Post 09/11/2021 07:25     Subject: Running Shoes for 9th Grader

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:DS has played rec basketball before but is new to running. He wants to join the winter track team this winter and plans to start running to get in shape. Any recommendations for the best running shoes?

I’m a runner myself and wear Brooks but wasn’t sure about shoes for a teen boy who is still growing.

Go to Potomac river running, pacers or fleet feet to have him fitted. Expensive 1 time fitting but you want to get the shoes right, once you find a pair that works you can just buy them on amazon or the manufacturers website for cheaper when the old pair wears down. Good shoes and the right fit essential to running success

There is no fee for the fitting. You're paying MSRP and nothing else.

But you can always find the same shoes cheaper online. You are paying higher prices in the store because you want the fitting.
Post 09/09/2021 18:12     Subject: Running Shoes for 9th Grader

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:DS has played rec basketball before but is new to running. He wants to join the winter track team this winter and plans to start running to get in shape. Any recommendations for the best running shoes?

I’m a runner myself and wear Brooks but wasn’t sure about shoes for a teen boy who is still growing.

Go to Potomac river running, pacers or fleet feet to have him fitted. Expensive 1 time fitting but you want to get the shoes right, once you find a pair that works you can just buy them on amazon or the manufacturers website for cheaper when the old pair wears down. Good shoes and the right fit essential to running success

There is no fee for the fitting. You're paying MSRP and nothing else.

Post 09/08/2021 10:05     Subject: Re:Running Shoes for 9th Grader

We started with Nike but they are terrible for running. 2 friends that are runners say Nike is more of a lifestyle shoe and generally not good for running, training, or soccer. My kids all love brooks and one likes new balance.
Post 09/08/2021 09:12     Subject: Running Shoes for 9th Grader

My son (10th grader) got his first running shoes last year. We went to Road Runners. Since he was sort of new to running, he didn't have any specific needs. We joined their VIP program and ended up taking advantage of their 90 day guarantee. Within the 90 days, there were holes in the uppers of both shoes. He ran cross country where I think running in the brush may have torn them some. And the staff at the store suggested his socks probably also contributed to wearing down the fabric. (So that is another reason to get non-cotton socks, to minimize friction.) I also think that the uppers of most running shoes are terribly flimsy but I guess that is part of them being lightweight. Most of his running is on paths so I don't think he needs heavier trail shoes. We were able to exchange for a new pair. His new pair ("ON" brand) seem to wearing better than his old Brooks so far.
Post 09/03/2021 20:54     Subject: Running Shoes for 9th Grader

RNJ in rockville is also recommended by our coach.
Post 09/03/2021 20:18     Subject: Running Shoes for 9th Grader

Anonymous wrote:DS has played rec basketball before but is new to running. He wants to join the winter track team this winter and plans to start running to get in shape. Any recommendations for the best running shoes?

I’m a runner myself and wear Brooks but wasn’t sure about shoes for a teen boy who is still growing.

Go to Potomac river running, pacers or fleet feet to have him fitted. Expensive 1 time fitting but you want to get the shoes right, once you find a pair that works you can just buy them on amazon or the manufacturers website for cheaper when the old pair wears down. Good shoes and the right fit essential to running success
Post 09/03/2021 15:36     Subject: Running Shoes for 9th Grader

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Also get him a good 2-3 pair of non cotton socks.

Why non-cotton?

Cotton hangs on to sweat/traps moisture and can be uncomfortable and cause problems (traps moisture so foot fungus, nail fungus, stinky shoes, etc).

they make running socks with wisk-away moisture type material. Very much like the running shirts, just as socks
Post 09/03/2021 15:24     Subject: Running Shoes for 9th Grader

Anonymous wrote:Also get him a good 2-3 pair of non cotton socks.

Why non-cotton?
Post 09/03/2021 11:05     Subject: Re:Running Shoes for 9th Grader

Yes, I agree with going to a store to get fitted! If you tell them that he's building a base for track, that will help them make recommendations.
Post 09/03/2021 11:03     Subject: Running Shoes for 9th Grader

Also get him a good 2-3 pair of non cotton socks.

Post 09/03/2021 11:03     Subject: Running Shoes for 9th Grader

We are in Falls Church and the Runner sports there is been really great. Also the PR Potomac River runners places are great.

Brooks has been great for a middle-age mom like me with high arches and needing a lot of support, but young teen boys often need a lighter shoe. 😎
Post 09/03/2021 09:41     Subject: Running Shoes for 9th Grader

OP here. Thanks I will do that. I’ve been ordering the same running shoes for so long I forgot about fittings at the running store! Now I do recall my Mom taking me to get fitted for my first pair in high school.
Post 09/03/2021 08:16     Subject: Running Shoes for 9th Grader

Our DS does cross country and we took him to get fitted for the proper shoe. Head to your local running store.
Post 09/02/2021 17:55     Subject: Running Shoes for 9th Grader

As a runner, you know that it totally depends on his stride, footstrike, etc. I'd take him to a good running store where they videotape him running on a treadmill and recommend a shoe based on that.
Post 09/02/2021 15:27     Subject: Running Shoes for 9th Grader

DS has played rec basketball before but is new to running. He wants to join the winter track team this winter and plans to start running to get in shape. Any recommendations for the best running shoes?

I’m a runner myself and wear Brooks but wasn’t sure about shoes for a teen boy who is still growing.