Post 04/22/2021 17:40     Subject: Help me design my peloton-based workout routine

Anonymous wrote:Do the power zone challenge, and then do at least 3 days a week of one of the hard core on the floor exercises, your choice.

Post 04/22/2021 17:40     Subject: Help me design my peloton-based workout routine

Anonymous wrote:1. sell the peleton
2. Do a real workout that doesn't cost a ridiculous amount of money.

someone is jealous
Post 04/22/2021 16:48     Subject: Re:Help me design my peloton-based workout routine

Anonymous wrote:If you are on facebook you should join HardCORE on the Floor, do a search. They have a calendar that includes strength and various cardio options, from 20 minute rides to HIIT Cardio classes.

I do love Power Zone classes and would aim to do one of each type of ride (Endurance, Power Zone, and Max), make the Endurance a longer class. I dropped the power zone pack challenges, not a fan of how they are run. They lead to over training, the last 3-4 weeks are far too much PZ and Max classes. The overall PZP challenge is pretty unbalanced and the Admin are way too controlling, as in they spy on pages not started by PZP and message people who post something mildly negative of PZP.
This! Hardcore on the Floor is perfect!
Post 04/22/2021 14:58     Subject: Re:Help me design my peloton-based workout routine

OP here. Thanks for all of the recs! I'll definitely check out Reddit and the HARDcore on the Floor FB page; I hadn't heard of that FB group.

I've actually started the 5-week PowerZone program. It's ok, but they're not my favorite instructors. They're not as fun as some of the others, and it's a lot of classic rock, which I don't like as much because the songs tend be longer and have those really long instrumental/guitar/drum sections. I may stick with it, but it feels like a slog. It's also a decent amount of 45 or 60 minute rides, which make it hard to combine them with a strength session.

Again, thanks for the feedback - I'm already feeling more confident about putting something together.
Post 04/22/2021 14:40     Subject: Help me design my peloton-based workout routine

Join the facebook group Hardcore on the Floor. They put together a monthly calendar
Post 04/22/2021 13:55     Subject: Help me design my peloton-based workout routine

1. sell the peleton
2. Do a real workout that doesn't cost a ridiculous amount of money.
Post 04/22/2021 12:24     Subject: Help me design my peloton-based workout routine

Anonymous wrote:Check out the Peloton Hard Core on the Floor facebook page. The admins offer a free monthly calendar of curated strength, yoga, & stretch classes offered by Peloton and it's really well done.

This. I have about an hour to work out, so I do the HARDCore calendar (except for HIIT Cardio and most yoga classes, because I don't like either) and add 20-30 min rides on MTWF, 45 min on Th, and 60 on Sat. If you have less time you could do 1-2 of the strength classes per day and 20-30 min rides 3-4 times a week.
Post 04/22/2021 10:45     Subject: Help me design my peloton-based workout routine

Check out the Peloton Hard Core on the Floor facebook page. The admins offer a free monthly calendar of curated strength, yoga, & stretch classes offered by Peloton and it's really well done.
Post 04/22/2021 10:42     Subject: Help me design my peloton-based workout routine

Anonymous wrote:Start with total strength if you haven’t done strength training yet. Andy is kind of a bro but I got really great results in four weeks. When I started, I couldn’t do much of a push-up but by the end of it I am doing 10-15 in a row.

Here’s the blog post:

It’s under the featured section of the app. On days off, I usually did tabata or hill rides. But am a sucker for the New Wave rides when they come out!
Post 04/22/2021 10:37     Subject: Help me design my peloton-based workout routine

Start with total strength if you haven’t done strength training yet. Andy is kind of a bro but I got really great results in four weeks. When I started, I couldn’t do much of a push-up but by the end of it I am doing 10-15 in a row.
Post 04/22/2021 09:34     Subject: Re:Help me design my peloton-based workout routine

If you are on facebook you should join HardCORE on the Floor, do a search. They have a calendar that includes strength and various cardio options, from 20 minute rides to HIIT Cardio classes.

I do love Power Zone classes and would aim to do one of each type of ride (Endurance, Power Zone, and Max), make the Endurance a longer class. I dropped the power zone pack challenges, not a fan of how they are run. They lead to over training, the last 3-4 weeks are far too much PZ and Max classes. The overall PZP challenge is pretty unbalanced and the Admin are way too controlling, as in they spy on pages not started by PZP and message people who post something mildly negative of PZP.
Post 04/22/2021 08:04     Subject: Help me design my peloton-based workout routine

Do the power zone challenge, and then do at least 3 days a week of one of the hard core on the floor exercises, your choice.
Post 04/22/2021 07:18     Subject: Re:Help me design my peloton-based workout routine

My suggestion: At least three of your workout days should involve weights/strength training. If your goal is to maintain fitness mobility as you get older, the strength training is the important part.

Consider the bike bootcamp classes that Peloton offers for two of your days. Then one day do 45 minutes to an hour of one of their strength classes. Two days bike only, doesn't really matter which class. They all get your heart rate up, which is what contributes to the fitness.
Post 04/22/2021 04:36     Subject: Help me design my peloton-based workout routine

I’d try the peloton cycle sub Reddit. I’m sure you can find tons of advice there. Way more than you will get here on this specific topic.
Post 04/21/2021 22:07     Subject: Help me design my peloton-based workout routine

Any chance there’s someone out there who is willing to provide some advice about how to approach a fitness routine? parameters are below, and I’d love recommendations for a weekly workout routine:

Age: 42
Sex: Female
Fitness level: advanced beginner? Been working out for several months, but am 20 lbs over target weight.
Goals: general overall health/fitness to keep me healthy and fit into my older years. would love to lose some weight, but realize that’s 90% diet. not training for an iron man tri or trying to break any world records.
Time commitment: 5-6 days per week, 30-40 minutes per day. Would prefer one day as a lighter stretch or yoga day.
Equipment: Peloton, free weights. Would prefer the entire workout be done through peloton, whether their bike classes, strength classes, etc.

I like the bike for cardio, but I’m wondering what my bike to strength training ratio should be? How much time do I need to spend on either to make it worthwhile? Should I do a few short strength videos targeting different areas (core, arms, legs) each day, or do longer strength videos and focus on one area per day? If I’m only doing 20-30 minutes on the bike, should it be high intensity to have any benefit, or is it that anything I’d better than nothing, but more is more?