy the environment, and ensure millions of Americans become ensnared in poverty.

This is the progressive solution. And what all the student protestors are hoping will happen.


If you think Biden is the only solution here, I have no words for you. There are lot of Dems who might handle things differently. Why are people so black and white in thinking? There are other solutions to the war than kill all Palestinians and roll over for terrorists. Lazy, lazy thinking.

You're right about Kamala. Biden effed her over when he put her on border policy. It was the dumbest move ever.

Again, 100% the fault of Biden and co.

If you don't understand that the choice in November is Biden or Trump, then I have no words for you.

If that inane response is all you have to what I expressed then we’re done here.

DP. They what is your solution that doesn’t involve a victory for Trump? Because that’s a non-starter.

NP. Be honest about how bad Biden is or expect many of to dismiss you as an unserious fool.

We have racism, genocide, and run of the mill police state fascism with Biden. You have yet to acknowledge that.

We had all that and worse with Trump. You have to acknowledge that.

Tell me which genocide we supplied with materiel and diplomatic support or STFU.

I don't agree with the use of "genocide" to describe what's happening in Gaza. The term was coined during WW2 to describe what Hitler did to the Jews for the crime of simply existing. What Israel is doing now is a response to an attack that killed hundreds of civilians and took hundreds more hostage.

Cutting off the food and water to a civilian population is genocide, especially when Israeli Ministers regularly use genocidal language for their intent.

That you can’t see it or refuse to see it is entirely a reflection on you.


Just shocking that people cannot understand the extremism in the positions they are taking. This isn’t genocide because people are not being killed just for being? Really?

Are you paying attention? Tens of thousands of people have already been killed just for being.

No, they've been killed because Hamas is hiding behind them.

Was Hamas hiding behind the woman and her elderly mother who were committing the sin of walking across a Catholic Church courtyard in Gaza when a sniper shot them dead?

You have nothing to hide behind. The world sees you, and this time, nobody is forgetting who you are, what you stand for, and your tether to pure evil.

I don't know where Hamas was hiding, and neither do you. Hamas knew full well where to find the Israeli military yet they attacked a music festival.

Pick a lane.

EITHER Hamas was hiding behind innocent men, women, and children OR you don’t know where they are hiding at all. Your words, not mine.

Really? So really you just consume and regurgitate the Israeli propaganda to justify killing innocent civilians. The solution to uncertainty is to indiscriminately bomb and strafe a blockaded land, killing tens of thousands of innocent people in the process?

As for the festival attack, it’s obvious that the Hamas attacks were based on convenience. I’m sure they would have preferred to commit those atrocities on more IDF personnel in those moments. Otherwise, it’s silly to suggest that they should have marched right up to an IDF tank and started throwing hands at the steel like idiots. Attacks should involve strategy, right? Who attacks head-on? Just pointing out the obvious.

Anyway, you are pretty terrible at debate. I hope you perform your day job to greater effect.

I will choose to believe that you do, and that you’re an otherwise lovely person except for your pro-Israel views.

You're defending the festival attack, but sure, I'm terrible at debate.

Your argument is that Hamas should have evaded detection while invading Israel, knocked on the front door of an IDF outpost with their dukes up, and fought "like a real man!" ... and you say this while cowering like a baby girl from behind Uncle Sam's pants leg, you coward.

You're not just terrible at debate, you don't know when to take an L and shut your mouth.

Dp- please stop. You aren’t good at this. You aren’t persuasive, and you are doubling down on the terrorist attack on the music festival. Just stop.
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:I'm a Democratic pollster. Been analyzing polls for the DNC for 7 years now. TBH, we're all worried. Very worried. We know that our polls underreport Trump voters and independents who lean R. Biden's low approval numbers aren't budging and we have no f'ing clue why not. For a while, we thought it was a messaging problem but his numbers just aren't moving as we approach the general.

LOL. If only pollsters would read the polls that show the vast majority of Dems support a ceasefire as of two months ago, so probably higher now. They even broke out Jewish Dems and Muslim Dems and both by a far majority favor a ceasefire.

There was another poll that showed more than 60% of voters do not like the way Biden is handling the conflict.

But, sure carry on with the head scratching.

Everyone supports a ceasefire in the abstract. If you were to ask people do you support Hamas releasing the hostages, I'm pretty sure you'd find near universal agreement there too - except among many of the protesters.

The student protesters with their incoherent demands are a fringe. Yes, they have a real issue, but just like the protesters for Occupy Wall Street and BLM they are marginalizing the very issue they care about. Slogans like "Defund the police" and "From the river to the sea" make it impossible for the mainstream to support the progressive left. By election day, Gaza will be a non-issue for mainstream America. Nothing more than a little background noise.

If your head is buried, a roar sounds like background noise.

I find it interesting how progressives are effectively cheering for a Trump victory. Like being able to say "I told you so" for a day is totally worth four years of misery - not just for women, minorities, the poor, the young, the environment, health care, but for Palestinians in particular. I never thought I'd see the day when the left is cheering for the Jared Kushner solution to the Middle East, but here we are.

It’s people like you who are not listening, and taking people’s votes for granted. I despise minority rule, and have protested it every time the GOP has allowed it. Now, the Dems are doing the very same — at their own risk. If you think I’m cheering, you are sadly mistaken. This is 💯 on Biden and the Dems. If they truly cared about the US Biden would step down. It’s that simple.

Right now this is a race between two massive egos. Trump is one, but Biden is one too. He is only in it to beat Trump again.

There is zero reason the DNC needs to put up Biden. Zero.

Let me get this straight. The progressive solution to the problems in Gaza is for Biden to resign the presidency. And then everything will turn into rainbows and unicorns for the Palestinian people. It's that simple for the left.

Never mind that President Kamala Harris will lose to Trump in nearly all fifty states. The down ballot realities will ensure that Republicans keep the Senate and likely the House too, not to mention most of the competitive State houses. An aggressively right wing pro-Israel cohort of evangelicals and allies of Bezalel Smotrich, the head of the Religious Zionist party, will then dictate US policy toward Israel. And these right wing advisors, who enthusiastically support settlements in the West Bank and the expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza, are what progressives think will bring a just peace and happiness for the Palestinian people. And to this end progressives are willing to send women's rights into the dark ages, destroy the environment, and ensure millions of Americans become ensnared in poverty.

This is the progressive solution. And what all the student protestors are hoping will happen.


If you think Biden is the only solution here, I have no words for you. There are lot of Dems who might handle things differently. Why are people so black and white in thinking? There are other solutions to the war than kill all Palestinians and roll over for terrorists. Lazy, lazy thinking.

You're right about Kamala. Biden effed her over when he put her on border policy. It was the dumbest move ever.

Again, 100% the fault of Biden and co.

If you don't understand that the choice in November is Biden or Trump, then I have no words for you.

If that inane response is all you have to what I expressed then we’re done here.

DP. They what is your solution that doesn’t involve a victory for Trump? Because that’s a non-starter.

NP. Be honest about how bad Biden is or expect many of to dismiss you as an unserious fool.

We have racism, genocide, and run of the mill police state fascism with Biden. You have yet to acknowledge that.

We had all that and worse with Trump. You have to acknowledge that.

Tell me which genocide we supplied with materiel and diplomatic support or STFU.

I don't agree with the use of "genocide" to describe what's happening in Gaza. The term was coined during WW2 to describe what Hitler did to the Jews for the crime of simply existing. What Israel is doing now is a response to an attack that killed hundreds of civilians and took hundreds more hostage.

Cutting off the food and water to a civilian population is genocide, especially when Israeli Ministers regularly use genocidal language for their intent.

That you can’t see it or refuse to see it is entirely a reflection on you.


Just shocking that people cannot understand the extremism in the positions they are taking. This isn’t genocide because people are not being killed just for being? Really?

Are you paying attention? Tens of thousands of people have already been killed just for being.

What will happen under Trump? How will this situation improve?
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:I'm a Democratic pollster. Been analyzing polls for the DNC for 7 years now. TBH, we're all worried. Very worried. We know that our polls underreport Trump voters and independents who lean R. Biden's low approval numbers aren't budging and we have no f'ing clue why not. For a while, we thought it was a messaging problem but his numbers just aren't moving as we approach the general.

LOL. If only pollsters would read the polls that show the vast majority of Dems support a ceasefire as of two months ago, so probably higher now. They even broke out Jewish Dems and Muslim Dems and both by a far majority favor a ceasefire.

There was another poll that showed more than 60% of voters do not like the way Biden is handling the conflict.

But, sure carry on with the head scratching.

Everyone supports a ceasefire in the abstract. If you were to ask people do you support Hamas releasing the hostages, I'm pretty sure you'd find near universal agreement there too - except among many of the protesters.

The student protesters with their incoherent demands are a fringe. Yes, they have a real issue, but just like the protesters for Occupy Wall Street and BLM they are marginalizing the very issue they care about. Slogans like "Defund the police" and "From the river to the sea" make it impossible for the mainstream to support the progressive left. By election day, Gaza will be a non-issue for mainstream America. Nothing more than a little background noise.

If your head is buried, a roar sounds like background noise.

I find it interesting how progressives are effectively cheering for a Trump victory. Like being able to say "I told you so" for a day is totally worth four years of misery - not just for women, minorities, the poor, the young, the environment, health care, but for Palestinians in particular. I never thought I'd see the day when the left is cheering for the Jared Kushner solution to the Middle East, but here we are.

It’s people like you who are not listening, and taking people’s votes for granted. I despise minority rule, and have protested it every time the GOP has allowed it. Now, the Dems are doing the very same — at their own risk. If you think I’m cheering, you are sadly mistaken. This is 💯 on Biden and the Dems. If they truly cared about the US Biden would step down. It’s that simple.

Right now this is a race between two massive egos. Trump is one, but Biden is one too. He is only in it to beat Trump again.

There is zero reason the DNC needs to put up Biden. Zero.

Let me get this straight. The progressive solution to the problems in Gaza is for Biden to resign the presidency. And then everything will turn into rainbows and unicorns for the Palestinian people. It's that simple for the left.

Never mind that President Kamala Harris will lose to Trump in nearly all fifty states. The down ballot realities will ensure that Republicans keep the Senate and likely the House too, not to mention most of the competitive State houses. An aggressively right wing pro-Israel cohort of evangelicals and allies of Bezalel Smotrich, the head of the Religious Zionist party, will then dictate US policy toward Israel. And these right wing advisors, who enthusiastically support settlements in the West Bank and the expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza, are what progressives think will bring a just peace and happiness for the Palestinian people. And to this end progressives are willing to send women's rights into the dark ages, destroy the environment, and ensure millions of Americans become ensnared in poverty.

This is the progressive solution. And what all the student protestors are hoping will happen.


If you think Biden is the only solution here, I have no words for you. There are lot of Dems who might handle things differently. Why are people so black and white in thinking? There are other solutions to the war than kill all Palestinians and roll over for terrorists. Lazy, lazy thinking.

You're right about Kamala. Biden effed her over when he put her on border policy. It was the dumbest move ever.

Again, 100% the fault of Biden and co.

If you don't understand that the choice in November is Biden or Trump, then I have no words for you.

If that inane response is all you have to what I expressed then we’re done here.

DP. They what is your solution that doesn’t involve a victory for Trump? Because that’s a non-starter.

NP. Be honest about how bad Biden is or expect many of to dismiss you as an unserious fool.

We have racism, genocide, and run of the mill police state fascism with Biden. You have yet to acknowledge that.

We had all that and worse with Trump. You have to acknowledge that.

Tell me which genocide we supplied with materiel and diplomatic support or STFU.

I don't agree with the use of "genocide" to describe what's happening in Gaza. The term was coined during WW2 to describe what Hitler did to the Jews for the crime of simply existing. What Israel is doing now is a response to an attack that killed hundreds of civilians and took hundreds more hostage.

Cutting off the food and water to a civilian population is genocide, especially when Israeli Ministers regularly use genocidal language for their intent.

That you can’t see it or refuse to see it is entirely a reflection on you.


Just shocking that people cannot understand the extremism in the positions they are taking. This isn’t genocide because people are not being killed just for being? Really?

Are you paying attention? Tens of thousands of people have already been killed just for being.

What will happen under Trump? How will this situation improve?

Loooool if the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel happened under Trump, Trump would have told Bibi to use the nukes himself. Let’s not pretend otherwise. Those two are cut from the same cloth.
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