Post 04/21/2021 12:23     Subject: Re:Spring Wardrobe, late 40s: Pictures & Links!

Anonymous wrote:Black t-shirt + black oversized blazer (sleeves rolled up) + flowy pants in a lighter, neutral color + black loafers or sandals + gold jewelry

You can then swap out the black t-shirt with a white t-shirt; black shoes for tennis shoes; flowy pants for denim mom jeans or a satin skirt; and you have a number of looks for the week.

(bottom pair)

This looks like an old lady going on a cruise.
Post 04/21/2021 11:41     Subject: Re:Spring Wardrobe, late 40s: Pictures & Links!

Black t-shirt + black oversized blazer (sleeves rolled up) + flowy pants in a lighter, neutral color + black loafers or sandals + gold jewelry

You can then swap out the black t-shirt with a white t-shirt; black shoes for tennis shoes; flowy pants for denim mom jeans or a satin skirt; and you have a number of looks for the week.

(bottom pair)
Post 04/21/2021 10:50     Subject: Spring Wardrobe, late 40s: Pictures & Links! is another good blogger to follow with links
Post 04/21/2021 10:18     Subject: Spring Wardrobe, late 40s: Pictures & Links!

I might recommend updating your loungewear/athleisure. I feel better when I’m wearing cute coordinated well fitting leggings and tops, rather than random sweatpants. Also lean into casual dresses. One piece, easy.
Post 04/21/2021 10:02     Subject: Spring Wardrobe, late 40s: Pictures & Links!

I'd recommend following a few bloggers whose style you like and just buying stuff off their recommendations.

Basic, but if you find someone with a similar build and casual style, it just make make it easier.

I like this blogger - she's very basic (the number of jeans this woman has!), but for every day around the house outfits I think she nails a fairly stander look. There's not a ton of variety, but the point is she's found what works for her and goes with it:

I also kind of like this one - she's all about outfit formulas and figuring out what works for you (she's selling a service that lines you up a wardrobe each season, but just reading the blog caan give you the basics). -

Here's another one that is fairly basic - but again, if you hate shopping and just want outfit ideas, I think this type of one person/series of outfits idea might just work for you:

I casually read a handful of others, but I just picked ones that seem to roughly be your measurements.

Post 04/21/2021 09:59     Subject: Re:Spring Wardrobe, late 40s: Pictures & Links!

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Couple of ideas:

Jesus you people are boring. You are sitting in your house for a year and when you finally leave THIS is what you plan to wear?

I’m 45, and I think they all look cute. Third one I like the best.
Post 04/21/2021 09:57     Subject: Spring Wardrobe, late 40s: Pictures & Links!

Anonymous wrote:I'm 5'6 and 118lbs on a tiny frame, you cannot be flabby at 125!!

That's first.

Second, what brands did you use to like pre pandemic?

I am 5’6” and 125 on a small frame. I’m definitely flabby.
Post 04/21/2021 09:52     Subject: Re:Spring Wardrobe, late 40s: Pictures & Links!

Anonymous wrote:Couple of ideas:

Jesus you people are boring. You are sitting in your house for a year and when you finally leave THIS is what you plan to wear?
Post 04/21/2021 09:50     Subject: Spring Wardrobe, late 40s: Pictures & Links!

I’m a mid 40s mom of tween girls.I used to love fashion and consider my style pretty good and somewhat up to date, but also deaf sometimes and will wear my ASICS gym shoes with whatever and look like a haggard mom. I’m 5’4, 140, toned and curvy but also a little flabby tbh. my older tween is too honest. She told me to ditch the boxy short sweaters (I a, busty and they just make me look fat), and the wider leg cropped pants that are so in and comfy! She likes me in more streamlined stuff, like skinnier jeans, more fitted sweaters etc. she’s right, ugh. She herself wears super stylish skater=carpenter pants, or jeans, crop tops (ugh), boxy sweaters and sweatshirts, bucket hats, tank tops, etc. but she looks amazing. She also has not ditched skinny jeans. They make her look taller and very slim. She’s like a 90s me, but way elevated.
Post 04/21/2021 09:38     Subject: Spring Wardrobe, late 40s: Pictures & Links!

Hi, this is OP. I love some of the recommendations. In response to someone’s question: yes, things that could be respectable in front of a camera for WFH but work equally well for dog walking and kid activities, BBQing out back, or weekend lounging. I really like my clothes to be comfy and am also far to lazy to ever iron.

I did try stitch fix and wantable and was disappointed with both. It was like no thought at all went into the selections.

And yes you can be “skinny fat.” I definitely have flab, much more after sitting on my ass this pandemic year. I bought some small weight bracelets and ankle weights to hopefully get rid of some of the flabbiness.

I feel like I look like a mess, running around in old sweats all the time. For work I seriously will put on a scarf over my sweatshirt or t shirt and people on zoom can’t tell it’s just a basic lounge top. But I feel with the nicer weather I will be out more and see more people even if it is just walking around the neighbrohood. I’m tired of feeling like a slob but I also just don’t know what’s in style.
Post 04/21/2021 08:58     Subject: Re:Spring Wardrobe, late 40s: Pictures & Links!

I’ve been wearing knits so you feel like you’re wearing pjs or sweats, but you look a little more presentable if you have to answer the door or turn your video on in Zoom. On top I’ve been wearing duster cardigans or blazers in a stretchy fabric.

I think in your price range I would try banana republic. At the bottom, they give some ideas of items that would coordinate. I suggest deciding if there is bottom or top you love and then buy the coordinating items if you really just want to click and shop.
Post 04/20/2021 22:43     Subject: Spring Wardrobe, late 40s: Pictures & Links!

Okay, I'm by far from a fashion maven but I'm going to give this a try if only because I'm pretty close to where you are. Here's some ideas:

For a nicer WFH look, this top:
with these pants (which I own and they are wildly comfortable and flattering):

For a spring/summer day walking around the monuments or whatever:
this top:
with these shorts in the black or khaki:

For a really casual wear-to-store or soccer game or kids' party or whatever (in a solid color, the black & white floral, or the beach umbrellas pattern),23936&source=GS¤cy=USD&geo=US&skumv=5561480&promotion-code=KITE&promotion-pin=0&cm_mmc=139971612&SC=pla_brand&CMPGN=11383290717&ADGRP=114185176769&KYW=&MT=&DV=c&PID=5561480&TRGT=aud-1215509799339:pla-295613136660&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIncvwsqaO8AIVQQiICR1icgOsEAQYASABEgIaQPD_BwE&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIncvwsqaO8AIVQQiICR1icgOsEAQYASABEgIaQPD_BwE&CH=Google%20AdWords&_cclid=Google_EAIaIQobChMIncvwsqaO8AIVQQiICR1icgOsEAQYASABEgIaQPD_BwE

For something you could wear lots of different places:
these pants (note they run big):
with this top:

For date night:
these jeans:
with this top:
and maybe if you need a jacket or sweater (which is on sale and only a few left in small!):

Post 04/20/2021 20:50     Subject: Spring Wardrobe, late 40s: Pictures & Links!

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Nordstrom personal shopper, either in person or online.

This is recommended on this board often, but when I tried this I was really disappointed. I'm sure there are good shoppers, but mine really missed the mark. Besides the fact that I didn't love most of what was brought to me, there was very little in terms of outfits or pieces that work together, really just more disparate pieces. The whole thing felt sort of random. YMMV.

Agree and add highly unlikely they will stay within OPs preferred budget of $25-$50 an item
Post 04/20/2021 20:35     Subject: Re:Spring Wardrobe, late 40s: Pictures & Links!

Try Nordstrom Trunk Club. It’s like Stitch Fit but higher quality. You can approve everything your shopper picks out before they send it to you. If you don’t like something, they will add something different. And for everything they put in your trunk, they show an outfit combo to make it work. I love it!