Post 11/25/2020 21:40     Subject: Re:When do you stop feeding baby cereal?

Anonymous wrote:OP here. Thanks everyone. Just to clarify that she does mostly feed herself at lunch and dinner. But I feel less creative with breakfast and I also like the idea of not starting the day with 40 minutes of cleaning up the baby, the chair, the floor etc. Oh well...

This is a great website for baby and toddler foods. If your kid is allergic to eggs then learning substitutes with baking now, when she isnt so picky, will help you later. Theres a really neat egg conversion chart online that has banana, applesauce, flax,etc conversions and there are plenty of allergy mom bloggers nowadays.

Great options would be oatmeal, baked oatmeal, chia pudding with canned coconut milk, pancakes (, toast with diluted almond butter/peanut butter, yogurt, bagels (Daves), ETC. Heres a link to an eggless baking website

As a fellow allergy mom, it is important to re-think your concept of food and their ingredients. Almost everything can be made without one regular ingredient (dairy in our case, eggs in yours).
Post 11/25/2020 21:37     Subject: When do you stop feeding baby cereal?

Anonymous wrote:Yes. Stop. Or at least stop only giving cereal and feeding it to her yourself. At 14 months she should be self feeding almost 100%. Finger foods and working with a spoon and fork are great for her development right now. You have to just go with the messiness (I am a very clean and tidy person so I get it).

Give her strips of toast with PB, cream cheese, or laughing cow cheese. Cheerios with milk. Applesauce. Sliced bananas, strawberries, and halved grapes or blueberries. Greek yogurt. Bites of Nutrigrain or Lara bars. Smoothies made with milk and frozen fruit. Frozen waffles and homemade pancakes or French toast with yogurt or nut butter on top. Tons of non-egg options to be had!

But encourage her using utensils and self feeding herself now. If she doesn’t eat a ton then provide a snack late morning until she gets the hang of self feeding. You continuing to feed her like a 7 month old isn’t doing either of any favors!

yuck. dont give a toddler processed foods like bars, cheerios and processed cheeses. it’s unhealthy and disgusting.