Post 06/05/2013 14:09     Subject: Why shouldn't I call the bully's parents?

Anonymous wrote:Since when did dealing with a bully become so complicated? Geez Louise.

You tell DD, show her if need be, to hit the bully in the face, one time, as hard as she can. The bully will leave her the fuck alone after that. Never fails.

haha +1
Post 06/05/2013 14:08     Subject: Why shouldn't I call the bully's parents?

Anonymous wrote:Since when did dealing with a bully become so complicated? Geez Louise.

You tell DD, show her if need be, to hit the bully in the face, one time, as hard as she can. The bully will leave her the fuck alone after that. Never fails.

My daughter did that and got in trouble for hitting another kid. The bully was the "victim" and it actually made the behavior worse once they realized that they could get her into real trouble by goading her into a physical display.
Post 06/05/2013 14:04     Subject: Why shouldn't I call the bully's parents?

Did you see the movie, "This is 40." Remember the scene where the mom goes to school to "talk" to a kid who has been bullying her daughter? She says something like, "I'm going to F*** you up! But seriously, I would be upset if my child was being harassed and would definitely call the parents.
Post 06/05/2013 14:03     Subject: Why shouldn't I call the bully's parents?

OP: Meant to say how many times....
Post 06/05/2013 14:03     Subject: Why shouldn't I call the bully's parents?

OP: 13:58, you have no idea how many I have done that in my head.

If I were dd, I would have kicked this kid @ss a long time ago. dd is the opposite, she's non confrontational and believe ignoring is the best strategy.

13:31, I did not talk to the principal. I don't expect anything life changing will happen from talking to her either. Another boy is being bullied by the same girl the whole year. Other than calling the girl into her office to have a chat, I don't see anything changing.
Post 06/05/2013 13:58     Subject: Why shouldn't I call the bully's parents?

Since when did dealing with a bully become so complicated? Geez Louise.

You tell DD, show her if need be, to hit the bully in the face, one time, as hard as she can. The bully will leave her the fuck alone after that. Never fails.
Post 06/05/2013 13:34     Subject: Why shouldn't I call the bully's parents?

Document everything (and I mean everything) in a formal letter, carefully edited, to the Principal and the Superintendent. Make specific requests for actions to be taken. Show the draft to someone before sending it. Don't copy other parents, or else (if it's a public school or receives -ANY- direct or indirect public funding) the school might face limitations in terms of responding (FERPA is a two-direction door).
Post 06/05/2013 13:31     Subject: Why shouldn't I call the bully's parents?

What is the principal saying? Has a guidance teacher been involved? If so, then neither are doing their jobs and it needs to move up a level.

Step back a minute and think about how much better this would be if a guidance teacher intervened between the two girls without the involvement of parents. The guidance teacher should meet regularly with you.

I would want to do what you suggest, but I think you should listen to the people saying go back to the school/official channel.

Good luck.
Post 06/05/2013 13:26     Subject: Why shouldn't I call the bully's parents?

I would most definitely want to know if my child was having bullying behavior so I see nothing wrong with contacting the parents.

If talking with the teacher, counselor and principal have not helped I suggest you go to the superintendent. I do not suggest questioning the child yourself.

Post 06/05/2013 13:04     Subject: Why shouldn't I call the bully's parents?

Then talking with the child other than maybe to say be nice to Suzie is not wise. Document, Document, Document.
Post 06/05/2013 13:03     Subject: Why shouldn't I call the bully's parents?

OP: 12:59, age 8-9.

The principal was involved multiple times. I can't moderate this, it will just turn into a real housewife episode.

Post 06/05/2013 13:01     Subject: Re:Why shouldn't I call the bully's parents?

Anonymous wrote:
I want to ask the bully why she's being mean if I see her in the hallway.

How old are the children at issue? It seems to me that a better idea would be to ask to get together with the other parent, other kid, you, and your daughter and have your daughter confront her with this question in a supportive environment moderated by you.

I think it's silly to ask WHY...

your approach is good as well, but i still think its better just to approach the child..but dont ask WHY...just tell em not to do it! simple.
Post 06/05/2013 13:00     Subject: Why shouldn't I call the bully's parents?

OP: 12:52, I watched that movie. I love that scene! Thanks for making me laugh.
Post 06/05/2013 12:59     Subject: Re:Why shouldn't I call the bully's parents?

I want to ask the bully why she's being mean if I see her in the hallway.

How old are the children at issue? It seems to me that a better idea would be to ask to get together with the other parent, other kid, you, and your daughter and have your daughter confront her with this question in a supportive environment moderated by you.
Post 06/05/2013 12:52     Subject: Re:Why shouldn't I call the bully's parents?

OP go rent This is 40 and watch the credits all the way through. There is a HILARIOUS deleted scene showing a bully's parent's reaction to being confronted.