Post 05/08/2019 08:33     Subject: MV anti-union people are losing it

Anonymous wrote:Oh boo hoo. I am in a union at my job. Teachers at all the highest performing DCPS schools are in the union. It is fine. And the hypocrisy of naming a school after Cesar Chavez and then opposing a union is disgusting.

Ha! Good point.
Post 05/08/2019 08:31     Subject: MV anti-union people are losing it

Oh boo hoo. I am in a union at my job. Teachers at all the highest performing DCPS schools are in the union. It is fine. And the hypocrisy of naming a school after Cesar Chavez and then opposing a union is disgusting.
Post 05/08/2019 08:24     Subject: MV anti-union people are losing it

Anonymous wrote:Unions are not needed and are just overhead. They severely harm children and families.

Um, how?
Post 05/08/2019 08:20     Subject: MV anti-union people are losing it

Unions are not needed and are just overhead. They severely harm children and families.
Post 05/08/2019 08:19     Subject: MV anti-union people are losing it

This is not a whole- school decision. That's totally disingenuous. It's an employee/employer decision.

Also, how is it sent anonymously?
Post 05/08/2019 08:19     Subject: Re:MV anti-union people are losing it

The choice of words, “learning a new language” is telling, no?
Post 05/08/2019 08:15     Subject: MV anti-union people are losing it

Not at mundo, but I definitely have all parent emails. This could also be someone who fundraisers for the school (that’s how I have the emails), a classroom parent, the school pto leadership, etc. Doesn’t necessarily mean it is the administration. Hope this helps.
Post 05/08/2019 08:09     Subject: MV anti-union people are losing it

An 4/29 post by same person above (day of the open board meeting) in which he described MV as ‘fighting for its survival.’
Post 05/08/2019 07:40     Subject: MV anti-union people are losing it

This blog, written by a long-time pro-charter leader illustrates the reaction of the school choice leadership.
Post 05/08/2019 07:37     Subject: MV anti-union people are losing it

Anonymous wrote:This letter was sent to parents’ personal email addresses. I don’t know how these could obtained without help from MV admin. There was no signature to the letter.

If the MV leadership,MV Board, and the DC charter board are half as dismissive, condescending, and “my way or the highway” with teachers as they are with parents, I can see why the teachers would want to organize.

Is the a MV directory with email? It courts be a parent if so, but agree the lack of a signature is sketchy or worse.
At least the teachers and their parent supporters are putting their names out there.
Post 05/08/2019 07:31     Subject: MV anti-union people are losing it

This letter was sent to parents’ personal email addresses. I don’t know how these could obtained without help from MV admin. There was no signature to the letter.

If the MV leadership,MV Board, and the DC charter board are half as dismissive, condescending, and “my way or the highway” with teachers as they are with parents, I can see why the teachers would want to organize.
Post 05/08/2019 07:21     Subject: MV anti-union people are losing it

If it is the school, sending out messages like this borders on illegal

Honestly, what do these charters expect? They can either pay a decent wage, or they can continue to let their TFA hires get a couple of years of experience and then flee to one of the DCPS bilingual programs, some of which have higher test scores.
Post 05/08/2019 06:33     Subject: MV anti-union people are losing it

Did a real person sign this message? I hope someone put their name to it.

Just as people with expertise in organizing workers (in this case affiliated with AFT and others) have been involved with and supporting the pro-union teachers, there will be anti-union people involved in trying to defeat it.

To me, the administration appears to have been caught off-guard and is finally catching up with a counter PR campaign. Expect more to come and it will get nastier. Their message to parents will probably be that the teachers are naive and don’t know what a union would do to their school, they are being used by nefarious forces who want to ruin our school. There will be a more threatening tone taken in messages with teachers, trying to chip away at the 90-staff who have joined the fledgling union.

-AFL-CIO employee who is not a MV parent

Also - If you could FOIA records at a charter you could determine whether the Administration has hired legal and PR people to organize people against the union. My hunch is that groups like FOCUS will do it on their behalf.

The pro-charter/pro school choices forces in DC are freaked out by this. It was one thing when some Chavez teachers did it at one Chavez campus. For an HRC to do it is far more threatening.

Post 05/08/2019 06:33     Subject: MV anti-union people are losing it

Wacky! That is so paranoid and terribly written.
Post 05/07/2019 23:42     Subject: MV anti-union people are losing it

This was sent anonymously to the MV parents listserve -- not signed by any parents. Is it Russian bots that are stirring up the discord? It linked to a survey where every one of the answer choices to a multiple choice question was anti-union. Someone is clearly worried that the school may be forced to listen to its own teachers.

Dear Mundo Verde Families:

We want to Save Our School (SOS) Mundo Verde PCS. For years, we have been families of Mundo Verde. The community of teachers, staff, and leaders have been part of our lives, like a second family. We have united with the entire community to watch our children grow, learn a new language, and thrive in a community that honors free play, outdoor time, and sustainability. We’ve shared out voices at Padres meetings; spoken at Coffee with Leadership; or eagerly spoken with prospective families and each other about our school. We support our teachers, our staff, and our leaders. We support our community and we want to unite to Save our School: Mundo Verde.

But our community has been divided in these past few weeks by efforts to unionize. These efforts to many of us came from hushed meetings, secret agreements, and clandestine operations culminating in an overt condemnation of our entire community. We have not been “united.” Instead, the efforts spearheaded contradict our entire shared values as a school of ESPICA and transparency. While we value the open dialogue of all families and diverse input, we equally value our entire community being able to speak our truth, inquire and collaborate to find common solutions for all of our children.

We sympathize with our teachers and staff and their concerns over individual support for students; increased health care costs, and ability to have a voice in school happenings. We want the same things for our students and our teachers. What we are less clear is how unionizing will accomplish these things.

Many of us have worked in unions as teachers, service workers, operators, drivers, and federal and DC government employees. We know first-hand the limits that unions place on employers and employees. We also know that unions can’t guarantee any of these things. We want our school dollars going to our kids not union lawyers and bureaucracy.

Those of us in DCPS, which has the same teacher union who is at our school (AFT) and DC government, pay substantially more than the $48 for health insurance at MV. Our rates for an individual at the lowest HMO are $95 bi-weekly. DCPS class sizes far exceed the class sizes of our school. Instead of being able to directly speak to our school leaders, managers or leadership, unionization has added layers of bureaucracy to our work places supporting the least qualified individuals in our organizations (see here) Teacher turnover at DCPS is among the highest in the country where more than 1 in 4 teachers leave annually. Students in DCPS have among the fewest resources and have academic achievements far below our school. We want our entire community to thrive.

We want to urge all of our families to be a part of the conversation of how we Re-Unite our Mundo Verde community. How we all work together to foster and build a community that honors all of our teachers, staff, leaders and families. How we rebuild the trust within our school community. The events of the last few weeks contradict this very spirit. We have been asked to interject our kids into an adult debate. Let our children be kids!

In the past few weeks, many of us have been sickened by the division this has created in our school. The secret meetings, the hushed phone calls, and the division between leadership and select teachers/staff and parents is hurtful.Our school has been mocked on twitter with nasty messages. Local listserves like UrbanMoms have lambasted the division. In just a few days, we are the center stage of the negative press, internal division, and reliance on fear and secret tactics to divide. We want to change the narrative about our school.

We ask more parents to speak up! We ask more families to support Mundo Verde – our entire community. We have come together collectively to ask –

- Who is behind the efforts to unionize Mundo Verde?

- Why are we being targeted on our way to pick up and drop off to sign petitions in secret?

- Why are we being followed to our kids soccer games, swim lessons, parkour lessons, choir lessons and being bullied into signing petitions?

- Why has this entire effort been done in secret?

- What other ways can we work together for our kids?

- Why are outsiders speaking at the Board Meeting who have no kids in our school? What are their motivations?

- How do we reshape the public narrative to share with others what a beautifully diverse community we are so proud to be a part of?

We want the best for our children. We want a school community that is UNITED among all of our voices. We want to Save our School: Mundo Verde with our voices and collaboration.