Post 05/22/2013 12:02     Subject: Re:"No kids" restaurant! Would you go?

I would go. I like children, but when I take out my 85 year old mother out she cannot hear above the noise children make and it ruins our outing. So parents, don't take offense when we see you and leave, just understand why and know this will be you in 20 years.
Post 05/13/2013 21:40     Subject: "No kids" restaurant! Would you go?

I would definitely go to this restaurant. Poorly behaved children can spoil a very nice meal. I think a PP's idea upthread about restaurants going kid free after 8pm to be even better than just one kid free place.
Post 05/13/2013 12:57     Subject: "No kids" restaurant! Would you go?

I wouldn't go because I generally prefer to eat dinner with my entire family, not just DH. I guess maybe once in a while, but not as often as if we could all go. I don't have any moral opposition to the place, but realistically, just don't think I would frequent it much.
Post 05/13/2013 12:56     Subject: "No kids" restaurant! Would you go?

Would surely go!!!
Post 05/12/2013 20:12     Subject: "No kids" restaurant! Would you go?

Sure, I will go. But to be honest I never really see kids in most restaurants I go least when I eat dinner after 7pm.
Post 05/12/2013 12:40     Subject: Re:"No kids" restaurant! Would you go?

This reminds me of the smokers who loudly shout that their constitutional right to smoke is violated in airports and public buildings where there are no smoking signs.

You know people who do this?
Post 05/12/2013 12:17     Subject: "No kids" restaurant! Would you go?

Anonymous wrote:As a mother of two little ones, I would absolutely patronize this business. People who ask stupid questions like this annoy me. There is a time and a place for kids and obviously this owner has decided that his restaurant isn't the place for kids. His choice!

Post 05/12/2013 00:33     Subject: "No kids" restaurant! Would you go?

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Haha. When does this place open? Im going to walk right in with my kids and then make a big scene about how my rights are being violated if they refuse me service.


I was thinking the same thing!

Why is there so much hate toward children?
I find the "I have children but don't want to be bothered by yours on my date night" comments sad.
Children are people too! If I want to take my kids, nieces, grand kids etc. out to eat.... Let them eat!

God you're selfish.
Post 05/12/2013 00:30     Subject: "No kids" restaurant! Would you go?

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Haha. When does this place open? Im going to walk right in with my kids and then make a big scene about how my rights are being violated if they refuse me service.

Would you mind specifying which of your rights are being violated? I am curious.

LOL. This reminds me of the smokers who loudly shout that their constitutional right to smoke is violated in airports and public buildings where there are no smoking signs. Newsflash, mommy geniuses: most forms of discrimination (including no kids allowed) are perfectly lawful, as has already been pointed out numerous times on this thread. Good luck bringing your case.

Second hand smoke is hazardous to your health.... Are you equating kids to second hand smoke?