Post 02/15/2012 22:21     Subject: Re:Couples who sit on the same side of the booth in a restaurant

Anonymous wrote:And THIS is what people spend five pages arguing about???

I was looking at the topic for days thinking "who gives a flying fuck." But it peeked my curiosity when it didn't go away. Yup, just as stupid as I initially thought.

Peeked? Maybe you peeked at the thread, but it didn't peek your curiosity.
Post 02/15/2012 14:54     Subject: Re:Couples who sit on the same side of the booth in a restaurant

And THIS is what people spend five pages arguing about???

I was looking at the topic for days thinking "who gives a flying fuck." But it peeked my curiosity when it didn't go away. Yup, just as stupid as I initially thought.
Post 02/15/2012 13:31     Subject: Re:Couples who sit on the same side of the booth in a restaurant

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:I am an independent woman and am secretly embarrassed of wanting to sit on the same side as my husband in restaurants. Sometimes it happens anyway, sometimes not.

This thread has encouraged me to not care. All the reasons people think "it's stupid" are either illogical or self-centered. So, no more fucks given.

Go for it girl. I always sit on the same side as my SO. Officially, it's because he's deaf in one ear so we can't hear each other in a restaurant otherwise. But unofficially, I do it for the snuggles! My indepenedence has never yet become incompatible with my need for snuggles.

award winner for most embarrassing line!


Post 02/15/2012 13:24     Subject: Couples who sit on the same side of the booth in a restaurant

OMG I didn't know so many of you hated it.

I might start doing it just piss people off LOL
Post 02/15/2012 12:44     Subject: Re:Couples who sit on the same side of the booth in a restaurant

Why do you want to snuggle while you eat?
Post 02/15/2012 12:38     Subject: Re:Couples who sit on the same side of the booth in a restaurant

Anonymous wrote:I am an independent woman and am secretly embarrassed of wanting to sit on the same side as my husband in restaurants. Sometimes it happens anyway, sometimes not.

This thread has encouraged me to not care. All the reasons people think "it's stupid" are either illogical or self-centered. So, no more fucks given.

Go for it girl. I always sit on the same side as my SO. Officially, it's because he's deaf in one ear so we can't hear each other in a restaurant otherwise. But unofficially, I do it for the snuggles! My indepenedence has never yet become incompatible with my need for snuggles.
Post 02/15/2012 12:31     Subject: Re:Couples who sit on the same side of the booth in a restaurant

I don't care one way or another, but couples that must sit together *all* the time (even when others are present) are pretty annoying. For example, I still roll my eyes at the time when i picked up my friend and her boyfriend and instead of one of them riding shotgun with me, they both sat in the backseat. No one rode shotgun. I mean, really?
Post 02/15/2012 11:45     Subject: Re:Couples who sit on the same side of the booth in a restaurant

Anonymous wrote:I am an independent woman and am secretly embarrassed of wanting to sit on the same side as my husband in restaurants. Sometimes it happens anyway, sometimes not.

This thread has encouraged me to not care. All the reasons people think "it's stupid" are either illogical or self-centered. So, no more fucks given.

People who care about such things are pretty pathetic. I have never once given a second thought as how people sit next to each other at restaurants.

i can't help, but think that some of these posters much be in pretty miserable relationships themselves, so they have nothing better to do than knock on people who seem to be in love.
Post 02/15/2012 11:36     Subject: Re:Couples who sit on the same side of the booth in a restaurant

I am an independent woman and am secretly embarrassed of wanting to sit on the same side as my husband in restaurants. Sometimes it happens anyway, sometimes not.

This thread has encouraged me to not care. All the reasons people think "it's stupid" are either illogical or self-centered. So, no more fucks given.
Post 02/15/2012 11:29     Subject: Couples who sit on the same side of the booth in a restaurant

Old married couples sit side by side. If you have been married less than 20 years, you sit across from each other. This is just what I have noticed. I think that when you are older you don't need to look into each other's eyes, but you are comforted by sitting next to each other.
Post 02/15/2012 11:10     Subject: Couples who sit on the same side of the booth in a restaurant

I find that the type of people who usually sit on the same side are also the kind of people who say "I love my husband to BITS"
Post 02/15/2012 09:30     Subject: Re:Couples who sit on the same side of the booth in a restaurant

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:No. I just think they are smaller people than we are, and that the DH doesn't like to really spread his legs apart when he sits down like mine does.


I can't sit next to my DH at dinner, I'd lose an eye.

Heh. I just realized that what I wrote is unintentionally dirty.

I'd lose an eye because of his ELBOWS.
Post 02/15/2012 09:23     Subject: Re:Couples who sit on the same side of the booth in a restaurant

Anonymous wrote:No. I just think they are smaller people than we are, and that the DH doesn't like to really spread his legs apart when he sits down like mine does.


I can't sit next to my DH at dinner, I'd lose an eye.
Post 02/15/2012 09:12     Subject: Couples who sit on the same side of the booth in a restaurant

Anonymous wrote:I used to wait tables, and nobody wanted to wait on "same side of the boothers." In general, they were annoying to wait on. They were the type of people who would kiss one another while you stood there trying to take their order, who would tell you what great tippers they were (but then leave a cruddy tip), who would ask you your name and get overly personal with you, and who would make just a little too much eye contact with you. I guess you could say they tended to lack boundaries. This is a stereotype, and I'm sure not all people who did this were annoying. But it was always a red flag.

But now I don't care or notice where people sit.

Really? I waited tables for years and the kind of people we did not want to wait on had nothing to do with were they sat.
Post 02/15/2012 09:09     Subject: Couples who sit on the same side of the booth in a restaurant

Anonymous wrote:Two words: Hand job.
