Do you think the Scientologists are blackmailing Tom Cruise

I don't think he's neurodivergent. As a mom with two autistic kids on different ends of the spectrum, I'm not picking up in any characteristics.
Have you seen the James Corden episode where Tom takes him into the sky? It's hilarious, and he pokes fun at his strangeness.
Anonymous wrote:He's on the spectrum and is not "involved parent" material in the first place. Don't go looking for zebras when it's horses, OP. There is no blackmail or plots or whatever. It's just a very stubborn, proud man (very gifted too, of course), who doesn't like to be not in control.

Why do you think he’s on the spectrum?
Anonymous wrote:I don't think he's neurodivergent. As a mom with two autistic kids on different ends of the spectrum, I'm not picking up in any characteristics.
Have you seen the James Corden episode where Tom takes him into the sky? It's hilarious, and he pokes fun at his strangeness.

DP. Me neither. Also mom of autistic kid.
Anonymous wrote:
Again, he is on the spectrum. He is also confirmed dyslexic, maybe has attention dysregulation (because 80% of the people on the autism spectrum have ADHD and comorbid learning disorders). The hyperfocus that comes with such profiles has helped him in his career. He is obsessed with his appearance, fitness and stunts, which doesn't help him with relationships (romantic or otherwise) but does help him be the highly successful actor he is. Notice he always picks the same roles. He knows what he's good at, and doesn't deviate.

This is obvious to people who are psychologists or who are scientists who study autism.

There are many quirky and hard-to-live-with successful people who have autism and high IQs. Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, the late Steve Jobs... Their drive, obsessions and fixations that stem from their atypical brains help them achieve great things, and their inability to empathize much or put themselves in other people's shoes make family life rather challenging. It's interesting that Mark's wife, Priscilla, has done so well with him. I think she's highly intelligent herself and has learned how to deal with the neurodivergence. Elon's wives couldn't deal with him, and Steve was famously unpleasant.

I have no insider knowledge of Scientology, but honestly, Tom Cruise's life can be explained by his neurodivergent personality. You don't need to go imagining blackmail from cultish organizations.

Mark zuckerburg isn’t on the spectrum. Now bill gates…yes.
A friend who worked as a receptionist in a Hollywood agent’s office way back said it was common knowledge he liked men — whether he is gay or a MSM, who knows?

Yes, I think he’s brainwashed and blackmailed. Scientology blackmailed IRS agents to get their nonprofit status so why would they not do this to others? To do so is written in the playbook by their deceased leader. That’s why they move in next door to people they want to watch and hire people to go through their trash. They want to disparage anyone who goes against them and to keep cash cows like Tom Cruise paying the bills and attracting more prey.

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Nah, he’s a believer. As much as someone at the top of that pyramid can be.

+1 But also they’re blackmailing him.

This. Sort of.

And that doesn’t mean he’s not on the spectrum too.

He’s a true believer and they feed his ego bc he is essentially revered and is the #2 guy in the organization at this point. Except the number one guy isn’t a true believer at all and is just a con man who saw and seized a power opportunity to take the helm as soon as L Ron Hubbard “left his vessel”

But if TC ever stopped being a true believer, they definitely have all the goods to blackmail him bc he has gone through hours and hours of “auditing” (Scientology’s version of a counseling session where you confess all your deep dark secrets or Engrams in order to remove any barrier to moving “up the bridge” to enlightenment)—and these sessions are all video recorded at the Celebrity Centre where he did his earlier auditing sessions. Marty Rathbun was his “auditor” for many years and he left Scientology over a decade ago and confirmed that they have all the info.

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Katie Holmes left Tom Cruise when Sea Org members moved into their house to live with them after Suri was born, in order to guide the family spiritually. Tom was fine with that but Katie was not and she was especially terrified that her daughter might be estranged from her by Scientology as had happened to Nicole Kidman when the church stole her first two children that she and Tom had adopted together.

Tom is a true believer. He’s a brainwashed cult member. He is a god in Scientology and he’s addicted to that adulation and obviously he’s driven in some weird way because he is very popular and not likely to suffer from any revelation of sexuality.

But if all the truth of how he treated his wives/mothers of his children came out, he would likely be cancelled. Notice Katie says nothing about him - the NDA associated with her marriage dissolution must be ironclad and was likely lucrative above and beyond the $400k/yr she gets for child support.

Maybe Tom is gay, maybe not. He’s definitely more than a little cuckoo.

Unfortunate she didn’t consider that before choosing to have a kid with him. And then later marrying him.

Katie Holmes was 25 when she met Tom Cruise, a man she had harbored a keen crush for while a teen. She was coming off the breakup of an engagement and a man almost twice her age with a ton of charisma swept her off her feet. She was pregnant 3 months into the relationship.

Didn’t you ever do anything stupid when you were only in your early 20s?

I have nothing but huge respect for Katie Holmes - a great many women marry men who turn out to be duds and a danger to their kids, and many women don’t have the courage to leave. Obviously it helped that she was going to get very generous child support and that she had a divorce lawyer father who could set it all up for her to make the exit easy - but still, she did a very good thing and was only 32 leaving the biggest box office star of recent years and taking on a crazy ass cult by walking away from him. Good job, Katie!

I have major respect for Katie as well.
But 100x MORE respect for her family and particularly for her rockstar DAD who is a super smart attorney and helped her orchestrate and navigate her exit so that she had the element of surprise and complete upper hand in negotiating the “Suri comes with me and has nothing to do with Scientology and in exchange I agree not to disparage you or Scientology, date publicly for five years, or ever speak about this” arrangement.
Nicole was not so lucky.
No. He's happy with his position and power he has in that religion. He's not very nice to his workers/slaves
Why did she get such a good settlement?
Why does the element of surprise matter?
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Katie Holmes left Tom Cruise when Sea Org members moved into their house to live with them after Suri was born, in order to guide the family spiritually. Tom was fine with that but Katie was not and she was especially terrified that her daughter might be estranged from her by Scientology as had happened to Nicole Kidman when the church stole her first two children that she and Tom had adopted together.

Tom is a true believer. He’s a brainwashed cult member. He is a god in Scientology and he’s addicted to that adulation and obviously he’s driven in some weird way because he is very popular and not likely to suffer from any revelation of sexuality.

But if all the truth of how he treated his wives/mothers of his children came out, he would likely be cancelled. Notice Katie says nothing about him - the NDA associated with her marriage dissolution must be ironclad and was likely lucrative above and beyond the $400k/yr she gets for child support.

Maybe Tom is gay, maybe not. He’s definitely more than a little cuckoo.

Unfortunate she didn’t consider that before choosing to have a kid with him. And then later marrying him.

Katie Holmes was 25 when she met Tom Cruise, a man she had harbored a keen crush for while a teen. She was coming off the breakup of an engagement and a man almost twice her age with a ton of charisma swept her off her feet. She was pregnant 3 months into the relationship.

Didn’t you ever do anything stupid when you were only in your early 20s?

I have nothing but huge respect for Katie Holmes - a great many women marry men who turn out to be duds and a danger to their kids, and many women don’t have the courage to leave. Obviously it helped that she was going to get very generous child support and that she had a divorce lawyer father who could set it all up for her to make the exit easy - but still, she did a very good thing and was only 32 leaving the biggest box office star of recent years and taking on a crazy ass cult by walking away from him. Good job, Katie!

I have major respect for Katie as well.
But 100x MORE respect for her family and particularly for her rockstar DAD who is a super smart attorney and helped her orchestrate and navigate her exit so that she had the element of surprise and complete upper hand in negotiating the “Suri comes with me and has nothing to do with Scientology and in exchange I agree not to disparage you or Scientology, date publicly for five years, or ever speak about this” arrangement.
Nicole was not so lucky.

I agree with this but I also agree she must have had some kind of very specific dirt on them that she grabbed before she left to use as leverage
Anonymous wrote:Why did she get such a good settlement?
Why does the element of surprise matter?

And the dirt she has on him and other members. If the 400k a year is right then she alo also received MUCH less then she's entitled too. More money for scientology and her silence was the golden ticket
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Nah, he’s a believer. As much as someone at the top of that pyramid can be.

+1 But also they’re blackmailing him.

This. Sort of.

And that doesn’t mean he’s not on the spectrum too.

He’s a true believer and they feed his ego bc he is essentially revered and is the #2 guy in the organization at this point. Except the number one guy isn’t a true believer at all and is just a con man who saw and seized a power opportunity to take the helm as soon as L Ron Hubbard “left his vessel”

But if TC ever stopped being a true believer, they definitely have all the goods to blackmail him bc he has gone through hours and hours of “auditing” (Scientology’s version of a counseling session where you confess all your deep dark secrets or Engrams in order to remove any barrier to moving “up the bridge” to enlightenment)—and these sessions are all video recorded at the Celebrity Centre where he did his earlier auditing sessions. Marty Rathbun was his “auditor” for many years and he left Scientology over a decade ago and confirmed that they have all the info.

This 100%. They treat him like a god and in TC's mind, he is one. I don't think he's on the spectrum, I think he's a narcissist. I think Scientology saw that and exploited his need to be treated that way for their benefit. It's why so many celebrities are Scientologists--they feed their ego by treating them like they are super-human. And the celebs will continue to pour money into the cult in order to maintain that level of "respect".
They got where they are because of luck.
That’s it.
There are thousands of people just as talented and good looking standing right behind them.
Scientology tells them they deserve it.
They are special. They earned it above others.
It makes sense of their senseless existence.
the person who said he has an addictive personality is probably right. he was raised Catholic and was planning on becoming a priest. Was extremely devout. He just traded religions.
Agree with everything that was said, just wondering, why did he care if she publicly dated for the next few years?
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