why do breastfed babies still get sick all the time?

And I handed you back a dozen that said it had no effect, why do you keep ignoring those?
Anonymous wrote:And I handed you back a dozen that said it had no effect, why do you keep ignoring those?

This defines pointless. I've never seen someone this deliberately obtuse in my life. You win, okay? breastfeeding has "no effect."

because breastmilk has antibodies that protect against intestinal infection but breastmilk does not protect against viruses or most germs. Most women think breastmilk does more than it actually does. It's just food, not a miracle cure.
I breastfed my first child and am now breastfeeding my second daughter, supplemented with formula. I did have a lot more family support when I breastfed my first child, for 1- there wasn't good formula in my country back then and the only alternative would be rice cereal or milk powder that with no doubt pose a lot of risk to an infant. My milk supply was also plenty and I wasn't working. In contrast, I am receiving a lot doubt on the benefit of BF this time. As a PP mentioned, the benefits of BF (over formula) are less visible, although I'm sure the benefits of BF over other alternative before formula was invented are obvious and hence noncontroversial. I'm working and having less milk supply to due to older age. The intrinsic pressure to continue BF and the external pressure to stop BF are inflicting pains in me. But the pain is washed away after about 4 months and now everything is fine. I'm happy, my baby is happy and we are especially happy when the whole family is sick but the baby is fine - it's a miracle indeed. BF milk also lasts long, almost forever for baby under 1-yr, in the freezer and lasts up to 8 hours just in room temperature. It saves $ and becomes so convenient after the process of making and feeding the milk becomes routine. It's still a piece of extra work but it's more doable than the first 4 months. It actually helps me relax and relieve the pressure of work. My 7 month old is now sleeping through the night, so I try to view BF as a hobby now. I'm fortunate to have a loving and caring husband and my parents to help me raise the baby so I can still enjoy other things in my life in addition to BF. I probably cannot trade in my leisure time for BF without the family support. I don't see huge difference between BF and FF, considering FF is such a huge step advanced from rice and lamp milk. But I would certainly BF everything else equal.
Anonymous wrote:My 10 month old son has been breastfed from day one. He still catches every cold, virus that goes around? What's the deal here? What are the benefits of breast milk if it does not keep a baby from catching viruses and colds?

You don't sound too smart.
Yes breastfed kids get sick. The idea in the research is overall they tend to get sick less often than formula fed babies. If you breast feed the idea is on average they would be sick MORE often if they were formula fed.
My babies never got sick when they were exclusively bf. We had whooping cough, chicken pox, flu, you name it in the older kids. as well as parents, and each time the breastfeeding baby were fine. I had the flu so bad one time with my first I had to keep latching her off mid-feeding to go through up and she was perfectly fine, not even a runny nose. When they were weaned as toddlers they did get our household ailments as we seem to pass them around each year.
I breastfed one of my DC, never gave that DC formula, and was a SAHM so that kid was not in daycare. My other DC went to daycare as older babies, and had formula regularly.

Guess which one got rushed to the hospital in severe anaplylaxic shock after exposure to an allergen? Yeah.

I EBFd all my DC to about age two because it was easy and cozy for us. But I sure don't think it was any magic bullet.
Anonymous wrote:Daycare makes them sick. It isn't rocket science. Why do moms kill themselves trying to pump when they are just going to put their kids in the germ factories known as daycare centers? Does it make moms feel less guilty like the breastmilk will protect them from illnesses?

This. I agree.
Anonymous wrote:Because it is crazy propaganda. Both my kids were breastfed for a year, and both have asthma, food allergies, had so many ear infections they had to get tubes before the age of 1, RSV, etc.

It is complete and utter HOGWASH that it makes children healthier.

Yes, your experience certainly cancels out all research on the topic.
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:you are only passing on the immunities that you have built up in your system. since there are so many more things we are exposed to, maybe you haven't built up the immunity yourself to that particular strain of virus.

I think this is likely it. DD is in daycare, so she is exposed to and catches the cold virus before she brings it home to us. I think that by nursing her I'm giving her extra antibodies once I've been exposed to the germs myself, but she's already sick by the time I get them from her. If I happen to get sick first, I actually nurse the heck out of her. This is where I've seen the difference. If DH or I get sick, she often does not come down with the same thing, and I attribute that to BFing and getting the antibodies before she gets sick.

This ANCIENT thread features the correct answer on page 1. ^^^^

Back to your regularly scheduled flame war.
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Daycare makes them sick. It isn't rocket science. Why do moms kill themselves trying to pump when they are just going to put their kids in the germ factories known as daycare centers? Does it make moms feel less guilty like the breastmilk will protect them from illnesses?

This. I agree.

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Daycare makes them sick. It isn't rocket science. Why do moms kill themselves trying to pump when they are just going to put their kids in the germ factories known as daycare centers? Does it make moms feel less guilty like the breastmilk will protect them from illnesses?

This. I agree.


Meh. I BF and WAH, so I didn't have to pump. Pumping sounds like a drag, and I get this argument, BUT I do think there are so many other benefits to BF (and kids in daycare do still BF at home, weekends, and BM itself still has benefits...) My BFF pumped during work/did daycare and it was sort of a pain for her, but she also got into a groove that she said it did not feel burdensome to her. If that's the case, why not? If it's killing you, then maybe quit or supplement after 6 months-a year. But I've been surprised to hear that not everyone feels like it's a monumental pain.
Anonymous wrote:My babies never got sick when they were exclusively bf. We had whooping cough, chicken pox, flu, you name it in the older kids. as well as parents, and each time the breastfeeding baby were fine. I had the flu so bad one time with my first I had to keep latching her off mid-feeding to go through up and she was perfectly fine, not even a runny nose. When they were weaned as toddlers they did get our household ailments as we seem to pass them around each year.

You had whooping cough? And chicken pox and flu? I guess you don't get your children vaccinated.
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:My babies never got sick when they were exclusively bf. We had whooping cough, chicken pox, flu, you name it in the older kids. as well as parents, and each time the breastfeeding baby were fine. I had the flu so bad one time with my first I had to keep latching her off mid-feeding to go through up and she was perfectly fine, not even a runny nose. When they were weaned as toddlers they did get our household ailments as we seem to pass them around each year.

You had whooping cough? And chicken pox and flu? I guess you don't get your children vaccinated.

That was my second thought, right after "why did she revive this thread?"
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