Post 12/20/2013 17:26     Subject: Is rainbow loom okay for a five-year-old?

My 7 year old had some difficulty with it, but was able to do it with help. Now she is a bit of a pro. For my 5 year old, she can do it by saying, "Daddy can you make me a bracelet, older dd, make me a bracelet, make me a bracelet now." So a 5 year old can do it. She just delegates.
Post 12/20/2013 15:29     Subject: Re:Is rainbow loom okay for a five-year-old?

OP here - thanks for all these responses and tips. Here's goes nothing, I guess...
Post 12/20/2013 14:24     Subject: Re:Is rainbow loom okay for a five-year-old?

It depends on the kid. My 5 year old got one for her birthday and it was hard for her to by herself. I helped her and was able to do it after watching numerous you tube videos.
Post 12/20/2013 14:24     Subject: Re:Is rainbow loom okay for a five-year-old?

Depends on the kid. My daughter loves it at 5 and 1/2, but she tried a neighbors and spent ALOT of time with an older cousin learning. Its SUPER hard at first for a young kid. Now, my daughter tells me what she wants to learn, I pull up a lesson on youtube, she watches it and that's that. But I took the position that I wasn't going to do it with her (pregnant with number 4, just don't have it in me) so I made sure she could do it on her own. There was alot of frustration at firt. And yes to the pp that there are kids in kindergarten with the bracelets, but at least at my dd's school all of them were made by OLDER brother and sisters. Test it first. Good luck!
Post 12/20/2013 14:22     Subject: Is rainbow loom okay for a five-year-old?

I am absolutely against getting this for my 5 year old because I don't want to have to help her with it!! I am trying to foster at least some semblance of independence. Just for some things. And for me, she shouldn't need help with a toy.
Post 12/20/2013 14:16     Subject: Is rainbow loom okay for a five-year-old?

Anonymous wrote:Rainbow loom - just say no! Your house will be filled with hundreds of tiny rubber bands. Ugh.

Mine have been pretty contained, to my pleasant surprised!

If she needs help, just do them for and with her for awhile until she gets the hang of it. It won't be one of those "go off and play with this by yourself" toys for awhile probably.
Post 12/20/2013 14:11     Subject: Is rainbow loom okay for a five-year-old?

My 5 yr old can do several ones well. She has no older siblings, but likes crafty stuff like stringing beads. I say go for it!
Post 12/20/2013 13:35     Subject: Re:Is rainbow loom okay for a five-year-old?

my two kids 5 and 7 were super excited about it, but found it really difficult to use with their fingers and just getting the patterns, even trying the countless youtube videos etc.

I think it depends on the kid. be ready to watch youtube videos and help a lot at first. I think many of the kids really into it have older siblings that showed them and they watched
Post 12/20/2013 13:32     Subject: Is rainbow loom okay for a five-year-old?

My 4.5 year old son is getting one (it's his top Christmas wish). His just 5 year old cousin has one and can make a bunch of the bracelets, although needs help with a lot of them.

I'm pretty sure that with some more practice, he'll be able to do the simplest ones on his own but I'm going into this knowing that it's a toy that's mostly going to require my participation.
Post 12/20/2013 13:23     Subject: Is rainbow loom okay for a five-year-old?

Rainbow loom - just say no! Your house will be filled with hundreds of tiny rubber bands. Ugh.
Post 12/20/2013 13:22     Subject: Re:Is rainbow loom okay for a five-year-old?

I think it totally depends on the fine motor skills. My six year old has no problem, and I know there are K students making them. Can your kid do little legos and that type of thing really well?

The official videos are very easy to follow. Make sure YOU know how to do it before turning it over and you'll probably be fine.
Post 12/20/2013 13:14     Subject: Is rainbow loom okay for a five-year-old?

I think some of the easier bracelets will be okay but the harder ones might be too tough for her to figure out just yet. There are tons of youtube vids out there but go with the ones from the manufacturer, they are the best.
Post 12/20/2013 13:09     Subject: Is rainbow loom okay for a five-year-old?

She may need some help getting started but I think it's perfect for the 5-7 group.
Post 12/20/2013 12:42     Subject: Is rainbow loom okay for a five-year-old?

All the 5 year-olds had those bracelets in my DD's class, so I imagine it should be fine.
Note that in the two schools my children attend, those things are practically out of fashion now, so don't wait until next year!
Post 12/20/2013 12:40     Subject: Is rainbow loom okay for a five-year-old?

I bought my daughter rainbow loom for Christmas, but I'm worried she might be too young for it. Should I wait a year? Thanks!