Can doctor tell if you lost your mucus plug?

I could have sworn I lost mine this morning, but my doctor didn't say anything at my appt today. If anything she was really surprised I had bloody show/would have thought that. I'm hoping she is just wrong, I'm getting so depressed about my lack of progress, it kind of makes me feel like a failure.
I don't think they can tell. I asked my midwife this yesterday when she checked my cervix, and she said it wasn't really possible to tell. What happened to make you think that you lost yours? How far along are you?
I'm 39 weeks, and when I went to the bathroom this morning (TMI ALERT) there was like a snot loogy when I wiped. Then I had some pink tinged mucus the next couple times I wiped. Sorry this is really probably TMI. I was so excited I googled mucus plug and it kind of looked like some of the image results. I know I am such a nerd. I'm just really ready for the baby, and don't want to have to get induced and end up with a c section or something/
if you need proof of your "progress" towards labor, just look at your 9 month pregnant belly and compare it to the belly you had when you first found out you were pregnant! the entire pregnancy is progress! i know it is tempting to want to see visible "progress" towards the end, but there's so much happening in your body that you can't see, and that no doctor or midwife can see either. a mucus plug (which it sounds like yours was) is a great sign that things are moving towards labor. i know its hard not to feel like a failure when waiting for a baby. but normal gestation can be 42 weeks or even longer. no one stays pregnant forever and if we are patient, women go into labor. so i don't think in most cases it's a failure of women to progress, but rather a failure on the part of providers (and ourselves) to wait. i know it's hard when you just want it to happen and you want proof that it will ... it takes a leap of faith to believe that your body will know what to do, and that labor will begin. my first was born at 41 weeks 5 days and while the waiting was exhausting and stressful, i was glad i waited!
loss of MP doesn't mean progress op sorry
OP, I'm the PP who said my midwife couldn't tell. I'm 39 wks 1 day and I don't think I've lost mine yet... I seriously look for it EVERY TIME I go to the bathroom, so I know how you feel in terms of wanting to see signs of progress. At this point pregnancy is so painful that anything that reminds us that the end is near is helpful mentally. My sister lost her mucus plug at 36 wks and went into labor 2 wks later... but most of my other friends lost theirs the same day or a day before they went into labor. Seems like you're almost there -- what you saw definitely sounds like the mucus plug!!!! Good luck and I am SO envious! I haven't had ANY signs yet except for constant Braxton-Hicks, tons of pressure, and I'm 1 cm dilated and 60% effaced
Anonymous wrote:loss of MP doesn't mean progress op sorry

Yes it is! Definitely was in indicator for me in my first pregnancy.
I recall watching for it during my first pregnancy, being disappointed that I never saw it, and then I went into labor several days early... I don't think it means anything.
I lost my mucus plug at 34 weeks - told my OB at my appt. the next day and he said it basically didn't mean anything at all - "it'll renew itself, no worries." And then my water broke the next day.

So who knows, maybe it means something, maybe it doesn't...I think it varies, as everything does, from woman to woman. Good luck to you, OP - the end is near, no matter what!
Anonymous wrote:I recall watching for it during my first pregnancy, being disappointed that I never saw it, and then I went into labor several days early... I don't think it means anything.

I think if you don't see it, it doesn't mean you won't go into labor but if you do see it, it's generally considered an early indicator that your body is preparing for labor (your cervix ripens and starts dilating, which loosens the mucus plug).
I lost mine right before I went into labor. Clear, stringy discharge, tinged with blood...quite noticeable. Yes, you can lose it weeks before, but it's still a positive sign when you're in the home stretch. Yah! for you!
as soon as you lose it your body starts producing it again. you can lose it several times actually. loss of MP doesn't mean labor progressing!
I deff do think its progress. I'm 39 weeks & my doctor told me as soon as I loose my MP to come to the hospital. Bein that this is my 1st pregnancy & I'm workin up until my due date. But it does vary from woman to woman. Goodluck thou OP.
It regenerates, so no. You can lose mucous plug weeks before you go into labor and keep losing it for weeks. It does not necessarily mean a darn thing.

Now, if you see blood streaks, bloody show, that's far more promising.
Anonymous wrote:I deff do think its progress. I'm 39 weeks & my doctor told me as soon as I loose my MP to come to the hospital. Bein that this is my 1st pregnancy & I'm workin up until my due date. But it does vary from woman to woman. Goodluck thou OP.

I hope you're prepared to go home and back many times if your doctor is advising you to come to the hospital as soon as you lose your MP. Most 1st time moms go too early as is, but this is ridiculous.
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