7 yr old DD constantly gets canker sores

Take her to see an allergist. Frequent canker sores can be a sign of a food allergy.
Anonymous wrote:Take her to see an allergist. Frequent canker sores can be a sign of a food allergy.

It's probably not a food allergy, but it is certainly worth keeping a food journal for at least a couple of months to see if any foods exacerbate the condition.
Could it be cold sores?
My kid gets a sore in her mouth every now and again, looks like a white head pimple but in her mouth. I get cold sores as an adult and remember getting these when I was younger so think it’s how it starts
Anonymous wrote:Using tartar control toothpaste can cause them - some people are sensitive to it.

+1 My kids had constant canker sores. Switched Colgate to Tom's of Maine, and it got better.

It could also be a sign that your kid is tired, and/or lacks B12. I'm sure I lacked B12 when I was younger, and I had a lot of them, too.
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I got them as a kid. My little sister once had over 20 of them at one time and was put on an opiod for the pain.
Rinse mouth with salt water is my suggestion.
Yes a Dr. visit is good, but they weren't helpful when I took my son in for them.
My son gets them frequently.
Any little injury to the lower face area will cause one to form. I have a few tubes of benzocaine type stuff on hand. I'm sorry your little one is going through this.

We did outgrown them! (my sis and I)
Anonymous wrote:My child and I both had these. We ended up having celiac. All gone without gluten.

Same here. My DD started getting many canker sores at a time and tested positive for Celiac Disease. If she is exposed to gluten, the sores return.
Zinc is supposed to help
B complex helps the sores dissappear really quickly !!
I had them often as a child, but outgrew them. Dabbing with a Q-tip dipped in hydrogen peroxide helped them heal faster (stings for a second, but not awful).
Go to dentist or doctor hopefully with sores. Could be herpes. Could be the steroid inhaler. BTW she should rinse mouth thoroughly, gargle, rinse again right after the steroid. Thrush. Nasty.
Anonymous wrote:I had them constantly my entire childhood and young adult life. At one point they just stopped. I don't know why. I hope medicine has advanced to the point where they can help your daughter.

This was me too.
I don’t understand why you’d wait until the well child to ask the doctor about something that is bothering her? Because you think the doctor won’t be able to do anything to help?
Strawberries, cashews, and sls containing toothpaste all trigger them for me.
Anonymous wrote:Could it be cold sores?
My kid gets a sore in her mouth every now and again, looks like a white head pimple but in her mouth. I get cold sores as an adult and remember getting these when I was younger so think it’s how it starts

It is likely something more than 50% of the population has. And yes, related to cold sores.

Just like roughly half those reasons this, she is infected with herpes simplex. No, the prevalence of herpes simplex in the general population has nothing to do with sex. Do t go there.

It is far more common than people admit, and no one wants to face the science, but yeah - it’s probably a recurring herpes infection. There is no cure but there are antiviral treatments it it’s bad.

Ask a doctor.
get a blood test for celiac disease
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