my daughter, 18, is always tired

My daughter, 18 years old, is ALWAYS tired. She would sleep all day if she could.
I thought it was a symptom of depression--she's on anti-depressants--but now I think it's something more.
Trying to get her to a doctor soon, but what should we be braced to hear? I'm working on diet and exercise, but I'm the mom, so who cares what I think...
Has she had bloodwork done? I found out in my twenties that I was anemic, and in hindsight I’m convinced I was anemic through most of my teenage years. Young women with heavy periods can easily have that problem.
My 17 yo is like this (and I was too. My friends used to call me Rip Van Winkle). She’ll nap for 2-3 hrs after school. Had a battery of tests at the pediatrician last year and found nothing. When I took her to the appt and talked to the ped she said “this is the most common complaint we get here - tired teens.”
I think growing is hard work - and tiring!
Some anti-depressants are sedating. We had to try a few before we found one that worked for teenage DS, and I think it was Celexa that made him very tired.
Besides the excessive sleeping are there any other symptoms of narcolepsy?
I don't know what other symptoms of narcolepsy are.
She just comes home from school and sleeps. She sleeps all weekend, too.
I'll buy her a vitamin before a doctor's appointment--anemia runs in the family.
My teen son has sleep apnea and my teen daughter has an auto-immune disease. So they're both tired, for different reasons. We live a low-key life to accommodate their needs.

Get her tested for sleep apnea (there is a home test they can do to start with, before the full night's test at a sleep clinic), and do bloodwork.

DO NOT supplement before the bloodwork! If whatever you give her is a high enough dose, it will mask the problem.
Could be anemia or thyroid. Definitely get blood work done.
Anonymous wrote:My daughter, 18 years old, is ALWAYS tired. She would sleep all day if she could.
I thought it was a symptom of depression--she's on anti-depressants--but now I think it's something more.
Trying to get her to a doctor soon, but what should we be braced to hear? I'm working on diet and exercise, but I'm the mom, so who cares what I think...

My guess is it has a lot to do with these two things.
I was like this in college and wish I knew what I know now about vitamins and protein. I ate way too much sugar and processed food and was always tired.
Def could be antidepressants. All SSRIs turn me into a zombie.
Be sure the doctor tests for ferritin in addition to red blood cell count (RBC).

I suffered for many years with iron deficiency that was not anemia, and doctors usually only test for anemia and say you're fine if you don't ask specifically for a ferritin test to determine the STORED iron.

I was like this as a teen. I had a terrible diet, low iron, b2, b12, IBS (not a thing back then, but now that we know more about it, that's what I had), and I had form of sleep apnea that was undiagnosed.
How much does she actually sleep at night?
Get her checked for Lyme, too.
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