How long after I get my period again after a miscarriage?

I just had a m/c last week. I did not need an A&C, everything happened naturally. I was 8 weeks. It was very hard, harder than I ever though, but I want to move on. Now, after a week, the bleeding has stopped and I'm wondering when I'm getting my period again. What should I expect? Are my periods going to be normal?
First, I'm sorry for your loss. I had a natural miscarriage at 8 weeks as well. I got my period about 4 weeks later (took me a while to ovulate, but then my luteal phase was very short. My next cycle was a little longer than normal (late ovulation), but by my third cycle I ovulated on day 15, which is normal for me.

Good luck to you.
I had a miscarriage at 4 weeks and had a normal period about 4 1/2 weeks later. I did not ovulate during that cycle. I am hoping to ovulate on time (CD 14) this cycle, but don't know yet if that is going to happen.

I had a m/c at 8 weeks, no D&C, I bleed for 8 weeks (so didn't even try), but then got pregnant with my son 3 cycles after the bleeding stopped.
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I'm so sorry about your m/c. I've had several, one at 12 weeks. I got my period around 4 weeks after I stopped bleeding-but this is for the ones that happened naturally, like yours. I had to have a D&C after the one at 12 weeks. You're very fertile after a m/c, although most dr. recommend waiting a cycle before trying again.
Sorry for your loos.
I had a m/c at 5 weeks. First Period then came 33 days later..then 31..then 30 day cycle is regular now.
I have been trying and charting since the m/c - using the acutal m/c as a 'period'.
Still no luck after trying for 3 cyles. But still trying!
Hang in there!
We had a son in January '07. It was worth all the sadness.
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