John McCain cheated on his first wife with Cindy and with numerous others allegedly

why is this kept so secret and john edwards' affair is front page news? apparently he cheated on his wife who was disfigured from a car accident - that does not show character in my book. how is this kept out of the debate?
Oh- move on- edwards just cheated on his wife- recently enough that he may be the father of a baby.. hillary accepted that bill cheated while he was campaigning for president.. very different situation.. it's like asking you if you ever smoked pot or did any drug, drove while drunk- well- maybe- but a hell of a long time ago..
Anonymous wrote:why is this kept so secret and john edwards' affair is front page news? apparently he cheated on his wife who was disfigured from a car accident - that does not show character in my book. how is this kept out of the debate?

Ummmm b/c Edwards fathered a baby very recently.
Silly and irrelevant, OP.

If you have problems with his policy (as I'm sure you do) then address those directly instead of spreading silly rumors.

Or, maybe you have some super-duper insider information. In that case, take it to the National Inquirer. They will reward you handsomely.

PP here. Oh, and fyi, I'm voting for Obama....

My thoughts on your thread still stand.

It's not a rumor, it's fairly widely known. She was disfigured and disabled in a terrible car accident while he was in Vietnam. He left her for Cindy.
There is a lot available on the internet about his first wife and how he treated her upon his return from Vietnam. Not the loyal, devoted family man that he was portrayed as at the RNC tonight.
No doubt you can find anything you are looking for on the internet. You can even find out that the Jews were the mastermind behind 911. This is where I get all of my no spin information.
Bill Clinton has had hundreds, if not thousands of affairs. What's your point?
McCain has not denied this. He acknowledged it as Saddlebrook as the greatest moral failure of his life. But it's around thirty years ago, and at some point you pay more attention to what has happened since. This is from an Obama supporter.
When you go to war and are repeatedly tortured, and then come home to your country who could care less about you, then maybe you can judge John McCain for the reasons he did what he's done in his life.

And furthermore...I've seen so many posts on here from women who have cheated or considered cheating all because they dont FEEL like sexing their husbands, for one reason or another. Or, "God, his Calvin Klein Jeans are sooooo hot, I should just hop on him". So, get over yourselves.
Anonymous wrote:Bill Clinton has had hundreds, if not thousands of affairs. What's your point?

I'd say the point is that if the Republicans had this sort of information about McCain, they'd be incessantly preaching about his lack of family values, poor character, etc. As usual, the Democrats take the high road and don't delve into those sorts of things and start mudslinging - for better or worse...
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Bill Clinton has had hundreds, if not thousands of affairs. What's your point?

I'd say the point is that if the Republicans had this sort of information about McCain, they'd be incessantly preaching about his lack of family values, poor character, etc. As usual, the Democrats take the high road and don't delve into those sorts of things and start mudslinging - for better or worse...

Sorry, in my frustration I obviously miswrote. I meant to write: "if the Republicans had this sort of information about Obama...."
Everyone knows about McCain's affair and he has not tried to hide it. It was thirty years ago. Your great hero, Teddy Kennedy, left a woman to drown in a car thirty years ago and it didn't stop the leftists at your convention from doing a special segment on what a great American he is.
Unless it is illegal, I am not concerned what politicians are doing with their reproductive organs. There are plenty of other reasons for me not to vote for McCain.

As a side note, I don't think this kind of talk has a place in politics. I am a lesbian and what rights I have are fair game for people to vote on, which is hateful and discriminatory. I suppose I could be hypocritical and think that gives me the right to pass judgement on the sex lives of others, but that would undermine my beliefs about privacy.

Let it go.
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