INOVA Fairfax Maternity Tour Info


For those of you who had your maternity tour cancelled, here is some information from the tour - they handed out an information sheet.

"When you are instructed to go to the hospital use the BLUE entrance. The blue parking garage is across the street from the Inova Fairfax Women's center. Go to the Information Desk in the lobby for directions on how to proceed to the labor and delivery unit."
** there is a large pull-up area prior to the entrance, across to the entrance from the parking garage. Your spouse can drop you off, wait for them in the lobby while they park, then check you in. Or if you feel up to it you can walk from the garage.

I.D. (Drivers License or other ID)
Medical Insurance Card
Dad/Coach should bring credit card or cash to make co-pay / deductible or private room payments
Name AND phone number of your BABY's doctor (pediatrician - not name of the practice). They suggest a business card with doctor's name circled.

Suggested items - bring one bag for labor/delivery only. Leave a postpartum bag for Dad/coach to get in the car.

Labor & Delivery

Extra pillows (1-2) with color pillowcases (not white)
Slippers, tennis shoes or comfortable walking shoes
Lollipops (not hard candy or gum) if allowed by your OB
Toothbrush and mouthwash for Mom and Dad/Coach.
Snacks for Dad/coach.
Comfortable clothes for Dad/coach.
BATTERY operated radio, camera, video recorder, etc. We cannot allow wall plug-in equipment in this area.
Cell phones ARE allowed and there is WiFi access in the labor & deliver unit.

For Postpartum Care

Slippers, robe, nightgown, toiletries and shampoo, camera, outfit for discharge day.
For baby - two seasonal outfits and a blanket (one for pictures, one for going home)
Car seat should be installed rear facing in back seat PRIOR to discharge date. They will check.

You are responsible for jewelry and other valuables. Please leave at home where possible.

Private Rooms can be requested and will be assigned only if available @ time of delivery. There is an aditional charge for private rooms ($100/day) not covered by insurance. Payment is due on day of discharge.

Here's what I remember from the tour itself:

No walking epidurals so once you get the epidural you wlll be in bed.

There is a "nourishment center" for Dads - graham crackers and juice.

There was a $1 and $5 bill change machine next to the vending machines on the 1st floor.

There are breastfeeding stores 3rd floor of original and 7th floor of women's center. Their # is 703-776-6455.

There is a 24 hour cafeteria.

Labor / delivery rooms have a bathroom with shower, a recliner type chair, fetal monitoring equipment etc. There is a triage area you go first to determine if you are in labor - but you may bypass that if it's obvious. After the birth you will go to the post partum room depending what you've requested. You can have your baby room in with you or stay in the nursery.

OP -- I started the other thread and want to thank you for taking the time to share this information!!!! You must be very thoughtful and I am sure others will appreciate it as well!
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