Post 01/23/2021 18:39     Subject: Re:Echelon 4S sold only at Costco

We spent $800 on the Schwinn IC4. Cheaper than Peloton and streams classes if you like as well.
Post 01/22/2021 11:02     Subject: Echelon 4S sold only at Costco

I have a connect sport from walmart, it's 500 bucks. no screen, so I just use my ipad to stream peloton app. works great bike is great and cheap. i also put my phone up that connects to the bike to give me my cadence and resistence.
you can join the facebook group for eschelon riders on the peloton app. they have a chart with the resistance scale so you know where to turn the knob as the instructor calls it out.
Post 01/20/2021 19:38     Subject: Re:Echelon 4S sold only at Costco

Anonymous wrote:I've heard the echelon classes aren't great. If you're not going to buy a peloton, I'd get a schwinn or bowflex with an ipad holder, and then stream the peloton app instead of being limited to echelon.

This. I wouldn’t buy the echelon.
Post 01/20/2021 19:34     Subject: Echelon 4S sold only at Costco

I don't understand this type of post. Yes, a Peloton bike is pricey, but the most expensive part is the monthly fee required to access their content (yes, I realize it's cheaper if you only use the app). This fee is the same for Echelon.
Post 01/20/2021 19:28     Subject: Re:Echelon 4S sold only at Costco

Anonymous wrote:You can get a much better and less expensive spin bike ($300-500) and use the Peloton app ($13/month). There are lots of threads here recommending different bikes like a model by Sunny.

There are a lot of bikes recommended in the Peloton app group on FB.

Echelon Connect at Walmart $500

Schwinn IC4/Bowflex C6 $900-1000

Lots of Sunny and Joroto bikes too

Most people buy a bike without the screen and use the Peloton app via a tablet or stream from the TV

You can also watch comparison reviews on YouTube or read some blog reviews
Post 01/20/2021 16:29     Subject: Echelon 4S sold only at Costco

There's a facebook peloton app users group with lots of posts reviewing different bikes.
Post 01/20/2021 15:36     Subject: Re:Echelon 4S sold only at Costco

I've heard the echelon classes aren't great. If you're not going to buy a peloton, I'd get a schwinn or bowflex with an ipad holder, and then stream the peloton app instead of being limited to echelon.
Post 01/18/2021 11:29     Subject: Echelon 4S sold only at Costco

I bought the Costco $399. spin bike and it’s been fine.
Post 01/18/2021 11:17     Subject: Re:Echelon 4S sold only at Costco

You can get a much better and less expensive spin bike ($300-500) and use the Peloton app ($13/month). There are lots of threads here recommending different bikes like a model by Sunny.
Post 01/17/2021 17:03     Subject: Echelon 4S sold only at Costco

Per Echelon, this 4S model is only made and sold at Costco for $999, will it worth it? I cannot afford Peloton, but willing to spend up to 1K for it.