6 year old - permanent tooth coming in behind baby tooth

Anonymous wrote:My 6 yo had her bottom two teeth extracted for this reason (permanent teeth coming up behind them). Our dentist said if the permanent teeth were more than 1/2 way out and the baby teeth weren't loose, she would pull them. The baby teeth still had full roots on them when she pulled them out! Dentist said what is supposed to happen is the permanent tooth pushes up underneath the baby tooth and helps dissolve the root/loosen the tooth. The extraction wasn't pleasant but my little one survived and felt very brave afterwards. The worst part was the novacaine shot. Her other baby teeth have fallen out on their own just fine.

this happened with my DS as well. He had 2 bottom teeth coming in and we had to extract his 2 baby teeth - the extracted teeth looked like vampire fangs because the roots were so long - in other words they were no where near coming out. My DS was brave and the tooth fairy was very generous ($5 per tooth) because of the extra trauma - he had fun buying stuff at 5 and below with the loot.
Is the baby tooth even loose? If not, you may have to get it extracted. We did this with one of DS front teeth. After the extraction, it was clear it wasn't coming out anytime soon...root was completely in tact.
Anonymous wrote:happened to my DD as well, totally normal

This, if the baby tooth is loosening and shifting you are good to go. Happened to all of my kids. Try to brush well in the meantime though. Molars do come in underneath but the shark teeth often happen in those lower front teeth.
Thank you I was starting to worry about my daughters tooth not coming out and another one coming in behind it. Should I have her keep playing and wiggling the loose tooth? Hopefully it will come. She really doesn't do well with visits to the dentist
My DD's dentist is pro-wiggling and anti-extraction in such situations.
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