Triple X syndrome?

Does anyone have a child with Triple X syndrome? I just got back my amnio results showing my unborn daughter has Triple X and I don't know whether to terminate the pregnancy or not.
Have you talked to a genetic counselor? Triple X doesn't have really significant health or developmental ramifications, but that is just my opinion - girls tend to be a little taller than they would be based on their parent's height, and there might be some indication of very slight learning disabilities. At my CVS they thought our baby had Triple X, after additional testing we found that most of her cells are actually monosomy X (Turner's Syndrome) with a small proportion of cells showing triple X - Turner's carries many more significant issues. Here's a link from webmd -

I'd definitely try to meet with a genetic counselor to understand what you are dealing with better so that you can make an informed decision.
Sounds like she will be ok...maybe not perfect but who is. It is your decision whether or not you terminate, however, even though I am pro-abortion, my hear breaks if you do terminate, as so many people struggle with infertility and would love a child like yours. There are many options, may you find the right one for you and your baby.
Oh my--this post breaks my heart. I have a younger sister (now in college) who has Triple X Syndrome and it truly tears me up to think of her not in my life. Please re-consider terminating over this diagnosis. And I promise you that I say this because of all I have seen my sister become, NOT due to any feelings/opinions about pregnancy termination.

As the previous poster writes, my sister is considerably taller than the rest of us (which, as she is a competitive athlete, has been a huge plus for her) and she does have learning disabilities. I'd also like to add that she has always been emotionally a bit behind her peers. So I would absolutely never say that her Triple X Diagnosis is irrelevant to her life. But she is such a vibrant, successful young woman (graduated with honors from one of the top high schools in our area and got in early admissions to a top liberal arts college) that I would love for you to know that you need to see past this diagnosis to imagine what your child could become.

If you have any specific questions I might be able to answer for you, please post them. I'm sorry that you are in this position. I hope that my post helps personalize a child with Triple X Syndrome. I love my sister with all of my heart and my mom was once in your shoes. Take care.
Dear mother to be,

I hope you found some answers to deal with all this.
My name is Ida Bakker and i'm a proud mother of a 10 year old Triple x daughter.
Together with Thea van de Velde, also mother of a XXX daughter, I founded the Dutch website
It's a website on which you can read lots of information and personal stories of parents and even Triple X adults.
We have sections in English, German, French and Spanish.

Hope to have helped you in any way.
Best wishes,

Ida Bakker
XXX doesn't generally cause problems... Most of the time the extra X will just be barred off.
I have a 24yr old daughter who was diagnosed with Triple X when she was 12 yrs old. She was always way behind developmentally. She didn't walk until she was 2 yrs old. The pediatrician was going to send her for testing, but then she started walking. She was always very slow in school and we requested that she be held back in second grade. That still did not help. She was always struggling. Finally, when she was 12, we were referred to Kennedy Kreiger Institute in Baltimore. That is when she was diagnosed. She is tall and has scoliosis . She is a beautiful girl. You would never know by looking at her that she has any type of disorder. She did receive a high school diploma but it was a tremendous struggle for her. She did not go on to college. She is afraid to drive, but did take Driver's Ed. She failed the written test 10 times. I don't believe she will ever be able to drive. We live in a rural neighborhood, so there is no way for her to get to work. She has no job and still lives at home. She is very immature and hooks up with all the wrong people. Her friends are much younger than her and they are always trouble. I have read that some people go on to college and can manage on their own. I believe some girl's have more potential than other's. I feel like my daughter will never be able to be on her own. She is very smart is some ways, but just "doesn't get it "in other ways. I don't believe you should terminate your pregnancy. You may have a beautiful daughter that only has a few problems, if any. Look at the girl that is in college and graduated with honors. I wanted to let you know what my daughter has gone through, but that should not discourage you. If anyone else knows of any support groups or assistance with adults with Triple X, please let me know. Once your an adult, it is very difficult to get help. Good luck with your pregnancy.
does anybody know if this is amongst the tests performed at birth in the hospital (I know I got a leaflet for all the things they would test for but I cannot find it right now)

I just read up on triple X and am a bit shocked how much my daughter fits that profile. She is extremely tall, has delayed motor skills and has the "Vertical skinfolds that may cover the inner corners of the eyes " . I guess I should schedule an appointment witha geneticist.
Anonymous wrote:does anybody know if this is amongst the tests performed at birth in the hospital (I know I got a leaflet for all the things they would test for but I cannot find it right now)

I just read up on triple X and am a bit shocked how much my daughter fits that profile. She is extremely tall, has delayed motor skills and has the "Vertical skinfolds that may cover the inner corners of the eyes " . I guess I should schedule an appointment witha geneticist.

This isn't generally one of the tests performed routinely when the baby is born unless it's suspected.
i just wrote an entire essay complete with powerpoint
on Triple X
and from what i understand
(Amateur opinion)
the child wont really have any problems
most women with Triple X Dont even know thy have it
i doesnt effect life expectancy, ya there might be a height issue and maybe a learning disability but counseling is avalible just like any other child with a learning disability.
most girls dont even show signs or symptoms
your kid is going to be a normal individual
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