Bleeding Hemmroids

Sorry this is TMI. But I have some... any suggestions? Nurse at doc's office says I can use Tucks and stuff, but I think they are internal, etc..
These are horrible! Call your dr office and insist they prescribe you suppository's. I was in horrible pain for a week before my dr called in a presciption and they literally went away in 2 days.
If they don't hurt, don't worry too much about them and use Tucks. If they do hurt, then you might want to get suppositories.
Your dr may also be able to prescribe a cream - I have used that rather than a sopository (sp?). The cream is prescription strength (2.5% vs. 1.5% over-the-counter) and has really worked well. You should also keep a close eye on what you're eating and drinking - drink a ton of water and make sure you're eating enough fruits & veggies. That has really helped me through this uncomfortable time.
Op Here: thanks for all the replies! It's such an uncomfortable situation...

Anyway, they only hurt while going to the bathroom. Not otherwise. I get this sharp pain and then, well, it's fine (so, so sorry for the TMI). I have a regualr OB appt on Thurs and I will ask the doc then about something else. Thanks again.
Call your OB and ask if you can take Colace (stool softener - do NOT get the kind with the stimulant added). I think you can take it when pg, but just don't remember. It helps from the side of prevention - and also pain relief - when your stool is softer, it doesn't hurt when it comes out and is less likely to produce blood.
Do ask abut the colace. Your prenatal vitamins have iron (of course), which makes a stool softener necessary for some.
Colace is okay during pregnancy, at least according to my OB, who specifically recommended it when I asked about constipation.
suppositories are really the best cure. If they bleed than you will have to treat them from the inside. They will get worse after delivery I can tell you. I have them and I delivered 7 weeks ago, sharp pain, bleeding and all. It does make a difference when you eat high fiber food or perhaps drink those fiberdrinks. They will disappear again, I used the sup. after my first pregnancy/delivery and they stayed away after that. Good luck, they are horrible little buggers!
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