Peeling nipples?!?

I am unsure if I am or not pregnant. My body and my cycles are so wishy washy but I feel sick thru out the day sometimes and usually a week before my cycle comes, my boobs get really tender and swell...well this go around my breast didn't hurt but my nips were bigger and sensitive beyond explanation plus my nips seemed to want to stick out all the time. Then all a sudden my areolas are peeling. Anyone experience this exact scenario? They do not itch tho...

And I'm hoping it to be positive that I am but this is crazy...smh
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Be careful with Cocoa Butter though. My SIL managed to poison herself from overuse, while pregnant. Strange if you ask me. I didn't know something like that was possible.

How is this even possible?

Apparently cocoa butter causes the baby's heart beat to rise and can be very dangerous. I've decided to stay away from it...use safe moisturizers and drink lots of water.
Anonymous wrote:I had the same symptom; the dry skin is quite different from the liquid yellowish crusties I get now that I'm farther along. The early stuff was more like nipple dandruff, and it also itched a bit. I use regular lotion plus jojoba oil on my belly (supposedly for stretch marks, no idea if it works but I don't have a lot).

My understanding is that regular lotion is not so great once you are actually breastfeeding because it can cause plugged ducts.

Yes, me too! It comes and goes. I had the itchiness too that other people mentioned but that was earlier on. Now that I'm 24 weeks, I don't get much itchiness, but the dry skin is still there. I've used aquaphor and vaseline type products, which helps.

I'm glad the pp mentioned the crusty stuff on the nipples because I was thinking there was something wrong with me. I have that too.
Totally normal OP.

Just leave it alone!
11 weeks here and just noticed the same thing. I put aquaphor on the nipple only.
Mine do that too, and yes, it can definitely be skin and not just colostrum leaking/drying---you should be able to tell the difference once the colostrum starts. (I get both now at 32 weeks, woohoo...they are very different, though.) For me the skin literally peels off like a healing burn would (TMI, I know---but it freaked me out at the beginning so good for the OP to know it's not unusual!)

One good rec from one of my pregnancy books was to stop washing the nipples with soap---it can dry your skin out as the nipples get more sensitive. You can also buy the cream recommended for nursing and start using it now; I just put some of the Burt's Bees mama oil (can't remember exactly the product name, but obvious that it's for pregnant women) that I already had \on the nipples, and that worked well for me too.
This! My DH thought he was being helpful, so he ordered me "Bag Balm" which is meant for cow udders. After I got over being pissed, I was amazed that this stuff actually works. Not that I will admit that to him.
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