“I’m a cultural Christian”, says Richard Dawkins

Anonymous wrote:Atheists, you're not going to reason anyone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.
Best you can do is petition Jeff to move the Religion forum off of "Recent threads" page same as Politics, and let them have their safe space.

Atheist proselytizing, lol.
Anonymous wrote:Atheists, you're not going to reason anyone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.
Best you can do is petition Jeff to move the Religion forum off of "Recent threads" page same as Politics, and let them have their safe space.

I have asked a few times. He says no.
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Atheists, you're not going to reason anyone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.
Best you can do is petition Jeff to move the Religion forum off of "Recent threads" page same as Politics, and let them have their safe space.

Return of the poster who already knows Jeff isn’t taking religion out of recent threads. The horse you are beating is so long dead his skeleton has crumbled into dust. You still have your stick, beating the ground where he once lay. Maniacally you hit the empty ground, sweating dripping from every pore, eyes gleaming at the bare surface of the earth. Maybe someday you will end your marathon of futility, but you seem wedded to the notion that you can change the moderator’s decision.

Why don’t you trundle over to website feedback right now and start the petition? Go on, I dare you.

No, that’s me. There are many posters here.

If these threads show up in recent topics, don’t complain about atheists posting on any of the many atheist bashing threads you start.

I feel like the excitement over people like Dawkins and Ali saying "I don't believe any of this is true, but I like majority Christian societies" is actually a sign of Evangelical Christianity's loss of political influence. When I was growing up in the W era in the Bible Belt, I was surrounded by people passionately arguing that practicing Christians were going to hell for not being Washed In The Blood in the right way or would be spit out of God's mouth for being "lukewarm" in their faith and public testimony. "I don't believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ but I like the songs" would have been roundly and loudly castigated as a perversion of the Truth and an attempt to secularize the One True Faith and no practicing Christian I know would have had anything but scorn for a public atheist saying "Christians make nice buildings, though."

Now that Christians aren't wielding power at the ballot box, they'll apparently not just accept scraps like this but gloat about it. It's an interesting phenomenon to witness.
Anonymous wrote:Atheists are out in force to pretend one of their Four Horseman heroes didn’t say Christianity is his choice for livable, moral, enjoyable society and culture.

He sure isn’t living in a country that atheism has been mandated by the state- nor are they. What? Atheism doesn’t equal utopia? Lol, no.

He said none of those things, you liar. Not in the article posted.

Wanna know what he said in that article?

Curiously, Dawkins also contends that while he enjoys the cultural ethos of Christianity, he wishes there were fewer Christians.

That's what he said. Yeah sounds like he's ready to join a monastery any day now. Any day.
Anonymous wrote:I feel like the excitement over people like Dawkins and Ali saying "I don't believe any of this is true, but I like majority Christian societies" is actually a sign of Evangelical Christianity's loss of political influence. When I was growing up in the W era in the Bible Belt, I was surrounded by people passionately arguing that practicing Christians were going to hell for not being Washed In The Blood in the right way or would be spit out of God's mouth for being "lukewarm" in their faith and public testimony. "I don't believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ but I like the songs" would have been roundly and loudly castigated as a perversion of the Truth and an attempt to secularize the One True Faith and no practicing Christian I know would have had anything but scorn for a public atheist saying "Christians make nice buildings, though."

Now that Christians aren't wielding power at the ballot box, they'll apparently not just accept scraps like this but gloat about it. It's an interesting phenomenon to witness.
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Atheists are out in force to pretend one of their Four Horseman heroes didn’t say Christianity is his choice for livable, moral, enjoyable society and culture.

He sure isn’t living in a country that atheism has been mandated by the state- nor are they. What? Atheism doesn’t equal utopia? Lol, no.

He said none of those things, you liar. Not in the article posted.

Wanna know what he said in that article?

Curiously, Dawkins also contends that while he enjoys the cultural ethos of Christianity, he wishes there were fewer Christians.

That's what he said. Yeah sounds like he's ready to join a monastery any day now. Any day.

Atheists are so pleasant and reasonable. That is all.
Anonymous wrote:I feel like the excitement over people like Dawkins and Ali saying "I don't believe any of this is true, but I like majority Christian societies" is actually a sign of Evangelical Christianity's loss of political influence. When I was growing up in the W era in the Bible Belt, I was surrounded by people passionately arguing that practicing Christians were going to hell for not being Washed In The Blood in the right way or would be spit out of God's mouth for being "lukewarm" in their faith and public testimony. "I don't believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ but I like the songs" would have been roundly and loudly castigated as a perversion of the Truth and an attempt to secularize the One True Faith and no practicing Christian I know would have had anything but scorn for a public atheist saying "Christians make nice buildings, though."

Now that Christians aren't wielding power at the ballot box, they'll apparently not just accept scraps like this but gloat about it. It's an interesting phenomenon to witness.

“Ali contends that atheism is nihilistic and absurdist. Moreover, it has been tried and found wanting: we are reaping the results of discarding Christianity, and they are seriously bad. Secularists promised us one thing; we have gotten quite another.“

it’s such a funny thing: one day, Christian nationalism is ruining, destroying America, political power out of control, the next Christianity has lost power at the ballot box and accepting “scraps” of Richard Dawkins publicly reaffirming his choice to live in a Christian society.

None of the Four Horsedorks live in a country in which state atheism is mandated. Because society run by atheists is inferior (that’s putting it mildly) to societies run by atheists.

Christianity is so awful! Except hey I think their countries and societies and customs are rules and laws are the best on earth.

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Still waiting to hear why OP and others care so much about this random, British guy who is an atheist.

Not OP, but he's got a big mouth and is kinda hard to ignore.

Where do you hear him speaking?

go away, troll

Not a troll. Why don’t you want to answer? Do you subscribe to his newsletter or something?

He's in the news a lot. I know, I know, that requires reading, and maybe that's not your thing.

What’s your news source that covers him?

FoxNews? Bible Beaters Daily?

Oh look. DCUM's low-info atheists lost the argument about Christianity's influence on secular society's values (thanks, Richard Dawkins, for the assist!). So here they are dredging up posts from a page or two ago and hurling the insults again.

Do you guys have the slightest notion how unappealing you make atheism look?

There are multiple posters. I’m following up where I left off before I had a meeting.

I’m not trying to sell anything. I DGAF if you believe in your sky fairy or not.


Dawkins sure is trying to sell, $199 plus taxes and fees to purchase a bit of his time.

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:^European Christians: the first people group in human history to make slavery illegal.

Genociding all the non-Christians around has a way of cornering the market on "firsts"

European Christians were the first people in history to genocide an entire continent.

This is really true, especially the Spanish who were motivated to bring God to the new world (and of course take their gold). But to be fair, Christianity did moderate a bit after the Enlightenment.
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Atheists are out in force to pretend one of their Four Horseman heroes didn’t say Christianity is his choice for livable, moral, enjoyable society and culture.

He sure isn’t living in a country that atheism has been mandated by the state- nor are they. What? Atheism doesn’t equal utopia? Lol, no.

He said none of those things, you liar. Not in the article posted.

Wanna know what he said in that article?

Curiously, Dawkins also contends that while he enjoys the cultural ethos of Christianity, he wishes there were fewer Christians.

That's what he said. Yeah sounds like he's ready to join a monastery any day now. Any day.

Atheists are so pleasant and reasonable. That is all.

Which is it? Is he about to convert or is he horrible?

The point is PP and OP are dishonest and misrepresented the article referenced. Shameful.
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:How weak must your conception of faith be if you think his saying “yeah, I kind of like Christmas carols” means “he’s almost accepted Jesus Christ as his lord and savior!”?

His eyes are opened to Christianity’s cultural benefits.

Good things come from good things.

Doubt it. Enjoying music and pretty decorations doesn’t equate to a true believer in Christ rising from the dead.

You enjoy the benefits of living in a society that influenced Christianity. All of our presidents have been Christian, and all our elected officials minus a handful are Christian.

It is against a framework of Christianity that all of our thought has significance.

Man I know a whole buncha ancient greeks that would be shocked by your claim.

Along with the people who invented letters and numbers.

As well as Washington, Jefferson and Monroe.

Would you prefer to live in Ancient Greece?

I'm a DP, but I'm pretty sure that person you're responding to was commenting on the ridiculous comment that "It is against a framework of Christianity that all of our thought has significance." That's complete nonsense. As that poster pointed out (and it wasn't me, honest), Jefferson and Madison looked to democracy (Greece) and Rome (the Senate for example) when devising our Constitution. These long pre-dated Christianity. Jefferson himself was a deist, meaning he didn't belief in a personal God that got involved in human affairs. In fact, I don't see much at all where Christianity provides a framework against which all of our thoughts have significance. Maybe you could elaborate?

Another DP. The attempt to connect Jefferson and Madison --> ancient Greece and Rome --> deism is lost on me, unless someone wants to explain it. Sure, they were strongly influenced by Greek and Roman political ideas. And sure, they were deists. But the ancient greeks and romans certainly weren't deists, instead they worshipped the gods of Mount Olympus. Jefferson and Madison didn't worship the gods of Mount Olympus.

You're limiting yourself to the political and rhetorical aspects of Ancient Greece, and ignoring the social values that are most decidedly not taken from Ancient Greece. And sure, Jefferson and Madison looked to Greece (and Rome) for political and rhetorical foundations.

What Jefferson and Madison were, is influenced by Christian social values. As far as social values go, Jefferson and Madison departed from Ancient Greece and were instead influenced by Christianity, whether they were traditional Christians or not. In Ancient Greece or Rome, if you were poor or orphaned, there was no social impetus to help you, so usually you died, and that was that. War and warriors were glorified. Might made right. None of these are Christian values, and none of them were values shared by Madison or Jefferson.

That, as I understand it, is pp's argument.

That's fair enough, but it doesn't support the contention that that it's through "a framework of Christianity that all of our thought has significance."
Lots of our "thought" has nothing to do with Christianity, and indeed unlike many countries, the US has no state religion, rather has freedom from religion. That's not a Christian value. What we have here that made the US so enviable, and a magnet for people, is the freedom to make a million bucks if you worked hard enough. Clearly that's not something Jesus espoused.

The idea separation of church and state originated from Christianity.

Until Christ came along, all states governed by rulers who imposed their religion/gods.

Only when Christians obtained power was the concept of separation of church and state embraced.

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Still waiting to hear why OP and others care so much about this random, British guy who is an atheist.

Not OP, but he's got a big mouth and is kinda hard to ignore.

Where do you hear him speaking?

go away, troll

Not a troll. Why don’t you want to answer? Do you subscribe to his newsletter or something?

He's in the news a lot. I know, I know, that requires reading, and maybe that's not your thing.

What’s your news source that covers him?

FoxNews? Bible Beaters Daily?

Oh look. DCUM's low-info atheists lost the argument about Christianity's influence on secular society's values (thanks, Richard Dawkins, for the assist!). So here they are dredging up posts from a page or two ago and hurling the insults again.

Do you guys have the slightest notion how unappealing you make atheism look?

There are multiple posters. I’m following up where I left off before I had a meeting.

I’m not trying to sell anything. I DGAF if you believe in your sky fairy or not.


Dawkins sure is trying to sell, $199 plus taxes and fees to purchase a bit of his time.

Why are you so obsessed with this random, British guy who is an atheist?
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Atheists are out in force to pretend one of their Four Horseman heroes didn’t say Christianity is his choice for livable, moral, enjoyable society and culture.

He sure isn’t living in a country that atheism has been mandated by the state- nor are they. What? Atheism doesn’t equal utopia? Lol, no.

He said none of those things, you liar. Not in the article posted.

Wanna know what he said in that article?

Curiously, Dawkins also contends that while he enjoys the cultural ethos of Christianity, he wishes there were fewer Christians.

That's what he said. Yeah sounds like he's ready to join a monastery any day now. Any day.

Atheists are so pleasant and reasonable. That is all.

Which is it? Is he about to convert or is he horrible?

The point is PP and OP are dishonest and misrepresented the article referenced. Shameful.

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Atheists are out in force to pretend one of their Four Horseman heroes didn’t say Christianity is his choice for livable, moral, enjoyable society and culture.

He sure isn’t living in a country that atheism has been mandated by the state- nor are they. What? Atheism doesn’t equal utopia? Lol, no.

He said none of those things, you liar. Not in the article posted.

Wanna know what he said in that article?

Curiously, Dawkins also contends that while he enjoys the cultural ethos of Christianity, he wishes there were fewer Christians.

That's what he said. Yeah sounds like he's ready to join a monastery any day now. Any day.

Atheists are so pleasant and reasonable. That is all.

Neither atheists nor Christians are covering themselves with glory here.
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