fish oil/omega 3 supplements

Just started using Nordic Naturals tangerine fish oil/omega 3s gummies for toddler child. I remember cod liver oil as a child and disliked the taste but recognized the general health values these supplements had. Have also heard fish oil can improve concentration and even speech development in speech delayed children although I guess the evidence at this time is anecdotal. Spoke to the pediatrician about this and they basically had a cautious approach, yes some of this stuff has been around a long time, but don;t go to town on it, try something small. Generally speaking it does seem to be good advice to take things slow and introduce small amounts to your child of something first. DC likes the gummies and is taking them. However, they do not seem to contain that much EPA (41 mg) and DHA (27 mg) per serving, but maybe that is enough for a toddler? For those people who have found some benefit of fish oil with their children, how much fish oil did you use and how did you determine that? Also have you noticed any side effects? Is there a good method or brand that a toddler will take? Thanks
I give my children Carlson's cod liver oil (lemon-flavored) during the winter to prevent colds and Carlson's fish oil in the summer. My kids were not sick this winter, which may or may not have had anything to do with the cod liver oil. I have no idea what it's doing for my kids, but everything I've read about fish and health leads me to believe it's doing something good for them. A nutritionist told me that the overall health of children started declining when parents stopped giving them cod liver oil. I used to take it every day as a child and I hated the fishy taste. My kids take their "lemon juice" with no trouble at all. They like the taste of it, and ask for it if I forget to give it to them. I also use Nordic Naturals if I can't get Carlson's. I order it from needs ( and it's cheaper than it is a Whole Foods or health food stores. I see no downside to it, and a great boost to their health if what I've read about it is true.

Oh, and pediatricians know NOTHING about nutrition, so don't bother taking nutritional advice from them. It's not part of their education. They like to think they know everything about everything, but they don't. Smile and nod at them, and then do your own research.
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