long term effects of tubal ligation?

I'm expecting baby #2 next month. Its a scheduled c-section and I'm considering having my tubes tied while I am opened up. The internet is full of scary stories of things that happen after a tubal ligation, like very heavy menstrual bleeding and cramps, reduced libido, abdominal pain after recovery. What's your experience? Thanks!
I think those are pretty short-term effects, honestly. You would notice them within your first few periods.

Long term, I suppose, not getting pregnant, and possibly needing a hysterectomy if you are one of the unlucky ones.
I don't think there's much evidence for such problems post tubal ligation. I had one and certainly didn't have any problems.

The symptoms you describe, loss of libido and heavy periods, occur with perimenopause. I think a lot of women may be experiencing perimenopausal symptoms and attributing them to tubal ligation, especially since that's the age at which many have the surgery done.
Women complain of heavy bleeding and cramps because they are used to cycles regulated by hormonal BC. Once your cycle is back to being the result of your own hormones, you get bleeding, cramps, etc. all the fun stuff from teen years. Women who were not on hormonal BC before tubal ligation don't notice a difference.
So my mom got a tubal ligation right after having me at 37 (in 1979) and she actually didn't get a period for 2 years and had none of the problems you are describing. I am sure that the first year or so of not having a period had to do with nursing me and being older, but just sharing one experience I'm familiar with. And if you are planning to nurse you likely (but not definitely) won't have cycles for a little while anyway. Good luck.
I had a tubal ligation 10 years ago after a c-section and have had no trouble. I also don't think that there is much evidence of problems with tubal ligation -- I remember asking my OB and he had no reservations about the procedure. It was very easy and I was happy to never need another form of birth control again.
A tubal is literally just tying off your tubes... There's nothing messing with your hormones or no added hormones so I tend to feel those anecdotes are incorrectly attributed to the tubal.
Being immediate post surgical discomfort and possible post-OP infection, there aren't any real side effects to tubal ligation other than loss of fertility.

Ligation simply cuts off the means for your ovum to reach the uterus each month. Your body gets to do what it's going to do, hormone wise... There just no way for things to progress further.

So, the biggest risk and effect is from the surgery itself. Brilliant if you can schedule with delivery or C-section as you're healing anyway.

As PPs have noted, for women who are used to hormonal BC, and as many women who opt for tubal are older, peri menopause and absence of artificial hormone regulation are apt to cause the heavier periods, cramping, and PMS that you're talking about.
I agree with the PPs. I had a tubal ligation with my 3rd C-section at age 40. I swear I felt a little more 'pulling' in that area where my right ovary is but it's probably more likely just scar tissue from my third incision.
I had a tubal five years ago. Temporary drop in libido, but I don't know if that was the procedure or my emotionally abusive ex-DH, probably the latter. Since leaving him my libido has been just fine . No other problems to report.
I had a tube partially removed and tied after an ectopic. If you "believe" the naturopaths, it can cause issues hormonally. It did for me.
I've noticed loss of sex drive, heavier irregular periods. And never did I want the procedure to begin with against patients wishes.
i had both tubes removed during my c-section. there's some evidence that ovarian cancer actually begins in the fallopian tubes so my dr suggested removal rather than tying.
You’ll be at higher risk of an ectopic pregnancy if you do get pregnant.

Vasectomies have a higher success rate. My DH was conceived after his mom’s tubes were tied.

I also planned a c section for my last child and didn’t even consider tubal ligation. I wasn’t interested in any additional recovery or being on the operating table a minute longer than necessary. My body has been through enough; the least my DH can do is get a vasectomy.
Why would a tubal affect libido? Nothing is hormone related.
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