Post 06/01/2021 15:19     Subject: Re:Write Turn DC - writing courses

Great program and individualized instruction. Well worth the time and expense. My DC used the information learned throughout the school year, and it was the best enrichment program we have done yet.
Post 04/13/2021 22:56     Subject: Write Turn DC - writing courses

We have used Adventures in Creative Writing over the summer which is in person. Writing camps tend to be super expensive in person and short lived, but they are totally worth it. The problem is during the school year, there is not enough time nor enough options and now my kids are too old for most writing camps. We have been using Outschool ($20 off here -- and some of the classes are as cheap as $5 per class and they are good. The best part is that they are relaxing so our daughter (who struggles in 9th grade english, especially this year) can have a tutor (for super cheap) to talk about basic errors and common mistakes as well as to then ask for individual help when teachers are unreachable.
Post 04/10/2021 05:21     Subject: Write Turn DC - writing courses

Writopia is great!
Post 04/05/2021 12:44     Subject: Write Turn DC - writing courses

I haven’t heard of them. Have you tried looking at young authors’ workshop or writopia? I’ve seen both of them mentioned here before.
Post 03/31/2021 20:03     Subject: Write Turn DC - writing courses

Does anyone have any experience with the classes/tutoring offered by the Write Turn DC? I can't find any reviews online.