Biden- Trump debates?

Have they been scheduled? When? Any info?
These won’t be debates. They’ll be out-of-control shouting matches.
Anonymous wrote:These won’t be debates. They’ll be out-of-control shouting matches.

The debate commission should ensure that they hire strong moderators with integrity to run the debate format.
RNC already said they won't be participating in Presidential Commission debates, so unless that changes, there won't be any debates.
Anonymous wrote:RNC already said they won't be participating in Presidential Commission debates, so unless that changes, there won't be any debates.


After a full court press from Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and its allies, he and Joe Biden may be one step closer to meeting on the debate stage ahead of voters deciding who will hold the Oval Office next year.

Biden on Friday offered his most robust commitment to the general election debates, telling Howard Stern in a wide ranging interview that he would be “happy to” debate Trump.

“I am – somewhere. I don’t know when, I’m happy to debate him,” the president said.

In response, on Truth Social, Trump shot back, “Everyone knows he doesn’t really mean it, but in case he does, I say, ANYWHERE, ANYTIME, ANYPLACE, an old expression used by Fighters.”

The back-and-forth comes after weeks of Republicans raising the volume in their calls for debates to happen.

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