Post 03/29/2024 16:05     Subject: Re:IVF or IUI?

IUI first 3 months then do mini IVF. Way easier on the body. If your clinic does it. Good luck.
Post 03/22/2024 21:37     Subject: IVF or IUI?

OP the women on this board can be really mean. This has stopped me from posting a few times. I still come back to it because, as aggressive as they are, they tend to be upper class women with social capital and can offer good advice.
Post 03/22/2024 20:24     Subject: IVF or IUI?

OP, I absolutely understand your frustration. It's normal to be frustrated and upset when you can't get something you really really really want. I don't doubt that you really really really want a third.

Ignore the nasty comments but as someone who witnessed several friends around me go through secondary infertility, it's not wrong for you to reflect and introspect on the blessing of already having two, and begin to make peace with the fact that you may not get what you really really really want. The harsher comments come from a place of disbelief at your greediness, which we are all guilty of in some degree. Depending on your perspective and frame of reference, it can be greedy to even want to two, let alone three.

Start this internal reflection and work now. This way if you don't get the third kid even after whichever course of treatment you choose, you will be in a better place to accept it. And if you do, good for you!
Post 03/19/2024 22:07     Subject: IVF or IUI?

What go to SG? It seems like you are obsessed w/ the clicking clock. If so, up your chances and go somewhere w/ better stats for your age range. I understand the clock ticking so am not knocking it. I would just watch the attitude when you have 2 kids conceived without help. Some of us have had to do round after round of full pay ivf to ever get pregnant. I would really review all of the clinics stats, though. SG was much worse and their pricing for full out of pocket was not great either. We went to (and had luck) and Columbia and cCRM in CO.
Post 03/19/2024 21:45     Subject: IVF or IUI?

Anonymous wrote:100% IVF. So easy. It’s basically the same thing as iui except for the retrieval. Iui is a complete waste of money, time and energy. I would never recommend it.

This is really not true. IUI is the easy one - a quick injection to bring on stimulated ovulation, a quick insemination, see what happens. Worked for me on the first try (admittedly at 36, not 39). I also had an easy time getting pregnant, just not staying pregnant - so once I was pregnant I had to take a bunch of meds to stay that way, but thankfully it worked.

IVF, unless it's natural cycle, is far more invasive.

If it were me, I'd give it 2 or 3 cycles of IUI because that is literally 2 or 3 months. Whereas each IVF session is several months. Of course, you do take the risk that you cannot test the embryo, so if you are very worried about age-related issues, IVG with testing would make more sense. At 36 I was not that worried. At 39 or 40, might be different.

OP, I am sorry you've gotten such nasty responses. It wasn't like this until a few months ago. There are some nasty trolls on all the boards who love to just be mean. Good luck with whatever choice you make. Hope it works out for your family.
Post 03/19/2024 21:00     Subject: IVF or IUI?

Anonymous wrote:Insufferable people who aren’t satisfied with the children they have.

Why are you on an infertility board with this attitude? The only acceptable answer to you for people who have infertility issues is 0 or 1 child? So heartless.
Post 03/19/2024 12:57     Subject: IVF or IUI?

NP here. OP, nothing wrong with wanting a third child! You can be a wonderful parent to two children and still hope for a third. I'm going to assume that there is one nasty poster who keeps responding because it seems really odd that a group of people would be so hateful over a normal post. Without factoring in finances, I'd do IVF. It's ultimately going to give you a lot better chance of success. The finances are hard, though, if you don't have any insurance coverage. Only you know your financial situation and how that should factor in. At age 39, you may need multiple retrievals to get a normal embryo and they say, on average, that you need three embryos for one live birth. So, between the possibility of multiple retrievals and transfers, IVF can be a money pit (I'm 4 retrievals and 3 transfers in with 0 pregnancies). We are actually considering moving on to an IUI after failed IVF because we've had no success, but most people have much better success with IVF.
Post 03/18/2024 22:24     Subject: IVF or IUI?

Hello, NP here. I am truly sorry about the way people are treating you. It is disgraceful and they should be ashamed of themselves. Perhaps tearing you down somehow makes them feel better about their own pitiful lives.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to have a third child, even if you require assistance from family to cover the costs of IVF. I’m sure they would be happy to do so.

It’s a difficult decision to make, but given your age, I would recommend going straight to IVF. I was in my early 30s and experienced three failed medicated cycles and then three failed medicated IUIs (my insurance required this in Massachusetts before covering IVF). However, it felt like a complete waste of time. Though, I was fortunate to become pregnant after my first round of IVF (2nd FET).
Post 03/18/2024 22:13     Subject: IVF or IUI?

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:IVF. 85% of my day 5 embryos were abnormal at 38.

That should tell you that you were too old.

I've been losing pregancies for over 3 years because my doctors were incompetent and over confident. Simple blood clotting disorder and untreated PCOS (which they all also refused to treat).

Which has nothing to do with 85% of your embryos being abnormal because of your age.

Actually it does. If someone had been willing to treat my PCOS my egg quality would have been a lot better.
Post 03/18/2024 22:07     Subject: Re:IVF or IUI?

do you know if you ovulate regularly? I had my first thanks to IUI- I have PCOS. got pregnant first round IUI, then miscarried, then a failed IUI where even with meds I didn't ovulate, next cycle ovulated too early and had to cancel, the next round is my toddler...

for number 2- I conceived naturally right at my kid's 1st birthday and then miscarried at 6 weeks... 2 failed IUI and now doing IVF.

I think IUI made sense given my main issue was needing help to ovulate but with 2 miscarriages and multiple failed recent iui it was clear it was time for IVF. I'm also 39... my body seems to ovulate more post partum but not well (e.g. i've had progesterone tested and it's like half ovulated)-- if i was ovulating consistently and still not getting pregnant i'd skip right to ivf

If I were you i'd do 1 round of iui (it is sooo much quicker than ivf- basically happens like 10 days after period starting) and if it fails you'll know your answer and feel more ready for IVF.

sorry people are jerks.
Post 03/18/2024 21:11     Subject: IVF or IUI?

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Wow this thread is really full of jealous, petty, horrible people.

OP, if you are still here my two cents are to go straight to IVF for better odds and genetic testing. Good luck!

Jealous of what? That she can’t have a baby. Okay, you.

Well I can't say for sure why you would be so needlessly nasty to stranger on the Internet but I'm guessing you are jealous because she already has two kids. It would be almost sympathetic if it wasn't so plain mean.
Post 03/18/2024 19:55     Subject: IVF or IUI?

Anonymous wrote:Wow this thread is really full of jealous, petty, horrible people.

OP, if you are still here my two cents are to go straight to IVF for better odds and genetic testing. Good luck!

Jealous of what? That she can’t have a baby. Okay, you.
Post 03/18/2024 19:55     Subject: IVF or IUI?

Anonymous wrote:Wow this thread is really full of jealous, petty, horrible people.

OP, if you are still here my two cents are to go straight to IVF for better odds and genetic testing. Good luck!

We didn’t make you jealous, petty, or horrible so…
Post 03/18/2024 19:52     Subject: IVF or IUI?

100% IVF. So easy. It’s basically the same thing as iui except for the retrieval. Iui is a complete waste of money, time and energy. I would never recommend it.
Post 03/18/2024 19:50     Subject: IVF or IUI?

Wow this thread is really full of jealous, petty, horrible people.

OP, if you are still here my two cents are to go straight to IVF for better odds and genetic testing. Good luck!