Post 02/11/2020 09:53     Subject: Mary Poppins nanny we found tested positive for marijuana ....

Anonymous wrote:We are about o hire out first nanny. She is set to start at the beginning of next month. We REALLY like her. After interviewing several candidates, L just really stood out from the rest. She engaged with our son. She has credentials and experience to back up her vocation. I could not wait for her to start. Unfortunately, while we wait she was getting screened through the agency and we received an email saying that her drug screen tested positive for marijuana.
Supposedly she was over at a friend’s house who cooks with CBD oil and that’s how the traces of the drug got into her system.
This sounds like a stretch to me. Anyways, I am not sure how to proceed. My husband said we should still hire her, BUT since she would be driving our child around, I don’t want her judgment to be impaired.

What would you do if you were in my position ? I was beyond excited to have her start. There was a genuine love and compassion in her that I knew would make her an amazing nanny. At the same time recent studies show that marijuana can impair one’s judgment. I don’t know how much of it she uses

We have friends who use recreationally and have their life together BUT they are childless and I’d never let them babysit my child. So, while I don’t care that they smoke, if someone *is* watching my child, then I do care.

The stipulation we are thinking of doing is having her test again in about two weeks and re-test for a drug screen a random after she starts-within 30 days of starting. . But I am not sure if we should do this either. —this would be in her contract, so it’s not like we’d surprise her with it.
The agency will email her informing her of our stipulation to see if she is willing to do it.

She sounds like fun! Would you hire your friends who use in on a "recreational" basis? She's young, didn't think of "purging" before the test.
Remember another thing: "taking care of kids, in general, impairs one's judgement," but our kids survive.
Post 02/04/2020 17:48     Subject: Mary Poppins nanny we found tested positive for marijuana ....

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:I’m a nanny. Every family I’ve ever worked for I’ve been up front with and they know/knew I smoked recreationally. They all have some form of relaxing as well. A couple families (parents) also smoked pot, some drink, some smoke cigs. We’re adults. Either you trust the person to watch your kids or you don’t. I also mostly worked with parents who partially worked from home and or/have cameras in the house (which I’m happy to comply with) so they were around me while I was working quite often and could see my state of mind and what was going on when they weren’t home. I also am a super social nanny, I’m always out and about, so they couldn’t ALWAYS see me. They trust me.
I’ve never had anyone request a drug test because when asked if i smoke I am honest. I don’t have time to waste interviewing with families who wouldn’t want to consider me.
I’m definitely not a loser. I’m a professional who values my career and the relationships with the families over worked with over the years. And have a great resume to boot.

Get with the times.


Get with the times man! Smoking is soooo healthy and great for your lungs- not to mention your breath and clothes!

Most people don’t smoke it, at least not often. Even the people who do smoke it regularly, it is a few puffs in the evening, not an all day thing! Obviously people who are smoking marijuana or drinking during work hours, should be be trusted with your children, but that simply isn’t reality.
Post 02/04/2020 17:43     Subject: Mary Poppins nanny we found tested positive for marijuana ....

Anonymous wrote:In California now that it’s legal we have so many loser driving with smoking weed (daily occurance) and I can’t even take the kids to the park without walking through someone’s cloud of marijuana. And we live in Beverly Hills! West Hollywood people are just walking down the street smoking it. People in the valley are normal so I only smell it flies over the hil to the west side. Can you imagine how many more people are driving with edibles? Oh because it’s natural and harmless to help you ‘relax’. F that. People who’s do marajuana are complete and total losers and if never hire a nanny who used... And I’m a nanny!!!

My mother has a rib injury and rubs cbd oil on it. She’s such a loser! She should up her prescription medications, that would be a healthier option! There are also some great sleep aids out there, but maybe ambien would be a better choice... you’re an idiot.
Post 02/04/2020 17:24     Subject: Re:Mary Poppins nanny we found tested positive for marijuana ....

Anonymous wrote:I would be concerned if she tested positive for:

but pot? That isn't concerning to me at all. Marijuana is legal in DC and it is comparable to alcohol to me. If she's not drinking or smoking around your children and she's a great nanny, I really don't care how she spends her free time. Also taking into account that all of the drugs I mentioned up top would be out of your system in a matter of days, which means if she tested positive she was hitting the drugs hard right before her test. Marijuana stays in your system for 30 days minimum. This means she could've smoked while on vacation in Jamaica with her friends once 3 weeks ago and she still tested positive. Hire her, if you don't someone else will.

A hair test shows all of those...
Post 02/04/2020 10:14     Subject: Mary Poppins nanny we found tested positive for marijuana ....

I smoke not do not drink alcohol. I’d be fine with it.
Post 02/02/2020 13:57     Subject: Mary Poppins nanny we found tested positive for marijuana ....

Can't stand pot heads. Would never hire such a nanny.
Post 02/02/2020 09:31     Subject: Re:Mary Poppins nanny we found tested positive for marijuana ....

I would be concerned if she tested positive for:

but pot? That isn't concerning to me at all. Marijuana is legal in DC and it is comparable to alcohol to me. If she's not drinking or smoking around your children and she's a great nanny, I really don't care how she spends her free time. Also taking into account that all of the drugs I mentioned up top would be out of your system in a matter of days, which means if she tested positive she was hitting the drugs hard right before her test. Marijuana stays in your system for 30 days minimum. This means she could've smoked while on vacation in Jamaica with her friends once 3 weeks ago and she still tested positive. Hire her, if you don't someone else will.

Post 01/27/2020 13:21     Subject: Mary Poppins nanny we found tested positive for marijuana ....

Anonymous wrote:I’m a nanny. Every family I’ve ever worked for I’ve been up front with and they know/knew I smoked recreationally. They all have some form of relaxing as well. A couple families (parents) also smoked pot, some drink, some smoke cigs. We’re adults. Either you trust the person to watch your kids or you don’t. I also mostly worked with parents who partially worked from home and or/have cameras in the house (which I’m happy to comply with) so they were around me while I was working quite often and could see my state of mind and what was going on when they weren’t home. I also am a super social nanny, I’m always out and about, so they couldn’t ALWAYS see me. They trust me.
I’ve never had anyone request a drug test because when asked if i smoke I am honest. I don’t have time to waste interviewing with families who wouldn’t want to consider me.
I’m definitely not a loser. I’m a professional who values my career and the relationships with the families over worked with over the years. And have a great resume to boot.

Get with the times.


Get with the times man! Smoking is soooo healthy and great for your lungs- not to mention your breath and clothes!
Post 01/27/2020 09:31     Subject: Mary Poppins nanny we found tested positive for marijuana ....

I’m a nanny. Every family I’ve ever worked for I’ve been up front with and they know/knew I smoked recreationally. They all have some form of relaxing as well. A couple families (parents) also smoked pot, some drink, some smoke cigs. We’re adults. Either you trust the person to watch your kids or you don’t. I also mostly worked with parents who partially worked from home and or/have cameras in the house (which I’m happy to comply with) so they were around me while I was working quite often and could see my state of mind and what was going on when they weren’t home. I also am a super social nanny, I’m always out and about, so they couldn’t ALWAYS see me. They trust me.
I’ve never had anyone request a drug test because when asked if i smoke I am honest. I don’t have time to waste interviewing with families who wouldn’t want to consider me.
I’m definitely not a loser. I’m a professional who values my career and the relationships with the families over worked with over the years. And have a great resume to boot.

Get with the times.
Post 12/31/2019 09:49     Subject: Re:Mary Poppins nanny we found tested positive for marijuana ....

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Plenty of employers require no drugs on and off duty. My contracts always read that I will submit to any drug or alcohol testing prior to or during employment, with the stipulation that testing is in a licensed facility (no at-home tests). While it may be legal in some states, marijuana is still illegal at a federal level, and until it is legal federally, I don’t see why any nanny would have an issue with this.

Accept the nanny probably isn't getting a feds wage, so either pay her the wage or don't tell her what she can do in her spare time.

I’m a nanny, and I don’t have an issue with it. As I said, the only caveat is about testing in a licensed facility.

Saying you’re a nanny who doesn’t have an issue with it doesn’t mean you speak for all nannies.
Post 12/31/2019 09:08     Subject: Re:Mary Poppins nanny we found tested positive for marijuana ....

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Plenty of employers require no drugs on and off duty. My contracts always read that I will submit to any drug or alcohol testing prior to or during employment, with the stipulation that testing is in a licensed facility (no at-home tests). While it may be legal in some states, marijuana is still illegal at a federal level, and until it is legal federally, I don’t see why any nanny would have an issue with this.

Accept the nanny probably isn't getting a feds wage, so either pay her the wage or don't tell her what she can do in her spare time.

I’m a nanny, and I don’t have an issue with it. As I said, the only caveat is about testing in a licensed facility.
Post 12/31/2019 03:36     Subject: Re:Mary Poppins nanny we found tested positive for marijuana ....

Anonymous wrote:Plenty of employers require no drugs on and off duty. My contracts always read that I will submit to any drug or alcohol testing prior to or during employment, with the stipulation that testing is in a licensed facility (no at-home tests). While it may be legal in some states, marijuana is still illegal at a federal level, and until it is legal federally, I don’t see why any nanny would have an issue with this.

Accept the nanny probably isn't getting a feds wage, so either pay her the wage or don't tell her what she can do in her spare time.
Post 12/28/2019 21:21     Subject: Mary Poppins nanny we found tested positive for marijuana ....

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:In California now that it’s legal we have so many loser driving with smoking weed (daily occurance) and I can’t even take the kids to the park without walking through someone’s cloud of marijuana. And we live in Beverly Hills! West Hollywood people are just walking down the street smoking it. People in the valley are normal so I only smell it flies over the hil to the west side. Can you imagine how many more people are driving with edibles? Oh because it’s natural and harmless to help you ‘relax’. F that. People who’s do marajuana are complete and total losers and if never hire a nanny who used... And I’m a nanny!!!

Oh please, the homeless problem was stopping you before marijuana became legal. I’m also guessing you believe people who drink and take prescription drugs are losers too, correct?

This. I have more issues with the homeless all over the parks and playgrounds; searching the sand areas for their shit and needles and not being able to kick them off the equipment while they sleep because they have rights to do so.

And what the hell are you talking about it “flying over the hills” I live in the valley. The valley smells anyway. As does everywhere else and it’s not marijuana it’s homeless shit, it’s chemicals and more
Post 12/17/2019 21:01     Subject: Re:Mary Poppins nanny we found tested positive for marijuana ....

OP, you’re obviously concerned about the drug use. Given the arguments here, bypass that nanny and ask the other candidates for test results (you may need to pay for the tests).
Post 12/17/2019 14:40     Subject: Mary Poppins nanny we found tested positive for marijuana ....

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Hard no. If she did not disclose it she lied. Now that she got caught she lied.

Are nannies required to disclose all medical and recreational activities? So if your nanny drinks, she needs to let you know exactly how much each week? All medical issues disclosed, like her doctor records?

The attitudes here are amazing. I understand not wanting someone in childcare that is an addict, a drunk, or jas no discretion, but there is absolutely no difference between your wine or cocktail after work and an occasional joint to relax. Plus, most people that use oils and edibles are using them for pain, insomnia, etc. Alcohol is much more evil than any cannobis product, and I would rather hire a nanny that tokes up occasionally or uses edibles for medical reasons, than a drinker.

Marijuana is illegal by federal government. Some states allow it with a prescription. If your health issues are that severe to need it, both should be disclosed. No way would I allow someone to drive and care for my child who uses drugs. And, lies. An occasional drink is legal. Most people who use it are drug addicts. People like me with medical issues use legal prescriptions and legal drugs. Federal law still states it is illegal.

Idk what world you live in but most people using marijuana are not drug addicts. Also, it is legal in several states without a prescription. It is also legal to leave CA with edibles.

So bc alcohol is legal it’s fine for your nanny to be a drinker? Also, abusing and overdosing on prescription drugs is a major thing happening. So your nanny could be a drug addict addicted to prescription pills. But that’s fine right? Oh the flaws in your very ignorant and misinformed logic.

I don’t think anyone working with kids should have a positive drug test. Even if it legal with prescription in some states it is illegal with the federal law.

Yeah, you don’t know the laws in other states much less federal laws. It is common knowledge at this point that marijuana is very much legal without a prescription in certain states. Please do some actual research before you post. I mean, you don’t even have a basic understanding of how to use google and knowledge of federal or state laws. Should a person like you really be working with kids?

The house (federal) passed MORE in November. Senate has not. Ergo, still illegal. Medical research with marijuana is still very difficult to get approved, due to status as an illegal drug. I’m quite aware of which states do and don’t allow it, and under what conditions. My tiny home town has FOUR businesses now dedicated to marijuana/cbd oil, while just about everything else is closing or has been gone for a while. Just because something is allowed at state level does NOT mean that it’s not still illegal at federal level. And pushing for legalization is not the same as it being legal now.

Ok so you are clearly unable to process any information that you read. Recreational marijuana is legal in CA, CO and WA. You can go to a dispensary and purchase cannabis in several different forms.

Legal sure. Means you can't be arrested by the state police for appropriate use. Doesn't mean that as an employer I can't fire you or not hire you for not passing a drug test if that's stated in the contract. My sod contractor employer can and will fire me for dialing a drug test legal in the state or not. Yes in certain places it will limit the number of eligible employees and businesses will figure out where their limits are.

This wasn’t the issue. You can try to demand anything you want but you can’t control what your employee does on their free time. Your employee can also refuse to take a drug test. You can put whatever you want in your contract but you will also need to look at the laws in your state to see if it’s legal to demand drug testing. Also, will need to research the protections for your employee about drug testing.

It is illegal in the dmv without a doctors note on the state level. It is illegal on the fed level. Families with clearances would ha e a serious issue if drugs were found in their home. If a drug test is refused you get fired. Simple. Welcome to the adult employment world. If you are a professional you’d know all this.

I’m sorry, what exactly is your point that hasn’t already been said? Do you understand how language and words work? Did someone say marijuana was legal in DC? Common sense tells you that there is the possibility of either getting fired or not hired if you refuse a drug test. You can still refuse to take one. Did you think that wasn’t known?