How fast did you dilate?

Just curious--- 39 weeks and zero cervix is just soft. I am interested in others' experiences. Did it take you hours, days or weeks to dilate from zero?
Had tons of BH and started early - was at 2-3cm from week 37/38 until delivery at 40w1d. Woke up to a ctx at 3:30, knew it was real labor by 5:30. Was at 4cm at 6:30, 8cm at 8:45, and fully dilated and at +1 at 9:45. Got the epi at ~8:30, cause I had no idea I was already that far along, and didn't think I could do hours and hours at that intensity. (The whole 18 hr 1st time labor idea) In retrospect, I think that was the point where my water broke / I moved into transition, and I just didn't realize it.
I was only 0.5 cm, maybe, at my 39w5d appointment. That night, my water broke at 2:30 in the morning. The contractions were shortly thereafter quite intense. It was about 7:30am that I got to 3cm, then reached 7cm in about 20 more minutes. I delivered a healthy little girl at 11am. So all in all a fast labor even though I was barely dilated when it started. So hours to dilate from basically zero.
water broke at 11:30 AM. went to hospital (for bleeding) at 4PM and was zero cm dilated. Was at 7 cm by 9 PM. Transition was around midnight. Baby born at 1:08 AM. Total time to dilate? Maybe 6-7 hours. First labor, too!
I started dilating around 36 weeks and was about 1cm further each week. Walked into the hospital 6 cm and 90% effaced and delivered just a few hours later. I was convinced I was going to go early and was 3 days late - turned out just fine because all of my early dilation made for a VERY quick labor.
2-3 cm at 38 weeks. 2-3 to 6-7 took about 14 hrs. 6-7 to birth was an hour and a half. Second baby.
At my 38 week OB appt, I had zero dilation, cervix was hard, completely closed and baby was high. 4 days later, I went into labor and had my baby. This was my first baby. It can happen really fast, you just never know...!
I didn't dilate at all until I was on pitocin (water broke on its own). It took about 12 hours to go 0-10 cm.
OP here-- thanks so much for sharing your experiences.
Very, very slowly. At my 36 week appointment, I was 2 cm and 90% effaced. At 40 weeks, I was 5 cm and totally effaced! I did not have my baby until 41 weeks. The OB joked that I could've sneezed and given birth.
my water broke when i was about 2 cm dilated. it took pitocin and 21 hours to get to 10 cms.

my friend was at 0 cm and went from 0 to 10 in 6 hours. everyone is different.
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