What is a fair amount for two infants? RSS feed


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Hello! I am new to this site and am hoping to get some good advice for my situation. I am a 53 year old young grandma to six wonderful grandchildren and a mother to five grown children. I have also been a nanny to a sweet 1o month old baby boy since he was 2 months old. When he was four months old, his family wanted to try a nanny share with another baby, which was not a good experience for me as the other baby who was nearly a year never had anyone watch him but his mother. They want to try it again with a newborn. I am willing to try on a temporary basis and I feel that asking for $13.00 on top of what I am getting paid is not too much to ask for the added responsibility of another child. I will be caring for a 3month old and a 10 month old. Is this a fair amount? What do others charge in a similar situation? I could use any and all help!
Thank you!
3 months and 10 months is a big gap. It sounds like they can't afford your rate and are looking for a nanny share to help with that.

Did they agree to a trial basis? What happens if after the trial you say no but they say yes?

How many hours per week will you be working? What state are you located in?
Where are you located and what is your hourly rate now?
Would the hours be exactly the same? If not how would that work as far as rate?
What happens when one kid is sick?
There’s a lot to think about in a share. Not just money.

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Hello, thank you for your responses, I appreciate the help! They did agree to a trial basis and I will just keep caring for the baby that I have been watching if I said that I couldn't care for both. I am located in NC and I currently work 40+ hours a week and some overnights. I make $20 an hour before tax. I didn't mention anything about a child getting sick because we have already talked about what would happen if that occurred. I have just never been in this particular situation before and thought maybe someone else had, and wanted to know how they had handled it and if they thought that I was asking entirely too much. If the children were older, I would not be, but to have a 10 month old and also a newborn, I feel that is, a big gap and also they would be needing me for a year. If after the trial period I feel that it will work, I was thinking that I would tell them $10 an hour more. I am the type of person who would just help for nothing if I could, so this is really difficult for me!
I'm eager to hear what you both think, thank you again!
I'd ask for $30 an hour.
I think $10 an hour more is fine. They can pay $15 each for shared hours. Does your original family contribute towards healthcare?
They need to figure out who buys the double stroller etc too.
Don't sell yoursel short...I would charge $30 more like pp because it is going to be hard work.

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I appreciate all of your responses! I feel more confident in making a decision. My original family does not contribute toward healthcare or gas, since I've chose to take the baby to my home instead of theirs. I never thought about the double stroller but I will make sure to bring that up! Thank you again!
If you are bringing the kids to your house, you have to to have special insurance and be careful it's not considered an illegal home day care. $15 an hour per child is reasonable.

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Thank you! I didn't realize you needed special insurance, I will make sure to look into these things!
In DMV area, the fair rate for 2 infants starts at $38. This is what I am currently making.

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What is the DMV area? Maybe I should move there, lol! We sat down and talked and I told them, with the way things are now a days and with the quality of care that I give, I could not accept anything less that $32 an hour. That was a few days ago and I have yet to hear anything back.
PP, think of it like this, they will be getting a nanny, why should they be paying daycare center rates? For a nanny they would be paying 27-32, so they are saving a lot of money by paying a bit less, like maybe about $20 per hr. If they only can pay $15-$16 per hr, they are daycare family trying to secure a nanny for unfair wage.
Anonymous wrote:PP, think of it like this, they will be getting a nanny, why should they be paying daycare center rates? For a nanny they would be paying 27-32, so they are saving a lot of money by paying a bit less, like maybe about $20 per hr. If they only can pay $15-$16 per hr, they are daycare family trying to secure a nanny for unfair wage.

Op, is not a nanny. She’s a babysitter in her own home.

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I'm definitely a nanny!
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