how long did induction take for first time moms? i can't seem to find any info on this...

Slightly different topic, but if you want to avoid the downsides of pitocin and other synthetic hormones and are open to seeing an acupuncturist to induce labor, I was told it could take anywhere from 1-6 treatments. I believe that you can do treatments daily to induce labor....
I was not showing any signs of labor at 41 weeks. Went to hospital at midnight- baby born at 5:56 pm
I had cervadil at 11 pm the night before, pitocin started at 9 am. They broke my water at noon and DD was born at 8:51 pm. Once your water breaks, it will be 24 hours or less before the baby comes out! Most doctors will not let you go more than 24 hours after that.

Labor was much easier than I thought it was going to be. I'm sure things will go well for you! Good luck.
Water broke and I had no contractions, so I was induced. Contractions started about 2 hrs after the pitocin was started and then another 8 hrs and she was born.

My OB kept complaining that it was taking too long and threatening a c-section. WTF??
Induced twice, both times 2 sms dilated. Total labor 5.5 hours, 3 pushes. I think I was really lucky.
I meant cms . also, both times induced with pitocin straight.
I was practically 0 effaced and 0 dilated. Almost a week overdue. VERY large. VERY large baby.

Went in the night before for baseline readings and some . . can't remember the drug now. But, by next morning, things were going w/o the pitocin (though mild). Pitocin started at 6'ish a.m. I was in labor 14 hours (with an epidural early afternoon). However, due to size of baby I needed a c-section.
80% effaced, 1-2 cm dilated. Had ripening agent at 11 pm, labor began at 2 am, baby was born by 1 pm next day. So a total of 14 hours, but most was not active labor.
Barely dilated when I went in. Cervadil placed at 10:30 pm - hard contractions started 5 minutes later with only seconds in between them. Baby born at 6 the next morning, so less than 8 hours total, with only 20 minutes of pushing. The pitocin was never started - the Cervadil started everything on its own!
I wish someone would have told me when I went in to have my induction that it may not work. Yes, that's right, it didn't work and I was sent home from the hospital. I went in on a Sunday night, did 3 rounds of Cervadil throughout the night and then started Pitocin at 9am the next morning (I was 0% dilated and 0% effaced). By 1pm nothing had happened. By 3pm they sent me home.
That night I went into labor, but the contractions never got closer than 10 min apart. So I contracted for 3 days until my next appointment. When I went in I found out my fluid was low (although my water hadn't broken or leaked), so they told me to come in that night to be re-induced because I wasn't contracting in a regular pattern on my own (and I wasn't really dilating either). I went back in that night and they did the cervadil again and that put me into full-blown labor. I never got to the pitocin and my baby was born at 10am the next day. So, to answer your question, it took me 4 days from my first induction. : )
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