Post 03/13/2021 19:16     Subject: Re:At what age did you start dying your hair to cover gray?

I'm a white female. I started dyeing my hair around age 41/42. I color it every 3 months or so at home.
Post 03/13/2021 08:52     Subject: At what age did you start dying your hair to cover gray?

Anonymous wrote:Just out of curiosity:

If you currently dye your hair to cover gray, when did you start? Are you M or F? What ethnicity?

And how often do you color your hair?

Late 48, mixed AA, I started to have a few at the temples and used Bigen. Recently, I got a half inch skunk stripe and I’m still using Bigen because I like that it gradually fades. The color eventually turns chestnut and looks like highlights.
Post 03/13/2021 08:30     Subject: At what age did you start dying your hair to cover gray?

Anonymous wrote:I started coloring it at 20, white female, hazel eyes, brunette hair. Stopped coloring last year during the pandemic at 43, got it cut this spring and am now 100% grey at 44. Perfectly fine with it and don't see myself coloring again.

Same story for me.
Post 03/13/2021 07:58     Subject: At what age did you start dying your hair to cover gray?

Anonymous wrote:OP here.

I’ve been going gray slowly, since I was 20.

I feel like this year, at 40, all of my grays just magically appeared.

Thanks for the responses. I will probably start dying my hair every four weeks now.

One thing to consider (and granted, I just have the grays at the temple and strands thru my hair - my stylist suggested starting semi permanent. Will
Mainly hit the grays in my dark brown hair, and end up treating them like highlights. Something to consider before you go full bleach and permanent dye.