Just a vent...

I am 4 days past ovulation and I just find this time between ovulation and period(or hopefully not) to be the worst.
I hear you - period is due in 2 days, but I don't test early because it isn't predictably on time and I don't want to waste tests (went through 2 last month!). First week of the two week wait in okay, second is HARD!
i hear you. i am extra mad because period was late this month so i let myself get excited....and of course it came the next day. back to square one.
I understand that the waiting is hard. But try to think about it with excitement - anticipate the possibilities. You have done what you need to do and now you hope. I know it's easier said than done, but from my perspective I'd love to be in the 2WW... I don't ovulate regularly and even when I do my cycles are 6-7 weeks long - my long wait (and stress) is the time until ovulation!
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