Post 02/13/2019 15:37     Subject: Cory Booker says meat-centric ‘Standard American Diet’ not sustainable

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:He is right and I am not a vegetarian or vegan.

This is actually not a controversial statement. He didn't say he was going to legislate veganism -- the OP just made that up -- he said we have to consider policies to reduce our consumption of so much meat.

Please name the policies.
Post 02/13/2019 15:36     Subject: Cory Booker says meat-centric ‘Standard American Diet’ not sustainable

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:I’m pretty vegan hostile, but is this news to you, OP? Is it cozy under your rock or are you just unwilling to look outside?

Ok school me. What other politicians have legislated food policy to America? Besides Michelle Obama’s unpopular and gross school lunch program?

<whispers> And she wasn't even a legislator.
Post 02/13/2019 15:35     Subject: Cory Booker says meat-centric ‘Standard American Diet’ not sustainable

Anonymous wrote:He is right and I am not a vegetarian or vegan.

This is actually not a controversial statement. He didn't say he was going to legislate veganism -- the OP just made that up -- he said we have to consider policies to reduce our consumption of so much meat.
Post 02/13/2019 15:35     Subject: Re:Cory Booker says meat-centric ‘Standard American Diet’ not sustainable

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:I think it is great that Booker has chosen to live as a vegan. He's free to chose what he wants to eat and drink. Just don't attempt to impose veganism on the rest of us.

A bumper sticker I recently saw said:

Vegan is an old Native American word for "bad hunter."

VN: Do you think food policy will be a part of that?
CB: I think it has to be a part of it.

He’s already stated he’s down for food policy. Publicly.

He's already down for the count then.
(Was Spartacus a vegan?)
Post 02/13/2019 15:34     Subject: Cory Booker says meat-centric ‘Standard American Diet’ not sustainable

Anonymous wrote:I’m pretty vegan hostile, but is this news to you, OP? Is it cozy under your rock or are you just unwilling to look outside?

Ok school me. What other politicians have legislated food policy to America? Besides Michelle Obama’s unpopular and gross school lunch program?
Post 02/13/2019 15:32     Subject: Cory Booker says meat-centric ‘Standard American Diet’ not sustainable

Anonymous wrote:I’m pretty vegan hostile, but is this news to you, OP? Is it cozy under your rock or are you just unwilling to look outside?

It’s news to me a man running for President wants to legislate food and create food policy, yes.

I don’t think the government should tell citizens how and what to eat.
Post 02/13/2019 15:31     Subject: Re:Cory Booker says meat-centric ‘Standard American Diet’ not sustainable

Anonymous wrote:I think it is great that Booker has chosen to live as a vegan. He's free to chose what he wants to eat and drink. Just don't attempt to impose veganism on the rest of us.

A bumper sticker I recently saw said:

Vegan is an old Native American word for "bad hunter."

VN: Do you think food policy will be a part of that?
CB: I think it has to be a part of it.

He’s already stated he’s down for food policy. Publicly.
Post 02/13/2019 15:30     Subject: Cory Booker says meat-centric ‘Standard American Diet’ not sustainable

I’m pretty vegan hostile, but is this news to you, OP? Is it cozy under your rock or are you just unwilling to look outside?
Post 02/13/2019 15:29     Subject: Cory Booker says meat-centric ‘Standard American Diet’ not sustainable

Anonymous wrote:
What's wrong with eating organic grass-fed eggs?

Dear bubble inhabitant: lots and lots of people cannot afford organic grass fed eggs. Did you know that? Some people don’t live near a store that offers such foods.

When people in power start talking about “legislation” of “food policy” that’s when many Americans check out hard.

Post 02/13/2019 15:28     Subject: Cory Booker says meat-centric ‘Standard American Diet’ not sustainable

He is right and I am not a vegetarian or vegan.
Post 02/13/2019 15:28     Subject: Re:Cory Booker says meat-centric ‘Standard American Diet’ not sustainable

I think it is great that Booker has chosen to live as a vegan. He's free to chose what he wants to eat and drink. Just don't attempt to impose veganism on the rest of us.

A bumper sticker I recently saw said:

Vegan is an old Native American word for "bad hunter."
Post 02/13/2019 15:28     Subject: Cory Booker says meat-centric ‘Standard American Diet’ not sustainable

Anonymous wrote:
What's wrong with eating organic grass-fed eggs?

Nothing as long as a couple of pieces of bacon are sitting on top of those eggs
Post 02/13/2019 15:26     Subject: Cory Booker says meat-centric ‘Standard American Diet’ not sustainable

What's wrong with eating organic grass-fed eggs?

Post 02/13/2019 15:22     Subject: Cory Booker says meat-centric ‘Standard American Diet’ not sustainable

Well he just lost 75% of America.

Bad move.
Post 02/13/2019 15:20     Subject: Cory Booker says meat-centric ‘Standard American Diet’ not sustainable

The New Jersey Democrat recently told VegNews that he started experimenting with a vegetarian diet around 1992 and then eliminated dairy foods as well, making his diet completely animal-free.

You see the planet earth moving towards what is the Standard American Diet,” he told VegNews. “We’ve seen this massive increase in consumption of meat produced by the industrial animal agriculture industry.

“The tragic reality is this planet simply can’t sustain billions of people consuming industrially produced animal agriculture because of environmental impact. It’s just not possible, as China, as Africa move toward consuming meat the same way America does because we just don’t have enough land.”

VN: Do you think food policy will be a part of that?
CB: I think it has to be a part of it. You see the planet earth moving towards what is the Standard American Diet. We’ve seen this massive increase in consumption of meat produced by the industrial animal agriculture industry. The tragic reality is this planet simply can’t sustain billions of people consuming industrially produced animal agriculture because of environmental impact. It’s just not possible, as China, as Africa move toward consuming meat the same way America does because we just don’t have enough land. The number-one reason for rainforest destruction now is animal grazing land. We see greenhouse producing gases produced; the devastating impact is just not practical. The numbers just don’t add up. We will destroy our planet unless we start figuring out a better way forward when it comes to our climate change and our environment.

Great, now Cory is starting out by stating he will legislate veganism...or “food policy.”

Middle America and the South are going to crawl over broken glass to vote for him.