Post 08/22/2012 19:13     Subject: Lady yelled at me because of my child....

Just tell the lady you're not interested in her opinion. Then never think of it again.
Post 08/22/2012 19:12     Subject: Re:Lady yelled at me because of my child....

Some other Chipotle lady favorites for you reading pleasure.

Someone rolled their eyes at me today... (singing in the grocery store)

If you were my neighbor, what would you think of this letter? (showered by a neighbor watering their plants while she was on her deck)

Am I overreacting? (crime at her non-compliant ADA apartment)

I finally spoke up! Handicapped tags related (telling off a woman who didn't believe she has a handicap - WARNING: she even provides graphic pictures of her psoriasis sores on her feet)

Post 08/22/2012 19:01     Subject: Lady yelled at me because of my child....

Anonymous wrote:And FWIW, I called Chipotle lady out on another thread (one in which a dish had spoiled at a BBQ and she and her husband disagreed over whether they should tell the host) and I don't think this is her. Chipotle lady has a daughter and a newborn. (Kill me for knowing this.)

Her grammar is also much worse.
Post 08/22/2012 18:44     Subject: Lady yelled at me because of my child....

Anonymous wrote:I think it was probably inappropriate of that lady to give you a dressing down since it's not her place. I think your son's behavior might also have been a little worse than you are either admitting to yourself or describing, because in the first paragraph of this post you called him "spirited" which is what all parents call their kids when they can't control them.

Yes, people should cut kids a break in certain public places, an IHOP or something of that nature being one of them. But parents also need to try and do their best to control their kids and keep them quiet. But either way, she should have just let it go because all she had to do was walk out and never see you again and it didn't really do her any good to berate you like that.

+1 She shouldn't have berated you. Very mean.

I get annoyed when parents let their kids have meltdowns at the table and they carry on like nothing abnormal's happening while the rest of the diners are requesting earplugs from their servers. Honestly, take them outside for a moment. Your food will still be there when you return.
Post 08/22/2012 18:40     Subject: Lady yelled at me because of my child....

That lady was a B*TCH! Sometimes you cross paths with them... don't let her get to you.
Post 08/22/2012 18:36     Subject: Lady yelled at me because of my child....

And FWIW, I called Chipotle lady out on another thread (one in which a dish had spoiled at a BBQ and she and her husband disagreed over whether they should tell the host) and I don't think this is her. Chipotle lady has a daughter and a newborn. (Kill me for knowing this.)
Post 08/22/2012 18:35     Subject: Lady yelled at me because of my child....

I think it was probably inappropriate of that lady to give you a dressing down since it's not her place. I think your son's behavior might also have been a little worse than you are either admitting to yourself or describing, because in the first paragraph of this post you called him "spirited" which is what all parents call their kids when they can't control them.

Yes, people should cut kids a break in certain public places, an IHOP or something of that nature being one of them. But parents also need to try and do their best to control their kids and keep them quiet. But either way, she should have just let it go because all she had to do was walk out and never see you again and it didn't really do her any good to berate you like that.
Post 08/22/2012 18:32     Subject: Lady yelled at me because of my child....

Anonymous wrote:Could someone kindly provide a link to the Chipotle thread?

Post 08/22/2012 18:23     Subject: Lady yelled at me because of my child....

Could someone kindly provide a link to the Chipotle thread?
Post 08/22/2012 18:18     Subject: Lady yelled at me because of my child....

OP, bull hockey !
Post 08/22/2012 18:16     Subject: Lady yelled at me because of my child....

My dearest OP

I am so sorry about this. In might not take many posts before this thread gets ugly, with various nincompoops extolling the virtues of this rude patron for getting you to "mom up". Before this thread gets to that very nasty and WRONG place, I want to tell you...

* The lady was a moron.
* The lady was rude.
* You exercised a great deal of control to not sock her in the kisser.

You have nothing to be ashamed of or sorry for.

Next time, tell her to talk directly to the management and to take three full steps away from your table before you go apeshit on her ass. (Perhaps you can say it more politely, but, you know, I'm all fired up and in your corner! )
Post 08/22/2012 18:14     Subject: Lady yelled at me because of my child....

She must have a crappy existence. You are doing a great job & will settle in here soon. That sucks but a classic "about her" not about you.
Post 08/22/2012 18:13     Subject: Lady yelled at me because of my child....

Some old bats are awful. Try to forget it and take the lesson from it, which is .... try not to become an old bat later in life yourself ... ha ha!!

I would have burst into tears, too. She was way out of line to do that to you. She has no manners ... and probably a screw loose.
Post 08/22/2012 18:11     Subject: Re:Lady yelled at me because of my child....

Stop Chipotle lady. Don't you have some singing to do?
Post 08/22/2012 18:06     Subject: Lady yelled at me because of my child....

I took my 17 month old son to breakfast this morning to catch up with an old friend (whom I haven't seen in 16 years who was passing through town with her two little girls, 2 and 4). My son is a "spirited" child, so I brought all his favorite small toys to play with, snacks, special juice, etc. The restaurant not crowded and there were only a few patrons dining there. And this was around 9AM.

We were all chatting and finishing up the meal and I was literally thanking God my little boy had been so good and stayed in his chair during the meal, when a lady, probably in her late 50's, walked over to our table. She started off by saying how she had been "observing" our table during our meal, so I was getting ready to hear her say how she loved watching our kids. Instead, she proceeded to UNLEASH about what I bad mother I was and how I "rewarded" my child when he was screaming (he shrieked a few times while we were there out of happiness, but he was not screaming throughout the whole meal by any means). She told me I should discipline my child and she could not believe how inconsiderate I was to HER.

I responded something about how she must have never been a baby and must have been a perfect child, and reminded her how hard it was to discipline such a small child, and she kept telling me over and over "DISCIPLINE YOUR CHILD!!!"

1) I was embarrassed because I hadn't seen this friend in so long and had a public ass beating by this lady.
2) I burst into tears when I left because I just moved to town and don't know that many people, and it just feels like I have had a series of bad or unusual events lately.
3) She treated me like I was a terrible parent. I don't think I'm a bad parent, or at least that bad, but when someone does something like that out of the blue to you, it makes you wonder.
4) I cannot believe how evil and mean people can be. I wouldn't want to hear a baby screaming while I was at (a not that nice) breakfast place either, but I would never yell at someone else about it. What would possess this lady to take out her problems on me, especially when I did absolutely everything I could to contain this little guy? I couldn't have my friend over to my place because we JUST moved in and there is not even anywhere to sit down. I wanted to see her and she was only available for breakfast. Ugh!!!!

Anyway, I just needed to vent. I have felt so badly about this all day and have been sort of teary about it when I think of it. Thanks for letting me vent!