Post 04/11/2021 12:32     Subject: White cops harass and pepper spray Black Army Lieutenant in Windsor, VA

Anonymous wrote:law enforcement PP here. I think people are confused about this -- as I said the stop starts off fine. The loud old cop is not doing a good job but nothing is illegal or improper. The problem starts at the deployment of the agent. That is not called for and is not a judgement call. Guy is not aggressive, has his seatbelt on, and is sounding like someone who is scared to be shot. Also he is in uniform. The deployment of the agent here would be wrong under any policy. It is also a constitutional violation as it is an unreasonable search and seizure. Everything from this point is wrong. So it starts ok but the use of the spray is the problem. Not okay anywhere under the facts that we see.

Why didn't the detainment end once they saw the tag under the lights?
Why didn't they provide the reason for the stop?
Why were guns raised and pointed?
Why did the cop tell him he should be afraid and he'd ride the lightning?

None of that is improper?

Appreciate your replies. Not trying to be a jerk, but this is confusing.
Post 04/11/2021 12:18     Subject: White cops harass and pepper spray Black Army Lieutenant in Windsor, VA

law enforcement PP here. I think people are confused about this -- as I said the stop starts off fine. The loud old cop is not doing a good job but nothing is illegal or improper. The problem starts at the deployment of the agent. That is not called for and is not a judgement call. Guy is not aggressive, has his seatbelt on, and is sounding like someone who is scared to be shot. Also he is in uniform. The deployment of the agent here would be wrong under any policy. It is also a constitutional violation as it is an unreasonable search and seizure. Everything from this point is wrong. So it starts ok but the use of the spray is the problem. Not okay anywhere under the facts that we see.
Post 04/11/2021 12:11     Subject: Re:White cops harass and pepper spray Black Army Lieutenant in Windsor, VA

Have any of you ever driven on this particular stretch of Rt 460? Windsor VA is part of the well known Windsor-Wakefield-Waverly danger zone between Suffolk VA and Petersburg VA. The speed goes down quickly from 55 to 25 with each town. Speed traps are known. Sometimes even the old school cruiser-hiding-behind-a-low-sign routine.

There's also a lot of tractor trailer traffic between distribution centers and access to 95/85 and the port.

It's not surprising that this happened where it did but I find it notable that it had nothing to due with speed considering the normal speed issues in this area.
Post 04/11/2021 10:59     Subject: White cops harass and pepper spray Black Army Lieutenant in Windsor, VA

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:This guy was probably like the pp and watched one too many "bad cop" videos. Hey pp, you should resist the next time you are pulled over. Let us know how it works out for you. It's called a self fulfilling prophecy.

He wasn’t resisting. He was getting conflicting directions from two bone headed numbskulls.

Some of you will excuse anything so long as it keeps Black people down.

Try watching the video next time.

Even after he was out of the car and the guns were holstered he was resisting.

He was never resisting and never threatening. He calmly asked them what was going on and why they were threatening him. The cop had no justification for his reckless and insane escalation of what was a simple unjustified traffic stop. Police are not supposed to be allowed to detain and threaten people for no reason in this country.

And another poster who hasn't watched the video...

YOU ARE ALLOWED TO ASK WHY YOU'RE BEING STOPPED. And officers are supposed to answer you. They usually will if you're white. It sends them on an ego trip if you're Black.

Maybe you all have forgotten, but we haven't. Plenty of our ancestors that were hung from trees were detained by "police" first. If a cop I going to pull me over in some dark podunk town, I'm driving to a well lit area. And if he wants me to exit the vehicle, I absolutely need to know why.
Post 04/11/2021 10:25     Subject: White cops harass and pepper spray Black Army Lieutenant in Windsor, VA

What's amazing is that we had an LEO chime in a few pages back and plainly say this was a bad stop for multiple reasons, and we STILL have people posting that this was a good stop!

It sure seems that for a lot of you it's not about supporting cops, it's not about following the law, it's that you get off on seeing people of color 'put in their place'.
Post 04/11/2021 10:25     Subject: White cops harass and pepper spray Black Army Lieutenant in Windsor, VA

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:This guy was probably like the pp and watched one too many "bad cop" videos. Hey pp, you should resist the next time you are pulled over. Let us know how it works out for you. It's called a self fulfilling prophecy.

He wasn’t resisting. He was getting conflicting directions from two bone headed numbskulls.

Some of you will excuse anything so long as it keeps Black people down.

Try watching the video next time.

Even after he was out of the car and the guns were holstered he was resisting.

He was never resisting and never threatening. He calmly asked them what was going on and why they were threatening him. The cop had no justification for his reckless and insane escalation of what was a simple unjustified traffic stop. Police are not supposed to be allowed to detain and threaten people for no reason in this country.

And another poster who hasn't watched the video...

I watched the full body cam video with audio. The cop is 100% at fault.
Post 04/11/2021 10:20     Subject: White cops harass and pepper spray Black Army Lieutenant in Windsor, VA

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:This guy was probably like the pp and watched one too many "bad cop" videos. Hey pp, you should resist the next time you are pulled over. Let us know how it works out for you. It's called a self fulfilling prophecy.

He wasn’t resisting. He was getting conflicting directions from two bone headed numbskulls.

Some of you will excuse anything so long as it keeps Black people down.

Try watching the video next time.

Even after he was out of the car and the guns were holstered he was resisting.

No, I watched it. I saw a BLACK guy who COULDN’T SEE, because he had been pepper sprayed by an out of control cop, not understanding what was happening and quite probably and totally understandably afraid for his life. He wasn’t resisting. Tell you what, you ask your local police force to have someone pull you over for no reason, pull their guns for no reason, shout conflicting statements at you, pepper spray and then we’ll see how well you follow directions, shall we? If it’s so easy.

I don’t know what race you are. Self-hating Asian or Latino, maybe, but probably White. As a fellow White person: get a fducking clue. When you excuse every abuse by police officers, you sound like the racist hick you might be.
Post 04/11/2021 10:13     Subject: White cops harass and pepper spray Black Army Lieutenant in Windsor, VA

The sad part ismany apologists have seen this video and probably the GF video as well and still continue to make excuses for LE gone wrong. It's as though they don't want to believe their lying eyes. The truth is right in front of them on video and they continue to deny reality. Scary, reminds of trumpsters.
Post 04/11/2021 09:52     Subject: White cops harass and pepper spray Black Army Lieutenant in Windsor, VA

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:This guy was probably like the pp and watched one too many "bad cop" videos. Hey pp, you should resist the next time you are pulled over. Let us know how it works out for you. It's called a self fulfilling prophecy.

He wasn’t resisting. He was getting conflicting directions from two bone headed numbskulls.

Some of you will excuse anything so long as it keeps Black people down.

Try watching the video next time.

Even after he was out of the car and the guns were holstered he was resisting.

He was never resisting and never threatening. He calmly asked them what was going on and why they were threatening him. The cop had no justification for his reckless and insane escalation of what was a simple unjustified traffic stop. Police are not supposed to be allowed to detain and threaten people for no reason in this country.

And another poster who hasn't watched the video...
Post 04/11/2021 09:37     Subject: White cops harass and pepper spray Black Army Lieutenant in Windsor, VA

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:This guy was probably like the pp and watched one too many "bad cop" videos. Hey pp, you should resist the next time you are pulled over. Let us know how it works out for you. It's called a self fulfilling prophecy.

He wasn’t resisting. He was getting conflicting directions from two bone headed numbskulls.

Some of you will excuse anything so long as it keeps Black people down.

Try watching the video next time.

Even after he was out of the car and the guns were holstered he was resisting.

He was never resisting and never threatening. He calmly asked them what was going on and why they were threatening him. The cop had no justification for his reckless and insane escalation of what was a simple unjustified traffic stop. Police are not supposed to be allowed to detain and threaten people for no reason in this country.
Post 04/11/2021 09:28     Subject: White cops harass and pepper spray Black Army Lieutenant in Windsor, VA

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Poor guy is afraid to move.

Really? He is too afraid to obey the police? Why do I suspect the Army might be the wrong career for him?

All he had to do was obey their directions and there would have been ample time to discuss whatever they had pulled him over for.

When you get pulled over you don't get to dictate to the police whether you will or won't obey their commands. Courts have ruled over and over and over again that the police are legally allowed to order you to get out of the vehicle at their discretion. This is to protect the safety of the police, for whom traffic stops can be very dangerous.

The police don't know who they are interacting with, what that person's state of mind is, whether they are armed, etc.

Wow. You are clueless about what happens.

Let's analyze and I have some experience with this: They had reason to stop him. They had reason to be concerned as they approached. So the threat level is raised and they have greater options of what they can do. But they saw the paper tag before all of this started going down hill. That took away some but not all of the seriousness of this. No doubt they need to check this out and be safe. But seeing a paper tag should have taken this down a notch. Seeing the guy in uniform makes a difference. To the people who say it does not: Police have to make assessments quickly based on things they are trained on and based on their own experience. Why would a guy in gang colors get treated differently than a guy in a suit? Because most of the time the threat is less. You do not drop your guard or give up the superior position. But a guy in an army uniform, and almost any cop can tell a real uniform from stuff from a surplus store, --- should take it back a notch, not to zero but back. They had two officers there. They have control. They should have assessed that what they may have thought to be something like a stolen car may not be --- tag and a guy in uniform -- may be something else. Now the guy appears to not be cooperating but he is calm, not aggressive. In 2021 I can't say as I blame him and people driving to well lit areas is common enough now that you have to assess. He is not cooperating but his demeanor is at least neutral in terms of the threat level in 2021 the cops need to pause. At this point the cops had control. No reason to pepper spray. There is no department where it is policy to use a chemical agent on a guy sitting in a car with a seatbelt on. What should have been done is calm things. Wait him out. Reason with him. Have the patrol supervisor come out. When that guy sees a supervisor, he will come right out. Instead they then make it worse and say crazy stuff.

They are not doing a great job prior to the pepper spray. But the point where it goes off the rails is when they deploy the agent. Now they are out of bounds. They then force him out of the car in a fairly rough manner. Why? He was pepper sprayed. Force used is too high at that point.

This could have gone fine but it did not. One last point: why wasn't he charged with anything? only one reason IMO: the patrol supervisor came and saw the mess the old guy caused: guy pulled over for no plate and tinted windows -- but there is a plate and the windows are an okay tint (I say that because they look ok in the video but I will tell you that you cannot tell at night in the dark so that is just a BS reason). Instead of a typical perp with a gun and drugs (which is what the expected to find), the have an Army LT -- who happens to be black. Pepper spray not deployed to policy and they roughed the guy up. Some supervisors would take these cops to task but most would just let the LT go and yell at these two fools and hope this goes away.

I don't know why the first officer decided to do a felony stop? Maybe it was justified, maybe not.

This guy is a total fool for not complying with the instructions and he deserves what he got. You don't know what the cop knows. A bank could have been robbed by someone matching your description.

As far as pepper spray goes, police are allowed to use one level of force higher than the suspect. This guy was actively resisting the officers. But dept. policy will dictate, and nobody here knows their policy.

And the senior cop was pretty crappy overall, while the younger one seemed to be doing a better job.

Lastly, one officer could have re-holstered his Glock and put some cuffs on the guy while his hand were through the window.

Another Fascist.
Post 04/11/2021 09:26     Subject: White cops harass and pepper spray Black Army Lieutenant in Windsor, VA

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:This guy was probably like the pp and watched one too many "bad cop" videos. Hey pp, you should resist the next time you are pulled over. Let us know how it works out for you. It's called a self fulfilling prophecy.

He wasn’t resisting. He was getting conflicting directions from two bone headed numbskulls.

Some of you will excuse anything so long as it keeps Black people down.

Try watching the video next time.

Even after he was out of the car and the guns were holstered he was resisting.

Post 04/11/2021 09:26     Subject: White cops harass and pepper spray Black Army Lieutenant in Windsor, VA

Anonymous wrote:It’s interesting to me that DCUM was all “OMG, those Trumpers are KILLING our police with fire extinguishers” just 95 days ago, bleating about how we have to do more to support our police against Trump protesters.... and now DCUM is right back to “ACAB! F’-Twelve!”

I guess there’s no ethics like situational ethics, eh?

You sound like a fascist.
Post 04/11/2021 08:44     Subject: White cops harass and pepper spray Black Army Lieutenant in Windsor, VA

White people always have an excuse for why white police officers brutalize black people. They will always find a way to rationalize it because they like it. It makes them feel superior and they think it keeps black people in line just like on the plantation fields with whips and chains.

Remember this gem; white cops handcuff 4 black girls (including a 6-year-old) and keep them on the hot pavement after mistaking their SUV for a motorcycle.
Post 04/11/2021 07:04     Subject: White cops harass and pepper spray Black Army Lieutenant in Windsor, VA

Anonymous wrote:This guy was probably like the pp and watched one too many "bad cop" videos. Hey pp, you should resist the next time you are pulled over. Let us know how it works out for you. It's called a self fulfilling prophecy.

He wasn’t resisting. He was getting conflicting directions from two bone headed numbskulls.

Some of you will excuse anything so long as it keeps Black people down.