Baby Moving All The Time

I felt like dc2 was much more active than dc2, and then he came out 3 pounds larger--so I wondered if maybe I just felt his every move more because he was such a chunker.
I'm 36 weeks with #2 and let me tell you, I'm also gestating a little ninja. Lots of flips, flops, kicks, pokes, swipes, wiggles, jiggles, and pop-pop-pops.

Please, little girl, go to sleep...

I honestly don't remember #1 being this way.
I'm in the same boat, I'm 38 weeks and this baby hasn't stopped moving for months! I'm trying not to be too worried about a correlation though as my DC#1 was pretty mellow in utero and is now extremely active (at 2). She was pretty active at the beginning too, and a horrible sleeper. I'm hoping this one will be the opposite!!
My daughter moved around a lot, and later in the pregnancy, it was at very predictable times. She's two now, and she was an active, engaged baby and she's now an active, engaged toddler. Not hyperactive or anything, but she's always got something going on. She's a pretty good sleeper, for the most part.

I liked that she moved around a lot - made me feel more bonded to her. I have a friend who didn't really feel much movement from her babies - i felt kind of sorry that she was missing out on something cool. (i think it was partly positioning and partly because she carries more weight in her stomach and I'm someone who gains as a pear, so I didn't have much fat blocking my baby's movements.)
DS was a pro soccer player in my tummy. He also had constant hiccups.

Fast forward three years, he's a nonstop talker and mover so nothing has changed!
No correlation for DD.

She seemed VERY active in utero but was a mellow baby once she was born. She's now a toddler and I'd still say she's slightly below average on the activity front -- perfectly normal but not the first to roll/crawl/walk/climb, and now she's just as happy to sit and play with a toy or book as she is to run around.
I had the opposite problem. DS hardly moved. He just crossed and uncrossed his legs. And if I touched my belly to share his movement with DH, he'd stop.

He's remained a super serene, powerfully willful boy.
my first child is 2.5 and he was SO active throughout my entire pregnancy and he has not stopped since. With that being said (and I know I am his parent so I am biased) he is incredibly bright and athletic. people comment to us all the time about how coordinated he is for a two year old. I am pregnant with number 2 and she is far less active so far (18 weeks) and I have to admit that although it would be nice to have a more "chill" child I worry a little that she may not be as advanced as my first born as he talked and walked at a very early age.
Per my midwife, this has been studied, and there is no correlation.

This comports with my own experience--DD was very mellow in utero, and has been a whirligig of energy (she has an "on" and and "off" switch and nothing in the middle) since the moment she was born.
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