Rhee Conducted "Damage Control" in Response to Allegations of Fiance's Sexual Misconduct

by Jeff Steele last modified Apr 18, 2018 07:11 AM

When informed that her now fiance Kevin Johnson had been accused of inappropriate sexual conduct, Rhee promised to make it "her number one priority" and to "take care of the situation". She then met with a federal inspector general, calling Johnson "a good guy".

A disagreement between Republican legislators and President Obama over the firing of a federal inspector general has ensnared DC Public Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee. According to a report issued by Senator Charles Grassley and Representative Darrell Issa, Rhee conducted "damage control" concerning charges that her now fiance Kevin Johnson had engaged in inappropriate sexual conduct with AmeriCorps volunteers. In addition, when Rhee learned of one allegation, she said she would make it her number one priority and take care of the situation.

The volunteers' charges were included in a criminal referral by Corporation for National & Community Service IG Gerald Walpin, but ultimately dropped as part of a deal between Johnson and the United States Attorney. Walpin was subsequently fired by Obama, an act that Republicans have charged was a political favor to Johnson.