third trimester -- how much pelvic/ligament/vaginal pain is normal?

I cannot even tell you ladies how much relief it is to know others are miserable. I literally called my "mommy" (i'm 40!) and told her she has to come before he's born (I'm 35 weeks) because I am never getting out of bed again.

This kid will be loved more than anything in the world. But he is SO not getting a car for his 16th birthday after what he's putting me through...
I just started the third trimester and have been in pain for atleast a month.
I am into my 34 week and I feel like I am doing to die. I have two other children and I never went through the pain I am going through now. Sometimes I feel like I am in labor. I can't sleep in the bed anymore because the pain is so severe turning from side to side and getting out of bed. It is easy for me to sit in my recliner and take cat naps.
I am 35 weeks pregnant and went to the doc yesterday and found out what I thought was round ligament pain was acutally a torn muscle. The rectus muscle which is the muscle that likes like a "6 pack" on some people. The muscle tore right down the middle. My stomach is very tender to the touch from my belly button down but just right in the middle. Unfortunately the only thing I can do it take it easy and wear a prego belt to help support my growing belly. I suggest going to the doc just to make sure you are giving yourself the correct diagnosis. The doctor told me it could be a sign of early labor or a much more serious complication. It is better to be safe if you ask me!

I've also just started to get this pain. I thought it was weird, because I KNOW the baby's not THAT low!! But I guess that's what it is, and rolling over is the worst. Cripes, I just had to run for my phone (why, why, why do I leave it in another room - just missed it), and it hurt!
It's normal and it will go away after the birth. Had the same thing and it was so bad I had to sleep in the Lazyboy for a month before DD was born because it hurt to sleep in bed.
Omg mine is terrible I can't move I hate to get out of bed.
I'm constantly rolling over because I'm so uncomfortable all night long.
And going to the bathroom every 30 minutes is the biggest pain ever.
Contractions kill me as it is but this to,glad I only have 2 weeks
and five days left.
What has helped me immeasurably is MORE exercise, not less. And the right kind, obviously. I feel so much better - ie move briskly with no pain - after my yoga class. To go through the week in between yoga, I do:

1.pelvic rocks before going to bed (relieves pelvic/abdominal pressure because the uterus just hangs loose)
2. squat a lot (stretches perineum area to prepare for birth)
3. kegels to avoid incontinence and feeling as if the baby is about to drop out

I dislike swimming personally, but know it is also greatly recommended to relieve pelvic pressure.
Anonymous wrote:I have one month to go until my due date.

Over the last week or so, I've been experiencing an increase in vaginal/pelvic pain...I know some is normal and I'm just trying to confirm that mine is. It hurts (slightly) when I walk, hurts (a lot) when I roll over in bed, hurts (a lot) when I lift one leg up to get dressed in the morning....The pain seems to be centered in the bone right under my vulva and inner thighs. It's definitely making all exercise but light walks impossible, and even walks to the bathroom at work are no fun.

I had some round ligament pain around 20 - 24 weeks that was centered a little higher -- more like lower ab pain.

Is this just the next stage of round ligament pain? Is there anything to be worried about? Is this just the joy of the final month of pregnancy??

i had this majorly!!! lifting right leg, laying down in bad, moving in bed. it was really hard to lay down to sleep. i ended up sleeping more after the baby came because i was in so much pain.
This is so normal and it was sooooo miserable. My OB told me I could take up to 4 grams of Tylenol a day. I usually took about 2 grams before bed to relax the crazy round ligament pain and throbbing lower back pain.
Ooh man I'm almost 32 weeks and I'm starting to feel those sharp pains down there too!! Thing is as much as I liked for this to be over already because I too get the terrible Charlie horses I want her to wait til her due date sooooo bad!! My hubby is in basic trianing so I'm alone but if she waits til her due date he will be here so I prayyy she waits til may 11!!!
OK Thank God I am not the only one. I am 32 weeks and have had the worst pregnancy ever! I have already went into premature labor once. Thank God they stopped it. But I recently have been getting really bad pains "down stairs" Where I cant move at all along with what feels like braxton Hicks. I called my doctor today and they said it is probably just the baby dropped! So.. hope this helps =)
You all have made me feel so much more comfortable. I am 32 weeks and a first timer, trying to stay as calm and open minded about all the twinges and twangs etc. When they take your breath away and make the simplest things extremely hard though you don't know what to do. I appreciate all this. Take care ladies hope you are enjoying your beautiful babies by now.
I know how everyone feels. I am 35 weeks pg. I have gotten charlie horses and have more than one hemorrhoid. They are so bad that it is hard to wipe after a bowel and even though it seems I got it all I realize later that I didn't! I have an almost 3 year old son who is a ball of energy and can't keep up with him. It's quite funny to have to waddle after him and he is going so much faster! I too have gotten the round ligament pain and the vaginal pain. I have also been having a lot of stomach tightening and don't know whether or not it's braxton hicks or real! With my first pregnancy I had absolutely no pain until after my water broke and the real contractions started. I feel like it's the first time I've been pregnant because it's been s completely different experience. Well, I hope all goes well for everyone and we all have safe and hopefully not so painful labors! Best of luck to all!
I'm 27 weeks with number three and the feeling like I've been kicked in the crotch is starting to return. I think it's helped that I was 10 lbs lighter at the start of this pregnancy than the last.
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