Post 02/25/2015 17:10     Subject: Re:Pet medicines from Costco? Experiences?

FWIW, flea meds alone (w/o heartworm) have been pretty expensive at Costco. Definitely shop around. My vet wasn't too expensive for heartworm so I got it there but that's the only thing. Flea preventive I get on Amazon.
Post 02/25/2015 14:26     Subject: Pet medicines from Costco? Experiences?

Walmart also sells meds.
Costco is cheaper than the vet, and they are reliable. I am wary of buying from internet pharmacies, but the vets have a hefty markup.
Costco can do special orders as well, so call them and check.
Post 02/25/2015 12:07     Subject: Pet medicines from Costco? Experiences?

Wegmans is now selling pet medications, too. I haven't purchased from them, yet. Right now we get medicine from PetcareRx. Definitely cheaper than the vet. They contact vet for authorization. I assume Costco and Wegmans will do the same.
Post 02/25/2015 12:03     Subject: Pet medicines from Costco? Experiences?

Haven't gotten that particular item but we get all our dog's medicines (anti-seizure, etc) at Costco and have been happy with it - definitely a savings over the vet. Have you checked out Another option, or even just a way to compare to your vet's prices.
Post 02/25/2015 11:28     Subject: Pet medicines from Costco? Experiences?

Hi. I recently read that the pharmacy at COSTCO is selling meds for pets. My question. I get six tubes of Revolution flea/heartworm control that I apply to my dog's nape of the next to ward off those pests. Has anyone been able to buy it at COSTCO? I pay about $100.00 for six tubes from the vet. Looking for cheaper sources of this stuff??