has anyone experienced blood in stool or per the rectum from taking SSRI? like zoloft?

I noticed that since starting zoloft I have experienced bleeding in the stool (sorry TMI) and have googled zoloft and found it causes intestinal bleeding...has this happened to anyone? when can I expect this to get better?
You need to go to the doctor immediately - call for an appointment tomorrow. Rectal bleeding is serious. Most likely it is related to the zoloft, but maybe it isn't.

I agree with you need to go to the doctor. Same thing happened to me and I went to 2 doctors who essentially did nothing other than tell me to eat more fiber. I am healthy and under 40... but still frustrating because I am well insured and would have liked a colonoscopy just incase of a worst case scenario.
GI tract bleeding would be black in your stool. if you see red, it is lower down and you either need a colonoscopy or you have hemorrhoids.
Anonymous wrote:I agree with you need to go to the doctor. Same thing happened to me and I went to 2 doctors who essentially did nothing other than tell me to eat more fiber. I am healthy and under 40... but still frustrating because I am well insured and would have liked a colonoscopy just incase of a worst case scenario.

20:32 - Are you still bleeding? If so I would get that colonoscopy. There are plenty of under-40's with polyps and even cancer. Some of them die.
GI isn't quite right: the colon is part of the GI tract, and although blood high up in the colon would probably be black upon exit (depending on quantity), blood from the colon can very well be red.
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